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so who is totaly excited about marching season begining and BOA contests! haha i cant wait to hear chuck henson.....joining us from......... please welcome the....... drum majors..... he is awesome! anyways...what are you guys looking forward to and not looking forward too? let me say.....i cannot stand stading there while they annouce awards at finals...ahhh

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Having never been to a BOA competition, I have not a clue what that phrase even concerns. Care to enlighten me?

It is announced because placements/scores aren't everything in the activity. No matter what placement you got....you are all winners in life.


It's a phrase that BOA has used for many many years. It's usually said right before you break ranks to acknowledge fellow band members after the Finals awards ceremeony.

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It's weird, in perspective, if you watch the really good bands at the prelims awards ceremony. A really good band, say, Bell, would react indifferently to a division I award, because they are so used to it, while a smaller, lesser known band who gets the same award is eccstatic (sp?). It just reminds you how different people are.

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hmm ok ...i did caps BOA.....here it is..JOINING US .....PLEASE WELCOME THE...HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND!


geez....are yall happy now...esp....Dynasty over there! lol


When I first read his comment, I thought he meant your post. You only have 3 letters in cap, which are BOA. And the rest are dots and lower case.

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I am so freakin excited for BOA, I already placed my order for tickets to BOA San Antonio, sooooooooo awesome. I might go to Houston but I gotta see how my classes are going, I just remember last year being called AAA champs in prelims and I wonder what we looked like when they announced it. If they do well this year I just want to see the looks on their faces, I can't wait to see BOA from a spectators point of view and not from a competitors point of view. I love marching season....yesssss.



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so i guess you like UIL, and hate BOA, i want to hear this

I don't really hate BOA, I just disagree with the judging system in various ways. Mostly the "What" portion of GE.


I don't believe that a HS Band should be judged on aspects of the show that the students do not have any control over such as Show Concept.


You can see most of my reasoning if you search for my name in the BOA forum archives.


I do agree with artishard, though, in that I think that UIL should do a Full Retreat at the end of Area and State competitions.

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