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What does your locker room look like???


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We dont have lockers, we have slots(there is no door on the locker). The slot room is pretty big and runs the length of the back of the band hall. Most people use their slots instead of regular school lockers to keep stuff in and the slot room is a place to hang out or do homework. It doesnt smell...usually, but there is the occasional cockroach that freaks all the girls out.

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Our 2nd band hall was turned INTO a locker room for our JV and freshman athletic teams.<_< We used the 2nd hall for our concert/symphonic bands (which were done away with when the hall was taken away), sectionals, storage, etc... Apparently, the administration just came in and said "Hey, we're turning your bandhall into a locker room, have a great marching and concert season!" No warning or anything. That second hall had huge office/storage space which helped keep everything really organized, but because of the abrupt nature of how the directors were notified, they had to quickly move everything into the small attic of our current band hall. Now it's just... not a good situation as far as organization goes. But now that old bandhall has showers, lockers, unused offices, and a janky smell of misc. Axe scents hanging around all the time. It's really unfortunate to see the sad shape of that old building now.... Our current directors said it was such a great thing to have, and was kept in great shape too.


Now we have one hall which is new-sh, but no place to hold multiple sectionals, and storage is a major issue. We also have a 110-piece concert band! Luckily we all work well together most of the time, so the size isn't so much of an issue when playing tough music. It sucks, but we're managing. Our school district is also trying to pass a bond for a new HS, our current one is decades old, so that probably will equal some great facilities in the next 2 or 3 years. All is not lost! :lol:

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We have actual lockers, with padlocks and all. The doors on them have rails. Well, actually, I do happen to have some photos handy...so here they are. Haha, I apologize in advance to any band kids that are included in these photos...they are of course only for use of educational purposes. :D






As you can see, we have lots of different shapes and sizes, haha. People can also fit in many of them - even the really small ones, baha! We also have some really tall ones that go from the floor to the ceiling. Most of us use them as lockers instead of actually getting a school issued locker. So much easier, heh.


As for cleanliness...usually during marching season, it smells pretty bad, haha. It gets pretty unbearable after practices with the masses of sweaty bodies, and since the locker room is it's own room with doors, when they lock it up the smell gets trapped in there...and let's just say, when you open it, it's not always so pretty. But last week leadership cleaned it all up and now it's pretty fantastic and pleasant. Haha!


Aaaaanddddd...that would be our locker room.

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This would be Megan, our twirler. She is a tiny little thing-only 4'11. So cute tooo..Well, we call her Megan shorter as I am called Megan short. She is only a half inch shorter than me. :)

That's a trombooone locker.. and yes, it is locked.




That's Andrew in a lovely tuba locker that is never used by our tubas. I think Zach(the amazing one) and Ethan have tuba lockers. The saxes and trombones like to take those lockers.


So Yeah, the whole locking people in lockers is an all round thing to do.


but if you are talking about a locker room to dress out in?? well, we have our very own dressing room. With lockers and everything..and showers too. and the huge big mirror and a whole 2 plugs so that the girls can freak when they don't have time to straighten their hair after practice(morning practice as always). Ditto for the guys and the big locker room.

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You have your own locker room? We dress out in the middle of the band hall. Guys walkin around in their boxers...a little scary. Or we dress in the middle of a parking lot. Always the best locker room, if you ask me. ;)



As for our slot room...

it scares me. But now they put in new lights and you can tell how gross it is...do not walk barefoot in there :unsure: ...

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You have your own locker room? We dress out in the middle of the band hall. Guys walkin around in their boxers...a little scary.



Hah, In MY opinion...


I think its funny/hot when guys just walk around in their boxers..especially if they are hott. :)) It's funny on what some of the guys have.. like one guy had pink with black stripes.. They were so cute!!

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The tubas have their own room at my school. Its about 12x12 and gets pretty messy and stinky during marching season. The great thing is, there's an AC vent in there that is constantly blowing cold air. We normally come in after practice and huddle beneath the vent to cool down. We have some death mold growing in the ceiling tiles too. A couple of years ago, our then section leader threw a bannana into the roof. Some nice mold is growing. We have a TV in there too, and we used to have a SNES hooked up before the directors caught us. We also had 9 pizza box tops along the walls as trophies. We used to order pizza at the beginning of advisory and it would get there by lunch. That got shut down pretty quick....


Overall bandhall just has slots, but we're putting locks on them cause we had 12 instruments stolen last year.

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We didn't have locker rooms at Hebron. The cubbies also didn't have locks on them and we had a serious theft issue my freshman year. After that, though, nothing got stolen. Also, we changed in the bathrooms. Nothing like 40 stinking kids in one bathroom. Throw in a boat-load of Axe and you've got yourself something nasty. My friends and I always took the time to go to the bathroom down the hall where nobody went. No other people and it was always freezing cold in there.

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typical lockers with the bars on then like in those pics...we all changed in the bathrooms though. It got pretty crowded. You just had to get in there early to get a spot with the bench and hangars, or else you were standing in the middle just changing with your stuff on the floor. Oh and you always had that one person who would go in the stall and shut the door and what not...i laughed. Now, in college its just all change in the room

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