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The best memory of marching season

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I know there was a time during marching season that just made it worth it all for you. It made you feel like you going outside everyday sweating and hurting and everything was worth it. Have you ever had that feeling during marching season...i would consider that to be one of my best memories.


We were at BOA Houston during retreat and after knowing that we got 3rd, we felt good. When they were calling captions and we heard that we got GE...that made my heart sing...i was like "wow...we actually won something". Then we ended up getting 2nd place by .5 and that felt GREAT! I think we was crunker than Ronald Reagan and they won. hahaha.


I'm sure it's other things besides placements that might have had you feeling like band was the greatest. Share your experiences...

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It was this year, the warm up right before finals @ the super regional. That was the most intense warmup i've ever indured in my 3 year career! There was some other band standing behind us and their eyes were glued to us. Great feeling. It gave me a sense of pride.


Then after the performance, the directors were bawling :wub:

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This year's area finals. To know that my freshman year we had hardly little support from even our band parents, to having a sea of people from the community, not just band parents, wearing the school colors and cheering during our performance. Then watching people in the stands begin to rise as the last chord was playing to watching a relatively full crowd standing and cheering to a deafening loudness as we brought our horns down. Best feeling of my life.

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2005 Area Finals. Not a single person wasn't crying before we exited the field. I completely lost it once we got to the field next to the stadium. Awesome. Too bad we didn't make state that year. It would've topped everything off.


Now for a funny marching memory, my sophomore year, we opened our show lying on the ground. I think the first 8 sets were choreography with our arms while laying down. Now, at one rehearsal, our director told us to start marching at the part when we stood up. My friend didn't hear that part and he was the only one who laid down. He did all the choreography wihle there were people around him marching and guard girls jumping over him. When he finally realized that everyone else was already standing, he stood around with a completely blank look on his face, ran over to the set at a full sprint, and honked out the loudest, nastiest, flattest Bb I've ever heard on a saxophone. I couldn't stop laughing.

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2004 Huntsville



We laid an absolute egg in prelims. Boring, no energy, you know. And then Dean Westman gave us the most incredible speech, and we had a warmup that was more intense than I ever had in drum corps. The only time I've seen that intensity matched, was when I watched LD Bell warm up this year.


Our performance was abosolutely incredible, and we didn't get off the field or to the tunnel before people started crying and hugging and jumping on each other. I think I was on the 30 before I stopped marching and just started going crazy. The dvd is funny to watch.

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This year at UIL State, when our band was in the tunnel and right before the show on the field, I was crying like a baby and at the end of Fire of Eternal Glory, i could have died right there.


Also, at Area finals, on the way to the field, the intensity was just so much. I was suprised to see our band who couldn't even make finals three years ago, had come so far.

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It has to be all the fun we've had, all the memories. Our band director's pretty crazy, he can get DOWN! Hahaha, there was never a dull moment. Just a huge string of good times running togethor and overlapping, it's impossible to isolate one.



Actually, I can think of one......... one of the best things would have to be coming off the field, sweat running down your eye, shins burning, out of breath and staring up at the crowd listening to the applause. Reminiscing of the journey and work it took to get there. It's just amazing.




......... oh and there's the occasional time you're smackin' yourself because of the step off you missed or the interval problem in that one spot, haha =)

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I agree with bossman's first post. My three years of being in band, we have never had such an intense warm up. The physical warm-up was crazy, we were all on it and perfect with our marching, it was crazy :o !!!! The band behind us was like, dang they are good marchers!!!!! B) It brought tears to my eyes, and then after when we had a quick section meeting, i was talking to them, and just started crying...i mean from starting the season, to how well we were doing then as a section and the band as a whole, i couldnt have been more proud...i didnt really care we got 12th ( i did but our preformance was top 5 worthy-not really 1st but not 12th). -_-

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Definetly state finals last year, from beginning to end. I can still vividly remember the whole experience. I remember being in the tunnel listening to our director give us a speech, standing alongside our first senior class at their last marching competition. I remember thinking back on being a freshman just over a year ago, no idea what I was doing, in a virtually unknown school- and now I was there, at state finals- just one year later.


Our performance that night was awesome from beginning to end. I played my heart out.


Everytime I hear canon in d, i am reminded of all of this. (our shows music was based on canon in d)

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I would have to say our State Prelims warmup. Everyone was ON at 7:30 in the morning, like I've never seen the band before. We were on FIRE. And then we went on and had our best preformance of the season.


Even though we didn't make finals, I saw the video and man, that was the best show I've ever seen out of our school. It's better than '04 Finals. AT 8:15 IN THE MORNING! :D


Also, Westlake Finals. During the brass backfield chorale... it starts raining. It rains until we finish the closer, and then it stops.


After we got results, we were all like "Who cares if we got 2nd? WE MADE GOD CRY!!!"

It was intense. :lol:

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BOA Houston,after prelims and our mics were completely effed up, i was a little preoccupied of us not making finals, cuz this was our year..so when we heard our name called out for finals everyone was going crazy, we were so loud i didnt hear any of the other bands called after us and we were the third band called....


so after that our finals performance i was so happy i almost started crying and man it felt so good, we got to watch some of the other bands and when retreat came i was so excited when they announced us not 10th so i was like -_- then not 9th and i was like :) then not 8th and i was like :D and then not 7th and i was like :o then they called us sixth and i was like B) man it felt so good being there, for our school's band first time being in finals and making it that high, it was awesome!!!

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QUOTE (LdTrumpetWailer @ Dec 5 2006, 07:01 PM)
mine was a Nats this year. I had just hleped pull the big white tarp off the feild and I bawled for like 10 mins and then Mairon Rosander talked to us and told us he had never seen such a great show in his life. I love marching. I'm going to miss it.



Man, that WAS amazing....I had finally stoped crying, then he finishes talking, and I couldnt stop again.

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