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What part of what show just gave you goosebumps when you heard or saw it? Like it made you just think.. "....Wow..."



For me it's during Ronald Reagen 2005, near the end where the brass is facing the back and they suddenly turn around and everyone starts marching and it makes a giant diagnol. The music and the slow marching to that section just gave me goosebumps.



Bleh.... that's harder to explain than I thought it was going to be.. :wacko:

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CP 06- Fire of Eternal Glory section in half time/high mark time at the end of the show just before the tag ending.


Now, admittedly, I was IN this show, but still... when the horrible quality video of football game performances gives you goosebumps....


Also, CP 04- Jupiter wave set a la the picture at the top of the website. Again, biased, but at least I wasn't IN this one :D


Another one... Blue Devils 04 warmup video thats floating around- when a warmup can give you goosebumps, you know its good. The chords literally sing.


EDIT: SCV 89- Half time section at the end with Music of the Night.


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Most definitely L.D. Bell 2006.


Westfield 2005 also gave me a few goosebumps, as did some parts of Reagan 2004/2005. Reagan was mostly due to the music, because I found a lot of it so...tranquil sounding? I don't know how to describe it. It just gave me goosebumps, but not in a creeped out way.

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Richland 2005 - the beautiful vocalists in "Sleep", along with the incredible saxophone solo at the end with the 4 rotating boxes! I get chills every time.

that sax solo at GN gave me chills every time! but now there is no video to watch on skramps :( but reagan 2005 PM Love Theme also gave me chills! and of course woodlands and bell this year

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Pft, duh, helllllo. Woodlands this year also definitely gave me some chills. Some of the excerpts from Hide and Seek [the actual song, not the show] were just amazing. Especially the "Mmm what you say" verse; that definitely gave me chills.

heck yes...that was my absolute favorite part of the show...and is my favorite part of the real song lol

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here's my list, in order from best to not as best =p enjoy


1) Santa Clara Vanguard 1989 Music of the Night, right at the end. Blast that in your car and see if you dont' smile =p


2) Phantom Regiment 2003, the upbeat Pachebel Canon part at the end was insane.


3) Phantom Regiment 1996 the first really loud big hit with all the low brass sounds... amazing...


4) Phantom Regiment 2006 the last two minutes of the show or so, during the part when Marguerite is revived.


5) Star 1991, at the end when they're rotating the giant cross with the screaming mello parts.

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QUOTE (Aegis Fang @ Nov 22 2006, 12:58 AM)
here's my list, in order from best to not as best =p enjoy

1) Santa Clara Vanguard 1989 Music of the Night, right at the end. Blast that in your car and see if you dont' smile =p

2) Phantom Regiment 2003, the upbeat Pachebel Canon part at the end was insane.

3) Phantom Regiment 1996 the first really loud big hit with all the low brass sounds... amazing...

4) Phantom Regiment 2006 the last two minutes of the show or so, during the part when Marguerite is revived.

5) Star 1991, at the end when they're rotating the giant cross with the screaming mello parts.

I think that about covers it for me.....

Add in all of SCV 04, and the last company front in phantom 04 cool.gif


As far as high school, the first hit in our show this year. Being in the front of that block was so rewarding

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I think that about covers it for me.....

Add in all of SCV 04, and the last company front in phantom 04 B)


As far as high school, the first hit in our show this year. Being in the front of that block was so rewarding

ah good call


6) Jupiter from Cavies 95


7) that one part in SCV 04 after the bouncy keyboard part, then the brass comes in with that daaaaaaaaa daa daa dadadadadadadadadadadada daaaaaaaa *yeah, that part* that's pretty friggin awesome too


and I've never seen phantom 04

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So many good moments to list.


1980 Spirit of Atlanta when they come to the sidelines at the end and play their hearts out.


2000 SCV at the end of the buildup in Adagio for Strings.


1996 Phantom Regiment at the end of the buildup in Ballet Suite No. 4


2003 Phantom in The Lord's Prayer when the 1st horns hit the high B-flat and then the following chord. Also the maestoso in Ostinato when they switch back to Canon in D.


1989 SCV when they start playing halftime in Masquerade and when the whole corps starts blasting Music of the Night.


1992 SCV when they all start playing Bottle Dance.


1993 Phantom Fire of Eternal Glory, enough said.


1996 Madison Scouts at the Mello soli during the final chord.


Sooooooo many......

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Bell 05 at the end of the show...


Lux Aramque facing backfield... Amazing moment, always gives me goosebumps. What a sonority.


Scott Dean's Double C at the end of his solo in the Sketches of Spain/Rodrigo concerto movement of Blue Devils 03... so emotional. Another one of my favorite moments.


And definitely several moments in Reagan 03 and 05. That design team places hits so masterfully in context.

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Drum Corps:


1978 Madison Scouts

--God Bless the Child

The piece is pretty amazing. I suggest you listen to it.


1987 Santa Clara Vanguard

--Russian Christmas Music



1992 Blue Devils (Big, Bad and Blue)

--When a Man Loves a Woman

A classic performed by the best = awesomeness.


1993 Phantom Regiment (The Modern Imagination)

--The Fire of Eternal Glory

Shostakovich knows how to write music. The impact chord is glorious.


1995 Madison Scouts (A Drum Corps Fan

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well most of the shows i was in give/gave me goosebumps but i dunno if they'd do that if i weren't in them (they'd obviously mean less to me)


but from those:

'03 during the ballad (water night) every time we performed ti and every time i listen to it.

'05 beginning of the drum break... and at the end "have you ever had a dream you were conviced was real..."

'06 beginning of the closer.


i didn't care for '04 that much.

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for some reason it's usually the end of shows that get me goosebumpy


two parts in Star 91- The very beggining with the guard girl swinging her whatever that thing is while all the other guard girls get down as to not get hit


AND the end with the cross




the end of SCV89 with the disapearing phantom (i get goosebumps and then itm akes me really sad)




the end of 2004 with the big tunnel sweeping across the field (same thing happens here, something about thsoe emotional SCV shows)



along with a few others that have already been mentioned


my freshman year, there was a section of our show that had a brass chorale facing backfield, hearing that with the echo in the alamodome gave me goosebumps

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