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The Fantastic Four


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Anyone see this movie? I enjoyed it alot.


Even though they changed the original backstory behind the four, i think they made it work really well, and the plot was pretty good. I enjoyed watching the characters of Torch and The Thing on screen, both parts were cast really well and both actors portrayed the finer parts of their characters personality.

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I didn't enjoy the movie that much. The setup of the plot seemed to be very odd as the general population seemed to ignore the oddity of the weird powers. Just a small problem but it really zapped the depth of the movie. The actual climax of the action was also far too short, only one encounter and it was over.

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You could say the climax was far too short. But maybe the climax wasn't about the villian, but it's about them discovering their true purpose and meaning, and uniting as a team. Afterall, finlly only in the end when they came together, all their unique powers helped stop Doom. By themselves, they put up quite a fight, but they all had weaknesses that could be exposed. That's why it's the fantastic four, not Torch and co. I think the villian wasn't the main prioirty, doom was just a secondary character assisting the inner-conflict between the group, such as with Ben Grimm, and the main antagonist is simply the conflict.


The Resolution would be of course when they are finally a working and cooperating team, as defeating Doom is a fall from the climax.

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It was alot longer then that. Look at the early stages. They are struggled with what they should do with the powers, keep them or get rid of them. Ben wants to change back, while Torch loves his, saying they should enjoy them, embrace and accept what they are.


Ben lost his wife early on, creating alot of conflict about what he looks like, what he has become. Then he meets the girl in the bar, thinking maybe it couldn't be so bad, which could light up a possible hope of his new super hero form. Then comes Doom, saying he has the power to change Ben back. Ben eagerly accepts, and then it comes down to his old form, or his friends and his destiny. It's almost like Darth Sidious and Anakin, where Sidious makes him pick between the Jedi or Padme.


There's also Torch who is living the high life, and practically advertising the quartet, and being a huge hassle and problem to everyone. Then there's the relationship between Reed and Sue, and Reed trying to overcome the way he thinks then acts to finally get Sue in the end. Finally, despite all their differences, when a problem comes in the end, they team up and take it down, and finally become a true team.

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Once upon a time, there were action movies that had action and good and bad. And that was as deep as it got. And everyone understood it. The end.

...and then they woke up in the 21st century....and they realized they needed more....and they did....and they screwed it all up.....the end.


No, but seriously, I saw the movie and I didn't like it, and that's saying something, because I like almost every movie ('cept Star Wars) :)

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