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Our Show is actulley suprsingly good, we may be small but darn we pack a punch this year. I really like how our drill was made, very happy so far with how our show is turning out. Just curious on how yalls show are coming out with contest's a few weeks away?


Were doin ok. i guess, we had all the songs learned but our music got re-written alot so now were a little behind. We will have our first two songs on the field tomorrow... if we even march. It's parents night.


Yeah AMEN on the eligibillty thing.....Ive worked my **** off this week just to be eligible, and i think i amand hmm what else....oh We actuley have five more sets for our closer then were done with our show, and tomorrow is Solo try outs! Hope i get it lol but we dont have much to worry about, since we dont have to put the show on the field since we have a Open Week ( means no game for some of you dumb ppl lol ) Then Next week we play one of the best bands in the country LD BELL! cant wait to see there show


lol, Yeah solo try-outs went good.....but because the 3rd movement we play is a millitary style type, he chose a all brass solo, so i didnt get it, everyone says i did really good by whatever...im cool wit it, And Yuh IM Eligible!


We just learned the whole show today! All we have left is to clean the closer. Man, I love it! Our show is so exciting this year!!!!





Eligiblity MAY be a problem for me though. The verdict is in on Monday. :(


If I do fail too, it'll just be by about a few points. :(




I have faith though. Things MUST turn out well!!!


Cedar Park will put the last 8 or so pages (of 86) on the field this coming week.

1st and 3rd mvmts at 164.

Eventually 1st mvmt goes to 172 and 3rd goes to 168 and 180, ballad stays at 136


Our show is going fairly well. A lot of our band is freshmen, and most of them are doing pretty good. Anyway, we're getting almost all of our closer on the field this week. At least, that's the plan. We have contest in two weeks.

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