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On the DCI Central Division Predictions page....there should be two pull down menus since the competition broken up into a two-day event. One menu for the Friday night corps and the other for the Saturday night corps.


On the DCI Midwestern page....the Finalists option needs to be expanded to 12 spots since it is a DCI Regional.


Just thought I'd let you know.

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Do we want out of state BOA regional predictions? Do events such as BOA Long Beach qualify for txbands.com, since schools from TX will be there?


We plan on having predictions for GN, we are just discussing our prediction format.

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Do we want out of state BOA regional predictions? Do events such as BOA Long Beach qualify for txbands.com, since schools from TX will be there?


We plan on having predictions for GN, we are just discussing our prediction format.

Yeah, BOA Long Beach, CA should be on there since a Texas band will be competing.


We should only do BOA competitions that Texas bands are in attendance at.

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Ok, just to test all these predictions and make sure everything is working smoothly, I setup a 'test event' for a trial run.




Lake Erie Fanfare... has 6 Div. I corps attending it, and is tomorrow, so that means you need to predict tonight.


I would really appreciate it if you could help us out by submitting a predictions list (and these predictions points WILL count)

Remember, you have until midnight to predict.



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Thank you to all who helped predict! I actually found a few bugs in the code, and I'm ironing it out right now.


Everyone can now view all the votes and their accuracy at http://www.txbands.com/predict/view_list.php?id=15


Skippy, euphtone06, and dynasty all had 100% accuracy! Yay! So since dynasty doesn't count, skippy and euphtone are tied for first place in 2005 predictions!

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For the Michigan competition, what do we do with the Division II corps? Division I and Division II corps are judged differently...different criteria, different judging sheets. Do we put them at the bottom of the list right after the Division I corps?


For example, on Friday night...the Blue Stars will be the only D2 corps competing. Do we put them in 9th place right after the other eight D1 corps?


And for future competitions, let's say there are several D2 corps in attendance, do we do it like this?


6 Division I corps competing....

7th place on predictions = 1st Place Division II

8th place on predictions = 2nd Place Division II

9th place on predictions = 3rd Place Division II

(and so on)


I hope this makes sense.

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Your system is how it should be done.


But looking at the predictions, I see that some people have put Blue Stars above other corps... such as Southwind. Blue Stars can't beat anyone, because they are in a different division, and judged as such.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On the DCI Central Division Predictions page....there should be two pull down menus since the competition broken up into a two-day event. One menu for the Friday night corps and the other for the Saturday night corps.

Like the DCI Central Division competition several weeks ago, the upcoming Allentown, PA competition is also a two-day event. http://www.dci.org/tickets/view_event.cfm?...c1-3aa3525fa422


To make it fair, I think we should throw out the predictions that have already been sent it.

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There are a LOT of kinks in the system, so we're going to polish it up (it requires major re-writing of the code and we don't want to lose data) during the off-season.


Don't worry, your name is written down in the Admin CP and I see it every time I log in.

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DCI Indy has been entered!


Here are the current top 10 standings:

Rank Username Points

1 mbui 43

2 Skippy 40

3 euphtone06 26

4 saxplaya 25

5 crusheroftheweak 25

6 LordGiggles 24

7 Laconic 23

8 lxaphiup345 22

9 Sockercon 22

10 Dynasty 21


Also- added 2 BOA super regionals to predictions

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mbui pointed out that I (again) messed up predictions. There was one event for Allentown, when it is actually 2 nights.

So to keep everything fair, we cleared the old predictions (only 13 users predicted) and created two seperate events.


Sorry about that- but predict away :)

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