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From what people have been telling me, the main problems were during their closer, Russian Christmas Music. The drill was extremely plain and went nowhere, and musically...it wasn't as powerful as the 1987 version. But all of that has changed.


They scrapped and redesigned most of the drill, the colorguard completed their entire book, and a lot of musical changes were made in RCM. This was posted on the DrumCorpsPlanet (DCP) Forums the other day....


SCV's 4 hour rehearsal block the day after getting manhandled by Phantom at Pacific Procession in San Jose was totally dedicated to Russian Christmas Music, both visually and musically.


Out of respect for SCV, I have decided NOT to detail the changes that have been made to the show, but I will say this.....


At the end of rehearsal, as the light of day had expired, the corps was asked if they wanted to run RCM one more time (keep in mind that this was a "free day" for the kids) and the corps in unison responded with an emphatic "YES!!!!!!!"


There were nothing but smiles amongst the staff, marching members, and audience.


Visual Caption head Ron Hardin said it best when he proclaimed to the corps, "You now have a closer."


He could not of said anything more true.


I'm glad to hear that morale and optimism is high over at Santa Clara. :)

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Please someone explain whats up with SCV this year...i know their music is freaking awsome and they are very impressive visually...anyone know why such low scores so far?



Dont feel sorry about it either. During some of the West Coast DCI Performances Santa Clara Vanguard had some very low scores due to the fact they didnt have the Color Guard Book finish either. I guess SCVanguard better start doing something or else they will be in the Top 20! or botteon 20!




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I guess SCVanguard better start doing something or else they will be in the Top 20! or botteon 20!

Bottom 20?!?! They aren't that bad.....


SCV's last competition was last weekend and they scored in the uppers 70's. Corps on pace to place in the 20's at DCI World are currently scoring in the uppers 50's and 60's.

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They've always been playing with the big boys, and they've been around the top from what most of the scores have shown, it's just that the scores haven't been that high. Hopefully the closer fixed this.

They'll be fine, they just have a lot of cleaning to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok im seriously getting worried here. Can someone who's seen SCV maybe enlighten what there problems are. I know it was their closer, but by now they should have that fixed to a point to be more competitive. Theres got to be something else going badly this year. Any ideas?

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Not only that, percussion scores aren't that hot either. There are some great drummers up there in the Vanguard, but Murray Gusseck, who was once just head guy for them, is now also Caption Head since Jim Casella is gone (I heard a few reasons why, but I'm not too sure what I can believe). It's a lot of stuff to handle, and I played some of his work in WGI, and it doesn't add up to Jim's work.


Honestly, no one's writing can compare to Jim Casella's. It's just the best. Period.

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Not only that, percussion scores aren't that hot either. There are some great drummers up there in the Vanguard, but Murray Gusseck, who was once just head guy for them, is now also Caption Head since Jim Casella is gone (I heard a few reasons why, but I'm not too sure what I can believe). It's a lot of stuff to handle, and I played some of his work in WGI, and it doesn't add up to Jim's work.


Honestly, no one's writing can compare to Jim Casella's. It's just the best. Period.



Jim Casella left SCVanguard due to the fact that SCVanguard went with Dynasty as a Endorsement deal!



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Just saw SCV tonight...i dont care what place they come in...that show was awsome. I love them even more now

Amen, their show is awesome, and SCV will always kick ****. Hopefully they'll do better next year score wise. That show is just so darn cool! At DCI I sported my SCV show shirt...represent yo.



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Jim Casella left SCVanguard due to the fact that SCVanguard went with Dynasty as a Endorsement deal!



SCV isn't sponsored by Dynasty. That's the Blue Devils.


I heard that it was a conflict between the company that Jim Casella is sponsored by (Innovative Percussion) and Vic Firth. SCV has been using Vic Firth sticks for years now.


If this is true, it's really unfortunate that sponsorship has to get into way of things.

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SCV isn't sponsored by Dynasty. That's the Blue Devils.


I heard that it was a conflict between the company that Jim Casella is sponsored by (Innovative Percussion) and Vic Firth. SCV has been using Vic Firth sticks for years now.


If this is true, it's really unfortunate that sponsorship has to get into way of things.





Actually during their first camp i added it was due to Endorsment with Dynasty! Yes! I know that Blue Devils also used Dynasty. But its was also SCVanguard using it too. It had nothing to do with IP or VF!





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Actually during their first camp i added it was due to Endorsment with Dynasty! Yes! I know that Blue Devils also used Dynasty. But its was also SCVanguard using it too. It had nothing to do with IP or VF!





Are you sure?


When I saw SCV at San Antonio, they used Pearl, Adams, Vic Firth & Remo equipment. I didn't see Dynasty anywhere.


Also, Dynasty is nowhere listed under the Vanguard sponsors section. The only Dynasty sponsorship is for the Vanguard Cadets brass section. http://www.scvanguard.org/about/sponsors.php

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I heard that it was a conflict between the company that Jim Casella is sponsored by (Innovative Percussion) and Vic Firth. SCV has been using Vic Firth sticks for years now.


If this is true, it's really unfortunate that sponsorship has to get into way of things.

Why? SCV marches Remo Heads and Zildjian Cymbals, but Ralph Hardimon, who has helped them out for years endorses Sabian Cymbals and Evans Heads? Why would Jim get the flak?

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Are you sure?


When I saw SCV at San Antonio, they used Pearl, Adams, Vic Firth & Remo equipment. I didn't see Dynasty anywhere.


Also, Dynasty is nowhere listed under the Vanguard sponsors section. The only Dynasty sponsorship is for the Vanguard Cadets brass section. http://www.scvanguard.org/about/sponsors.php





That is what I was originally told by the Corps Director when I went up in January! Unless others they change their mind or etc.





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I saw them in San Antonio, and I must say, they didn't deserve the score they received that night. Yes, the new closer was a tad dirty, due to it being new, and the end kind of dragged, but the stuff that was "done" was absolutely amazing. If they can get the last 25% of the show as great as the first 75%, they will be on their way to top 8 or maybe top 6 easily before finals night.

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