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Greater numbers...

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My school is a 5A school and we only have 63 winds. with percussion and dance team, were up to 120. It's a little difficult to against other 5A schools in our district  with lots of people like Dulles or SFA.

63 winds...wow and you have to take on SFA and Dulles too...




we marched 99 people this year - percussion and guard included, excluding pit. we have more members in the band, but that's how many the show was written for.


have maybe 6 alternates, 7 pit? 3 DMs. then again, this was only the 4th year the school has been open, without a huge population to draw students from (college park spawning from the Woodlands) :lol:


EDIT: the topic - i agree, a big hs band needs good feeder school bands, both in number and, first & foremost, quality. reputation helps, but it depends on what the school focuses on - sports vs academics vs music

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63 winds...wow and you have to take on SFA and Dulles too...




we marched 99 people this year - percussion and guard included, excluding pit. we have more members in the band, but that's how many the show was written for.


have maybe 6 alternates, 7 pit? 3 DMs. then again, this was only the 4th year the school has been open, without a huge population to draw students from (college park spawning from the Woodlands) :lol:


EDIT: the topic - i agree, a big hs band needs good feeder school bands, both in number and, first & foremost, quality. reputation helps, but it depends on what the school focuses on - sports vs academics vs music

Interestingly enough, our 300+ member band is at a school that has a heavy focus on academics, and that musically really only focuses on individual playing (we had 11 people make all state last year, yet our marching band has never made state).

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our band is around 200 members, but it is starting to get smaller, the middle school programs are getting smaller (half the size they were a couple of years ago) alot of the people in our district are sending their kids to hendrickson or are moving to round rock/cedar park. It is really sad and scary to think that in the not so far future the connally band will be one to be lucky to make area finals, much less state. I am just praying that next year we will be good enough to make state finals.

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What would ya'll say is the key to increasing the number of members in your band? Our band has about 110 students in it. I think that having a great junior high feeder program would be the place to start. How do you get a great group to start in junior high, but stick with it even through high school? We've got a great staff, but our numbers are usually right around 105 to 110. How do schools increase the number of students in band?



our band keeps going down because in our district, they open a new high school every two years but they`re going to cap one that took away a lot last year. so, this next year, we`re going to gain a lot more kids[=

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  • 4 weeks later...

how lucky are we....my senior year, we would be going to state. but they're gonna open a new hs and take ppl away from us....so wut does that mean??? we get moved from 5A to 4A!!! cool...huh...: (....and what does that mean, that we dont get to go to STATE!!! 4A state is every other year. 09 would be that other year....im only going to state once....sooooo mad..... :huh::o<_<:unsure::wacko::blink::(:angry::angry::angry::angry:

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Oh....and just found out that vista ridge is moving up to 5A sometime soon....yippe....for sure we know that they cant get any people taken from them....i think they sould take ppl from cp....i live like, 5 mins. from leander, im zoned for vista....vista is like, 30 mins. away from me....there mite be a slight chance that they could take ppl from cp.....or maybe even both.....who knos.... :huh:

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how lucky are we....my senior year, we would be going to state. but they're gonna open a new hs and take ppl away from us....so wut does that mean??? we get moved from 5A to 4A!!! cool...huh...: (....and what does that mean, that we dont get to go to STATE!!! 4A state is every other year. 09 would be that other year....im only going to state once....sooooo mad..... :huh::o<_<:unsure::wacko::blink::(:angry::angry::angry::angry:

I really don't understand why your school district would do that... When new high schools are opened up, districts usually shuffle outgoing 8th graders from one jr. high and 9th graders to the newest campus before the next school year starts. I can see a drop in your band's membership, but not enough of a school-wide drop to drop a classification!


How exactly did your school district go about placing kids into the new high school? What grades?

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how lucky are we....my senior year, we would be going to state. but they're gonna open a new hs and take ppl away from us....so wut does that mean??? we get moved from 5A to 4A!!! cool...huh...: (....and what does that mean, that we dont get to go to STATE!!! 4A state is every other year. 09 would be that other year....im only going to state once....sooooo mad..... :huh::o<_<:unsure::wacko::blink::(:angry::angry::angry::angry:

don't be too dissapointed...


Westfield's class of 08 will NEVER go to state and NEVER go to Grand Nationals...so BOA SA is as good as it gets... :(

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We have over 250 people in the marching program right now, and every year we add about 100 freshmen (remember there are seniors leaving also). The Bowie Band is really involved with the Middle Schools who'll be sending kids our way. Not only do we keep really close ties with the mid0high band teachers, but we also go around to all the elementry school and play for them, introducing them to music an dall the different insturments. It's really fun, and keeps the kids interested in music!

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The Bowie Band is really involved with the Middle Schools who'll be sending kids our way. Not only do we keep really close ties with the mid0high band teachers, but we also go around to all the elementry school and play for them, introducing them to music an dall the different insturments. It's really fun, and keeps the kids interested in music!

see, thats what we lack....the only time we talk to them is during eigth grade nite, those few football games our directors let them go to, why i dont kno, um....and a freshman camp...not really, its just some thing that they do @ their school that teaches them how to move two steps.......um...and the occasional lock-ins.....so yea...but we cant really do much about it, they'd go to the new school....hm....i just hope we do good @ BOA...hm...

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