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Has your band ever fallen apart? you know just like people falling, people colliding, tempo problems, etc in your band? if so where




We had one at a football game, it was horrible we had just added one movement that week and hadnt really got good practice on it and alot of people didnt really learn it, well that day we were performing at half time and something felt really weird like really really weird. then we get to the end the movement, and half the band is still playing a whole 8 measures later they end, talk about embarrassing!!


At area the same thing happened during finals cuz the drummers didnt watch the drum major for some dumb reason, which is probably one of the factors for us not making state and dropping so low.


do explain your stories. if yall have any

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its tradition (baddddddd) that SGP tends to fall apart in our show during their non-district games, once district play gets going, we seem to get rid of it


although i noticed that trend being over by the 2nd game :huh:


BUT i hate falling apart, it will get me very angry, and you dont want to see me very angry. -_-

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its tradition (baddddddd) that SGP tends to fall apart in our show during their non-district games, once district play gets going, we seem to get rid of it


although i noticed that trend being over by the 2nd game :huh:


BUT i hate falling apart, it will get me very angry, and you dont want to see me very angry. -_-

He's like the Hulk.

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last year there was a part of our show a block of woodwinds passed through a block of brass. well at prelims in Arlington we somehow managed to get an entire beat or two apart and come back together like nothing had happened all within two sets (i think that was 24 or 32 counts)


and this year, we had a few times when the drumline (mostly the snares) rushed and caused a few rips, nothing too bad

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Has your band ever fallen apart? you know just like people falling, people colliding, tempo problems, etc in your band? if so where




We had one at a football game, it was horrible we had just added one movement that week and hadnt really got good practice on it and alot of people didnt really learn it, well that day we were performing at half time and something felt really weird like really really weird. then we get to the end the movement, and half the band is still playing a whole 8 measures later they end, talk about embarrassing!!


At area the same thing happened during finals cuz the drummers didnt watch the drum major for some dumb reason, which is probably one of the factors for us not making state and dropping so low.


do explain your stories. if yall have any

can I say BOA arlington finals this year? WORST RUN THROUGH EVER.

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Sophomore year: at the beginning of the show one of the DMs is conducting backfield, but at one halftime he got off from the head DM, throwing the whole band off.


And the first halftime show my junior year... not fun. Half the pit was off for about half of the show, despite my efforts to keep everyone on the same tempo. Afterwards everyone was upset, the pit instructor was definitely not happy, and I felt like I had failed as a section leader. :(

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  • 11 months later...

last year in the Alamo Dome for our first football game was pretty bad. No one was ready for the mass echo effect that buildings give, and being used to outside, everyone listened instead of watching. It was a pretty bad show. Nothing like the band playing 8 measures behind though. That must of sucked

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There was a time my freshman year...I think it was BOA Arlington 2005...we had a big tear in the middle of the show between brass and woodwind.


I don't think we've had any significantly terrible things happen to us on the field, but in the stands, that's another story. Sometimes you just want to watch the football team, right? haha

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omg. Langham in prelims for state last year. Bass drums and organ came in early in fourth movement. Phasing was so bad that even if you didnt know the music, you could DEFINATLY tell. People started to get out of step and everything. Even our parents told us it was really bad (ha, and they usually think EVERYTHING is good.) By some miracle we still made finals.But we were so scared after that, that in finals we had a really hesitant, flat perfmormance. :(

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No one was ready for the mass echo effect that buildings give. . .

1996 5A State Prelims in Baylor's Floyd Casey Stadium. We were playing Copland's Danzon Cubano and we got to a section with open hits like hit-rest-hit-rest-hit-rest. Well... The rebound coming off of the homeside stands was almost as loud as the real hit and was perfectly in time with the rest so that to people on the field it became a perfect hit-hit-hit-hit, etc. We didn't really tear, but it was definitely a huge wtf moment.

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UIL this year. The entire season up to that day contained no wind. We rarely even had windy practices. Well, the wind on that Saturday UIL competition and just plain bad luck caused us to have extreme phasing and people to end up steps off of their spot. Long story short, it brought a sweepstakes deserving performance on Friday night down to a 1-2-2 the next day.

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Does a band falling apart counts??? We, seguin, were a really good band. We used to be good but ever since the 2004 show, we havent been able to bounce back from it. It was the hardest musically and drill wise for us. That year was when fell off the band world.


I can relate to that. My band in the 80's and early 90's would be the equivalent to todays Marcus, LD Bell, Churchill ect. From 85-93 I believe we placed no worse than 4th in state. However two things happened to make us fall. One, a school by the name of O'Connor really raided our talent. Of course, every organization in the school really took a hit (back then our football team was VERY dominant too). And two, probably the biggest reason, was us not being able to adapt to the marching band world.


As for performances this year, I would say the game after UIL competition. We followed Holmes, and the announcer said we received or 47th straight first division 1 (which I think got some sarcastic ooo's fro the other band :P). We decided to start in our 4th movement because of time restrictions. The only problem was that theres an 8 count transition from 3 to 4. The whole band was unsure where to start. So the whole band was discombobulated for the first 24 or so counts. But we recovered fairly good. But I know for awhile the opposite band was thinking "How in the world did these guys get a 1"

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