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War of the Worlds


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Just saw it...it was ok. I won't want to see it again. Williams did the score, but it didn't sound like anything he's done before. What I liked best it stayed close to the storyline of the original. I had to laugh at the reaction of those who didn't know the story going into it.


Side note: For once there is a movie that actualy made a real US weapon weaker than in real life. When the soldiers shoot the Javalin rocket, it's way bigger boom in real life. But I'm just picky.

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Side note: For once there is a movie that actualy made a real US weapon weaker than in real life. When the soldiers shoot the Javalin rocket, it's way bigger boom in real life. But I'm just picky.

What, are you hording weapons? Terrorist...

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Why were the aliens spending so much time attacking rural areas with one or two houses, but left Boston completly untouched?


With subways, and water mains, and such things, why did no one in the world ever find one of the buried ships?


How in the world did Robbie (the son) survive? He ran right into the explosions and death. Not to mention, how the heck did he get to his mom's house in Boston that fast?


You would think such intelligent beings would have the sense to wear a helmet on a foreign planet. Seriously, how did they not know about bacteria? (yeah, I know it was in the book, it's still dumb)


If the aliens made their plants with some sort of human blood fertilizer... wouldn't logic lead us to believe that such vegetation should already exist on the planet... you know, with dead people and all.

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One of the best movies I've seen in a long time. I actually wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was (I'm usually disappointed by movies). I read the book a few years ago and liked it; this allowed me to not be disappointed by the ending in the movie 'cause I knew what was going to happen. I know some people dislike the fact that the aliens just die off at the end without being nuked or something, but I personally find the ending to be pure genius. The only truly contrived part of it all was the whole father-son reuniting thing...yeah...I'm pretty sure very few people could survive that huge wave of flames that cascaded over the hill.

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