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For all those people out there that have way too many DCI shows on your ipod, this ones for you!


I personally have 44 shows, soon to be advanced to 57.


Phantom Regiment 89, 93, 96, 97, 98, 05, 06


Vanguard 89, 99, 00, 01, 04


Star of Indiana 93


Blue Devils 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, hahahahahaha


Blue Knights 06


Bluecoats 05, 06


Cadets 84


Crown 05, 06


Cavaliers 91, 95, 97, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06


Madison Scouts 95, 96


Additions to be coming soon:


Blue Devils 87, 94


Crown 04


Cavaliers 87, 89, 92, 94


Crossmen 92


Madison Scouts 88


Phantom Regiment 94


Star of Indiana 91, 92


Vanguard 94



And to finish off the topic, talk about some of your current favorites. My favorites change from time to time, so here are the ones that are at the top right now.


Blue Devils 99, 06


Phantom Regiment 06


Blue Devils 06


Cavaliers 05, 06


Yep, Im still on that 06 high haha. What a great year it was.


Your turn!

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I know I have 90+ ( I think 91 to be precise) DCI shows on my ipod right now (audio recordings) spanning several decades.


Of course, that doesn't compare to the 238 high school recordings I have as well. :)

Man, I wish I had room on my ipod for some marching shows.


I've got a 20 gig, and it's been full since I got it last Christmas. I need an 80 gig.

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Man, I wish I had room on my ipod for some marching shows.


I've got a 20 gig, and it's been full since I got it last Christmas. I need an 80 gig.

Not true! Giordino (my ipod) is only a 30g and I have 2.3g left after cramming those on there along with everything else. My total so far is 2000+ for music, 50+ videos, 100+ pics and I still have a little room left. I considered an 80g (briefly) but decided against it. What in God's name would someone do with that much space?

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Not true! Giordino (my ipod) is only a 30g and I have 2.3g left after cramming those on there along with everything else. My total so far is 2000+ for music, 50+ videos, 100+ pics and I still have a little room left. I considered an 80g (briefly) but decided against it. What in God's name would someone do with that much space?

Well, I have about 56 gigs of normal music.


(about 10ish gigs got mysteriously deleted somehow a while back)


about 4 gigs of dci mp3s


So at one point I had about 70 gigs of mp3s, and I'm getting more all the time.


I suppose whenever I start getting my video collection back to what it was, I'd put some of those on there too.




That's what I would do with an 80gig ipod.

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