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How Fast Have You Ever Marched in a Show???

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I remember last year during the part 3 last year when we rushed we would be at like 215, thats what Hall said one day...during the show. During the fundmental block, we march God knows how many times across the field (from end zone to end zone..no like, in lines going every 8) at 200+...and the straight leg...OUCH :( !!! I hate it. Last year he decided to experiment with us going over 220...CRAZY man... :lol:

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During fundamentals, they've put it up to 220 before.

In 2004, we marched our 3rd movement at 204.

In 2005, it was 196, and this year our opener was at 184.

hahaha... or at least that's what it says at the top of the music... we ended up at like 210 both times... just not on purpose. i can still remember hall coming up to us with a met clicking at 216 and going "chill out guys"

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