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Marching or Concert Season?

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i like marching season because of the togetherness it has with the whole band working on one thing, where as we get split up into different bands for concert season, but concert season is more important because you get better at your playing



my band director said it nicely...concert season is like the main course of a meal and marching season is like the dessert




but then again, the poll is which one you LIKE more, not which one you know is more important

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The main reason I don't like concert season is the fact that I usually start to doze off occasionally. The problem is that I'm up late some nights doing homework for AP classes, and then we have lunch right before band, which happens to be the last period of the day (block scheduling, A days and B days, 4 periods a day). Our director gives us an extra 15 minutes to eat as well while the rest of the school has to be back by 1:30. We get 30 or 45 minutes into band and everyone's blood sugar has dropped back down quickly, making everyone drowsy (but it usually only seems to be me when this happens). It sucks... because I really like concert band, staying awake is just a battle every once in a while.


Being a trombone, our parts usually can be mastered rather quickly with practice since we're usually the accompanyments. We also have some of the best musicians in our section, so we really don't get tons of work in-class when it comes to tuning or rhythm. We all just usually do our thing right the first or second time, we all know what our director looks for in music and mold to his tastes should he add or work something, so we get it done! B)


(for those of you who don't know, when you eat a large amount of food in a relatively short amount of time, your blood sugar rises. When your blood sugar falls back down to a normal-ish level, you become drowsy. I'm sure many of you have experienced this in some kind of class! But that's just a little explanation of what I was saying above :))

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Marching season will always be more exciting. I.E. the big crowds, the hard work, the payoffs, the let downs, it's all worth it to me.

Concert season is just the time when i express myself in my music to a more personal audience, but that all depends on your director's choice of music too.So far i've had good selections! !!!Go Trent Cooper!!!

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marching, definitely. i love playing great music in the concert setting, but i dont think i will ever have as much fun in band as i did this past marching season (UP! DOWN! LEFT! RIGHT!). but im also looking forward to some relaxation in concert season. both seem to come around when im beginning to get sick of the other.

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i like the intensity of marching season, but you can't do it all year.


I love concert season because there really is nothing like playing first thing in the morning and having that start your day.


zerohour - winter drumline

1st period - Varsity Band


perfect day.


most of the time. :P

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Concert season is ok, but it puts me to sleep. I always fall asleep in sectionals (bass clarinets never have to get help on our parts, we sight read well and our music is usually kinda easy), and during concerts. :lol: Marching band never puts me to sleep, even though half the time im so tired i need a nap....lol. but i like performing for crowds and the competitions, and the football games... :wub:

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