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Don't you hate it when some members of your program have their parents around them 24/7. I mean we have this one kid whose mother is around during, after, and even before all rehearsals. And i really dislike when the freshmen parents are around to bring their kids every little thing. One kid has his mom bring him taco bell before every rehearsal.


Spoiled or Irresponsible?

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i dont think these kids are spoiled or irresponsible, their parents are just clingy and paranoid. There was this one freshman last year who's mom would chaperone, and i mean this lady was crazy. She would watch every little thing her daughter did. One time on the bus it was us seniors in the back and then her daughter and her friends up front and for some reason the mom didnt like the seniority rule, so she decided to come talk to us about how the rule "wasn't fair" and we had to tell her that we all had to go through that and her daughter just has to deal with it, so then we had an "attitude" and were "disrespectful." I was like lady, calm down, your daughter isnt the center of the universe. But yeah...those pepole can get annoying. There is a fine line between chaperoning to help the program and chaperoning to help your kid in the program.

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It doesn't bother me that parents are around 24/7. Without the band moms [[and dads]] there would be no band. We honestly coudn't do it without them, so I don't have a problem with them enjoying every minute of something that they contributed to. Especially Mrs.Parker. I love her to death cause she is the greatest.

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We have some parents that are around 24/7, but its a good thing. They aren't clingy, and somehow they have found out a way to get everyone to love them. Yes mom, I'm talking about you. And you Mrs. Liberty. (I know you two are reading this. We all love you)


But then there are some parents who just don't get how to communicate with us. We still appreciate them, but sometimes they just kind of weird us out.

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we have the awesome band parents who help us out ALL the time with props, equipment, etc. and are chaperones because they love the program.


and THEN we have that one clingy/over-protective mother (no names mentioned, all the hebron kids know who im talking about) who is for one a big jerk to everyone that is not her daughter and has raised her daughter to be just like her (looks, personality, everything). dont get me wrong, she helps out, but her daughter is definitely the main priority over everything and everyone else. it's supremely annoying. <_<

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Haha, I think I know who you're talking about.


Anyways, for the most part, Hebron's band parents are awesome. At the first contest of the year, a couple of alumni, including me, went ,and boy, they fed us like none other. Seriously, that was the best marching band lunch I've ever had, and I wasn't even in the band! It was great.

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Ditto Devon, Mculbert07, and itsstephenyo. Band parents make everything happen off of the marching field. They are some of the most dedicated and respect-deserving human beings on the face of the earth, and I think that if everyone in the world that much about something, a lot more would get done in the world.


So...don't dis dedicated band parents. They can get a little extreme, but it's always with the best intentions and done with you in mind. :rolleyes:

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our band boosters are dedicated....sure.


but there are those freshman parents who think they know everything....and its dumb because after being there 3ish years compared to their 1/2 a year....you'd think they'd be more understanding to what the seniors say/do. but MOST of them are cool...the old ones who have been there all along. those are the best.

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i love the band parents being around and all but i jus hate those certain band parents that have to do EVERY LITTLE thing for their child...


this one mom that i know of cleans her daughter's band locker out for her...which is kinda ridiculous if you ask me. Some people are just not ready to let their kids just grow up I guess.


I mean you will learn how to fend for yourself and find a way to survive in the band hall. It's not that hard for someone to take care of themselves so why take time out to have to do all that. I can wet my own reed momma, thanks though.


EDIT: and I agree with FunkyFlute07, too. The experienced ones are the best. The newbies are all uptight and whack and feel like they have to do their job TO THE FULLEST. Calm it down...you'll learn.

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Parents are awesome, until they start to think that they know everything... more than us, for that matter. They keep us hydrated, and make sure we don't kill anyone, that's all. They shouldn't be interfering with anything having to do with how the band is run.


Kudos to the cool band parents though, it doesn't happen without them.

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Our band parents are actually pretty bad ****. I remember I decided to go to a game to watch, so when i went to the band boosters who sell all the snacks and stuff, one of the moms saw me and was like HI!! i was like hey, you want something to drink eat, ok, hold on. i got some of the most awesome nacho's i ever had. that and i'm in loading crew and the band parent in charge is always fun.

the only problem i have is this new band director we got. I just call him "V". He acts like he knows what he is doing when we are out there. god. I remember some of our tubas hurt their legs at a game, so we had to carry their tubas for them. well we just put them on and he saw us and decided to yell at us for some reason, he is a A**hole, but yeah i still hate him so does the guard, which he is incharge of. yeah, we got the Bad **** band parents

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