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So, to all you kids out there who live in other states... do yall have something like the 8 hour rule here? Here in TX, there is a rule that if you want to participate in UIL competition, you can only practice 8 hours a week plus one hour before preformances.


Is there anything like that anywhere else? I'm especially interested to know if Indiana has anything like this.

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From what I've seen on calendars, Lawrance Central usually practices 8 hours a week with a performance almost every Saturday. The only exception was on the week of the ISSMA State Championship, in which they practiced 14 hours during the week. However, two weeks after that, they only have 2 hours of practice for the whole week. The week of the Indy regional, they will only have 6 hours.


Avon seems to pracitce 9 hours not including practice time on football game days and competition days. On ISSMA State week, they practice 19 hours not including the practice time on competition day.


From those times, I'm implying that ISSMA does not have a 8-hour type rule.

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If I remember correctly didn't bands in the gulf coast area of TX get 10 hours a week last year due to the expectance of hurricane rita and all the evacuation going on?

Yeah, it was something like that. It was only a couple of weeks, and I don't think it made that much of a difference in our rehearsal schedule.

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I'm really glad we have an 8-hour rule. I love band and everything, but when you've used all eight of those hours and you have a football game and a contest every week, it gets a liiiiittle tiring.

You don't know what tiring is till you've done drum corps. Sorry.


8 hours A DAY

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Then drum corps would kill you.

Owned :P


I heard that schools in Indiana and other places can start learning their drill as soon as the previous school year lets out.


Imagine if we could do that here...

and on top of that, no 8 hour rule.


We could all take over the world.


Or, at least... BOA

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