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Football 🏈 Halftime Shows

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11 hours ago, Rubisco said:

I opened up a can of off-topic worms, it seems! I am genuinely curious about your perspective, @ChristopherRoden, since your two points taken together seem to suggest that the top 20ish visual programs from Texas are nearly matched to Avon's and Carmel's in those considerations that @packwick mentioned. I feel like even just guard alone makes that stance hard to defend. But then maybe you simply have your own set of considerations? Or value certain ones more strongly than others? You are certainly correct that it's a very subjective activity, even for judges!

This is probably the best way to look at this discussion. As a visual instructor and now drill writer my personal experiences within the marching world have undoubtedly shaped my subconscious opinions of what I value in a visual design. 

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58 minutes ago, ChristopherRoden said:

Not a Texas group but will be competing with some in a few weeks :)

I actually really liked this Cartwright show! It was intriguing musically and visually, much more so than last year's WC shows. The drill is fresher for sure and I love the Princess Diana Voiceover (I'm pretty sure that's her right?)

Having seen now Bentonville, clips of Pearland, and Brownsburg I do fear that Brownsburg may have gotten the shorter end of the stick here with WC designs. The B'ville and Pearland shows feel like a new era of WC where as I dont (yet) feel that way about Brownsburg. All three groups are absolutely performing the heck out of their shows though! Super impressed by all of them for this early in the season. 

I believe Bentonville is Wes Pendergrass unless that has changed.  

Really into their show this year.  

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9 hours ago, LeanderMomma said:

Because it’s still dang hot out there and they never wear full uniforms until the week of BOA Austin. 

It was brutal last night. Still close to 100 at kickoff.  I'm NOT in Pit Pack shape yet, and discovered I need to drink about twice as much water daily.  I have no idea how the kids do it, other than being young and invincible. :)

The good news is the high temp for next week at BOA-RR is only supposed to be about 95. Nice and cool...



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1 hour ago, Online Marcher said:

Pearland at 1:27:45

Sam Rayburn at 1:41:45

One with sound! 👍

I think the designers have set the ball up very nicely for Pearland this year; the performers just need to spike it. It's a very fine start. I can't wait to watch this one grow! Think they're going to have an amazing season.

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