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It is all about Deceptions, and how things that you see aren't always what they seem to be.


The first big deception is when the band comes onto the field it looks like their colorguard has gotten really small which is extremely odd considering how large and badass their guard is. Little do you know that the missing cologuard members have band uniforms on.


When the band (colorguard) members get on the podiums at the front with French Horns and Woodwinds, you are expecting a big French Horn soli, and you get it, only it didn't come from the French Horns (colorguard) it came from the Mellophones that were right behind them.


Then they make the first obvious revelation of their deception through the band (colorguard) members taking their band uniforms off.


There are quite a few other little deceptions going on all throughout the show, such as the guard coming out with woodwind instruments and miming playing while a little woodwind ensemble plays, but most of them aren't so obvious.


The other big obvious deception that they threw in for GN was that their show appeared to end, they started tapping off, the announcer (actually the drum major) started saying "The Winston Churchill Charger Band! The Winston Churchill Charger Band received 3rd place at the Texas State competition this past. . ." and then the band stops and actually ends their show with another run and chord and the last band (colorguard) member tears off her uniform.



I'm sure that Dan Valdez could probably point out a number of other deceptions that were going on during that show.

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It's not so much that they took off their band uniforms. That was actually a really good idea. It was more of what they were wearing under them...which was pretty much nothing. We watched them from back field and one of them almost fell out of their uniform when they were bending over to get a different flag.

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My favorite "deception" in the show was one of the subtle ones... near the end of the 2nd movement the brass have a chord with a little crescendo on it, and the trumpets mimic like their in on it with a slight move up to the box. Only when their horns come down, you realize that their horns were backwards. Cool little effect.

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ok, so if you really look at it, all people talked about was churchhill's guard. when do you really hear anything else besides guard. i was a little dissapointed b/c i heard a lot about churchill, and really, it was just the guard. it was my first time to see them. it was at area. mayb it was b/c i was watching them from behind and didnt really see all the "deceptions" but it wasnt what i expected. that really shouldnt matter b/c they made it into grand nationlas, i think, and to state. so yea. thats my opinion. :/

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well i was just on the avon band myspace and they were able to stream the GN Finals of their show on their page..so if anyone figures out how to do that, we could get churchills performance along with Bell's on here

same with the woodlands myspace...we just need someone with premium membership on BOA to link it on here :D

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I'm glad you guys caught a lot of the little things going on with the show. During their ending at GN Finals, the annoucer came from the pit and was actually the pre-recorded voice of Alan Sharps, assistant band director. If the Drum Major pretended to voice it, then we have another deception! hahah.


As for the colorguard situation...

I can definitely understand the concern about the girls (and guy) stripping their uniforms off and revealing a skimpy outfit. The tight uniforms that leave little to the imagination are nothing new for the guard. The moves and uniforms may make a few people in the crowd uncomfortable but keep in mind that it doesn't reflect how the guard acts off the field. It's all just business.

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My favorite "deception" in the show was one of the subtle ones... near the end of the 2nd movement the brass have a chord with a little crescendo on it, and the trumpets mimic like their in on it with a slight move up to the box. Only when their horns come down, you realize that their horns were backwards. Cool little effect.

Yeah, I never caught that one until GN Finals.

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