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Funny corps rivalries within your band


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In my school's drumline, our Drum Captain/center snare is the most obsessed Cavies fan I've ever known. As for myself, I am a hardcore BD fan (though I do not always like how they exercise their talents). Despite them not being "clean", in his opinion, guess who came home with second place percussion and who went home with fourth :P ?

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Well, my old high school has some kids that march Crossmen, some that march Glassmen, some that march Madison, some that march Southwind, some that march Blue Knights, and then a few techs from Bluecoats, and a faculty that has former members from Madison, Suncoast Sound, Carolina Crown, Cadets, Phantom, and Glassmen....



But no, not really any rivalries...

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Well, my old high school has some kids that march Crossmen, some that march Glassmen, some that march Madison, some that march Southwind, some that march Blue Knights, and then a few techs from Bluecoats, and a faculty that has former members from Madison, Suncoast Sound, Carolina Crown, Cadets, Phantom, and Glassmen....



But no, not really any rivalries...

hahahahahahaha! :lol:


sorry, that was hilarious.



umm. it's basically me and another snare that are into dci.


we like scv. B)

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I spread the cavies bug throughout my band, along with Phantom Regiment.  A friend of mine (that also plays trumpet) liked the Cadets, but I quickly showed her the errors of her ways!

Ummmm.....Errrrrr......If you have not noticed, the Cadets have been around since 1934. They can flat out play, regardless of what props, amps (which most corps use with their pits), etc. Their drumline was smoking this past year. Lets all remember they are just a year removed from their 99.15 show. The only difference from 2005 and 2006 is that in the place of a drumspeak there is singing...I see no difference. Anyways, lets not forget about the Cadets of the 80s (5 titles in 8 years) and their magnificant show in 2000.


Im sorry for the rant, its just been a long time....needed to get it out of my system lol. GO BLUE DEVILS!!!

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Well this kid, graduated from my high school, but i guess he was the biggest "rival" with me, because he was a die hard BD fan, and i am the biggest PR fan i've ever met besides my brother. And when i say rivalry i mean we would yell sometimes about the corps, isn't that right Euro Euph? :D

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Almost every single person in percussion owns a Cavaliers shirt...

I wanted to get one at this year's DCI Southwestern but none really appealed to me. I'm more than happy with my Bluecoats hoodie ^_^ .


I didn't really know that many people in my band that were really into DCI. Well, there were a couple of people who marched Revolution, bu we didn't talk much.

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I guess theres some rivalries, alot of cavies fans in my band. One of our staff members who marched Scouts likes to yell stuff like "Last one back to their set likes southwind!" or "last one to set likes cavaliers!" but it's all in good fun. Mostly just kids who like cavs vs. PR fans or Cadet fans (our BD was a cadet and he manages use cadets shows to hook people into DCI)

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Ha, im not against the cavies actually. Its just that everybody at bell is in love with the cavaliers. Everybody but me, but I still like what they do.



Most of them probably couldnt even tell you the name of their 05 show

Everybody at every high school is in love with the Cavaliers.


I only saw the 05 show once, in San Antonio, beyond the right endzone. I couldn't tell you at thing about it, besides the name and some ladders.

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  • 4 weeks later...

i could describe a couple shows, and at my school, i like the blue devils but richard saucedo wrote our show this year and the day he came down i forgot he was coming to our practice for the weekend, i was wearing my godfather shirt and my director freaked out and got mad at me. but anyways some of my friends like cavies, BD, PR, and one girl that likes coats, hah and they dont really care but sometimes we'll argue bout how BD is better and Cavies r better, its all fun

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Everybody at every high school is in love with the Cavaliers.


I only saw the 05 show once, in San Antonio, beyond the right endzone. I couldn't tell you at thing about it, besides the name and some ladders.

Not exaclty. Every GIRL at every high school loves the Cavies.


Isn't that just ironic? The most popular corps among females is the one they'll never get in?

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