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High school and DCI

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I've been really interested in joining Carolina Crown for a while, but I'm a junior in high school so obviously I thought I couldn't join. When I found out that I could still join while in high school I got really excited, then I looked at the price.... I do currently have a job with slow hours due to my own marching season, but I am getting some payment every now and then. I would definitely be willing to pay the audition fee, but I'm not making my parents pay for the actual program because of the thousands of dollars... I may not be looking in the right places but I can't find stuff about how to pay for the corp on either the dci website or the Crown site. I don't know if I'd be able to pay later and just be in debt or what. So with that I have two questions. How does the payment process work? And what would be the best way to be able to pay for it?

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I know with our band program after someone made a DCI group, they've posted on our band Facebook page asking for donations. I would maybe get with your band director and see if you could do something like this or if they have any other ideas. 

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1 hour ago, homerchap said:

I know with our band program after someone made a DCI group, they've posted on our band Facebook page asking for donations. I would maybe get with your band director and see if you could do something like this or if they have any other ideas. 

I might do that, especially since my band director marched crown. There might be the issue that I'm a section leader and dci overlaps with band camp and she might not like that😭. I'll definitely ask though.

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