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aaah! sweet sweet music. What's cool is that Incubus did a 4 mvmnt instrumental piece for Halo 3... :lol: .


Anyways... I was gonna ask about georgetown. I've never heard of them yet they seem to be pretty respected. Care to give any info about them?

  MaverickBand15 said:
I would love to see BOA Houston. The only thing holding me back from going is a marching contest that i am attending here. What bands are attending?

dude you have to try and find somethings for yourself. All the BOA events are posted on bands.org and more than likely on here. You just have to look.


And McNeil isn't the only band in this state TRUST ME.


Actually, Georgetown is doing "The Rise and Fall of Rome." It's a Key Poulan original composition. You've probably heard other bands play it. It's been out for several years.

  radchad said:
In response to the post about Marcus earlier in this thread..


Now, their show was good. Don't get me wrong.

I was a little biased from last year. The birds were too much... ESPECIALLY in retreat.


Yes, visually they are great and the guard is getting better. However, compare their sound to the sound of other bands.


Their show this year was actually pretty quiet.. considering.


LD Bell playing their first big hit would COMPLETELY cover up the loudest part of the Marcus show.


There were many bands that in my opinion deserved higher rankings in music.


Also, i mean no offense, nor am I bashing Marcus.


But watching the Finals perforance at State, I noticed that it lacked. The drill was sort of sloppy and once again it was quiet.


Are they one of the best in the state? I guess so.

On top? No way.

Somebody call up the Marcus people

and tell them to crank

the synthesizers, bass drums and cymbals to

give the impression of volume.


You confuse loud with noisy.

Not the same thing at all.


Interesting that there are opinions

in this thread that think this will

make a show more challenging

or a group more impressive.


Difficulty/execution of music- team Marcus.

Difficulty/execution of marching- team Bell.


Arlington BOA will be cool because

its Diversity Day. If everybody

sounded like Marcus or looked like

Bell it would be boring. Lots of stuff

to look at and listen to. Thanks to

all the groups who will give us

something to talk about.

  jacobs-latter said:
Somebody call up the Marcus people

and tell them to crank

the synthesizers, bass drums and cymbals to

give the impression of volume.


Why do you

type like this?

It makes me feel like

I'm reading a poem.


I should have that published.

  jacobs-latter said:
Somebody call up the Marcus people

and tell them to crank

the synthesizers, bass drums and cymbals to

give the impression of volume.


You confuse loud with noisy.

Not the same thing at all.


Interesting that there are opinions

in this thread that think this will

make a show more challenging

or a group more impressive.


Difficulty/execution of music- team Marcus.

Difficulty/execution of marching- team Bell.


Arlington BOA will be cool because

its Diversity Day. If everybody

sounded like Marcus or looked like

Bell it would be boring. Lots of stuff

to look at and listen to. Thanks to

all the groups who will give us

something to talk about.

maybe thats what marcus different and sound really good is that they dont crank up the everything. they let the band play. and yes bell does march very very well.


idk call me crazy but i really do prefer ANY show bell puts out there over marcus......marcus is good dont get me wrong but the whole lack of movement in their show kinda bores me.....bell is just like amazing even before they play a note...for me its impossible to not have to watch them as a walk by....thats just not the case w/ marcus for me...not to mention im not a big fan of flashy props!!!



srry guy's its my opinion dont jump down my throat for it!!!


Okay, I am sorry.

I am not saying every band should be like those two bands.

I was merely trying to compare the two.


Yes, I prefer louder and would probably choose an LD Bell show over a Marcus show any day.


However. If you are not so loud, but play the music well and have great drill, guard work/color, and great technique.. I'd pick you any day.


I appologize for not making myself clear. I tend to do that a lot.

I type something before actually thinking about it. I promise I am working on it.

  bass~beetch said:
idk call me crazy but i really do prefer ANY show bell puts out there over marcus......marcus is good dont get me wrong but the whole lack of movement in their show kinda bores me.....bell is just like amazing even before they play a note...for me its impossible to not have to watch them as a walk by....thats just not the case w/ marcus for me...not to mention im not a big fan of flashy props!!!



srry guy's its my opinion dont jump down my throat for it!!!

I'm not sure why you think that you're a minority for thinking this. It's pretty obvious that everyone else loves Bell too.


i dont think ther's any real comparison between LD Bell and Marcus


LD Bell has amazing marching, themes, music, visuals etc., all the time

Marcus has that too, just it seems they play during less complex drill, and march harder during times they dont play, never together, which bores me too


and dont get me wrong, i still give marcus their props, its just Bell is on a completely different level at this point in time


i just think more consideration when talking about these things has to be given to the complexity of the show, which i personally think some of the up and rising bands, especially in 5A, for whichdont get the credit they deserve


for now, LD Bell is at the top of my list, because they have always had consistently amazing shows

  flutespaz21 said:
for now, LD Bell is at the top of my list, because they have always had consistently amazing shows


I agree with you. As of now, I believe LD Bell has the best complete package out of any band in Texas. Their shows are thought provoking, incorporate music and drill at an almost unprecedented level, and, above all, they make art.


Marcus is an unbelievablely clean band. They play better than almost anyone on the marching field and march cleaner than most bands. However, (this isn't a diss at Marcus) when I watch their show, I don't get the feeling that I'm truly enjoying it. Their show themes are very plain but can be expressed very simply because of props. Bird show = bird costumes for colorguard. Water theme = sea horses having a race. It just doesn't stick out to me as having to really sit down and think about the show.


LD Bell does an excellent job of portraying often complex ideas through their show. I'll really be interested in seeing TRANSCENDents. I've seen part of Marcus' show this year. I thought the same thing I thought for the past three years. "Another show like this?"


I don't think I ever asked for Marcus' students opinions, but thanks for the offer. I was merely stating my opinions. If you want to get all hot about the subject, be my guest. Frankly, I don't care if you're offended by what I said.


Anyways, I never said anything about not respecting Marcus as a band. As I stated, they play and march better than most bands in the state. I said their shows, in my personal opinion, are boring. Still offended?


I still don't understand how I am in the fault. But keep trying to change my mind. I am certainly open to doing so. Also, in an argument, you should not personally attack someone else. It represents immaturity. However, I truly, truly respect your opinion. It is yours and yours alone.


If I wanted your opinion, I will ask for it. Ask anybody I know. I often ask for help or an opinion if I am in need of one. I don't think I was in need of one.


Have a nice day (or night), jikajazz. I'm through talking to you.

  Jikajazz said:
that's some pretty specious argumentation, but alright, if you're unwilling to continue, then see ya. :)


if you haven't already recognized it, this was less about marcus or bell, and more about you. just in case that wasn't apparent to you just yet.

There's a PM button you know... :rolleyes:

  Jikajazz said:
on topic: has bell participated in a scored contest yet? i'm interested to see where they are at.


Ask Ms. Drinkwater. She was a judge at the HEB Contest.

Be sure to tell her what you have been posting on here, too. She may be very interested to hear how you have been representing your organization on a public forum.

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