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hmmmm... almost all the dci show that have finished in the top twelve have been amazing. if i had to pick one, maybe '87 Santa Clara, '06 Phantom was amazing too.


Cavalier's 2006: The Machine


Phantom Regiment 2003: Harmonic Journey


Phantom Regiment 2006: Faust


Our directors just got the '06 DVD shipped in today after ordering it months ago! The finals version of 'The Machine' is absolutely crazy! I have to say that is one of my favorite shows of all time, and I just don't know whether I liked Cavies or P. Reg's show more. But 'Faust'... that music just blows you away, and the classic showmanship combined just gives you goosebumps. 'Harmonic Journey' is my favorite from '03, that music is up there with 'Faust,' but it's just not as intense, which is why it's dropped to my 2nd favorite Phantom show...


Honorable Mentions:


Santa Clara Vanguard 1989: Phantom of the Opera


This show is still timeless. Wonderful all around. The fact that they used the same theme the year before also makes their first place finish just sweet. Mmmm justice :)


Phantom Regiment 1989: New World Symphony


Another classic that's great, very close in the quality to SVC's show that year. Excellent sounds!


Velvet Knights 1988 : Magical Mystery Tour (Part II)


VK show that includes marching in converse sneakers. Nuff' said :D


Star of Indiana 1992/1993: American Variations/Music of Barber and Bartok


American Variations just hits a tone with me because it's just a great tribute to our nation, and it's so... I dunno, just amazing. And Star '93 was crazy revolutionary. Love it!

bd...02?01? whichever one where the snare's on the recording yelling "WHAT'S UP????"

It was 2002. Also, if you listen to Riverside Community College's 2003 WGI Drumline show, the same "what's up!?!?!??!" is yelled after a snare solo. It was probably the same guy!!!!


Wow....what an incredibly difficult question....


Phantom Regiment 06 is definitely worth a mention, as is Cavies 06, but right now I dont think either of them are sitting pretty as my favorite.


Dont get me wrong, I dislike the cadets, but I think they have my top show spot right now.


Cadets 84 - West Side Story. Awesome awesome show.


Niagra Falls, Harmonic Journey, Frameworks, Caravan, Rhapsody in Blue, Machine, Faust, New World, Phantom Of the Opera, New World Metropolis, Juxtaperformance. Not necessarily in that order.

And I don't know the name of it, but Capital Regiment 06, just because we had the same show concept 2 years prior to it. I think it was "Three Dimensions of Time: Work Rest and Play"


We had the same name, too.



SCV '89

Star of Indiana '93

SCV '99

Cavs '02


Although I haven't seen the whole show, I really enjoy this video clip of SCV '79.  Read the description for more info.  From what I gathered it was basically a surprise ending done at finals much like Bell did this year.



Cavies '04 would be the first show I'd show to a non-band person though.

I think I would show SCV 1989 to a non-band person first. That is the LOUDEST crowd response I have ever heard.


This is a hard topic, but I've narrowed it down to five.

(In no real order)

1. Madison '96 "A Drum Corps Fan's Dream: Part Dos"

Malaguena is the best music put on a marching field. This whole show just bleeds energy. Plus I've probably lost more hearing from this than drumming w/o earplugs.


2. Cavies '02 "Frameworks"

Do I have to explain? This show is the closest thing to perfection since the Garden of Eden.


3. Star '93. (name?)

For obvious reasons. Thom Hannum, you're a GOD, not a legend, but a GOD!


4. Cavies '03 "Spin Cycle"

Guard outfits are a little scary for a straight guy, but the music in it (I believe) is better than Frameworks. Not by much, though.


5. Vanguard '99

This had it all. Pimp opener, pimp drumline, and just that textbook SCV "Back off" mentality...Ooo-Weee-Ooooh! Spicy!


Sorry I can't narrow this down further. I just love this sport!

If you listen to Bluecoats "Caravan", in the last 3 minutes of the show, theres a measure or two of rest, and some jerks yell "GO VANGUARD!"

i believe they are actually saying "go hector". he marched euph the past couple seasons :)


I did like the cadets this year and Vanguard to. I thought it was so cool when the vanguard cymbols were like bouncing their cymbols on bungee cords, and when they stopped they made that "V", so cool. OOOO and Blue Devils 04, at worlds when they just marched off the field.. :o i was like is it over..OMG that was the most amazing ending ever!!!!!!!

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