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That'll be kinda neat... but I'm wondering how many people are actually going to have time to make something in a week. Also I wonder how many people are going to send in ideas, they may not have enough.


On the flip side, it is really cool that they're giving the drum corps fans a chance to see the show they've always wanted done.

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Haha... sweet...

Still, I'm betting on a BD win this year, or the Cavies, if they do something astounding.

Honestly, if the Cadets had played a real show last year, based on how well they did the ridiculous show they had, my opinion is that they were by far superior to the other groups in talent this year. Even though I was leaning for Phantom to win... I must admit that much.

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How can you "bet" on anyone winning? Shows haven't been announced yet. The first competition isn't for another SEVEN MONTHS!




Speaking of which, what did you find so ridiculous about The Cadets's show last year? What consitutes a "real" show in your opinion?

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That's why he was the only one to vote Yes on the proposal.



I wouldn't mind though, it's not practical to field a sax section without drastically changing instrumentation on the field or increasing the size of corps, but it might be nice to hear an amplified solo every once in a while. I'm all for trying out new things.

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wait wait. Are you saying that if we could bear to march Cadets, theres a chance that we saxophonists have a chance at marching corps without learning a new instrument?

Lol I like how you make marching with one of the best corps in the world sound like a chore (jk). I doubt they'll allow saxophones in DCI anytime soon.

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