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Sousaphones vs. Marching Tubas

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oooh i saw a band at san antonio (i think it was for state) and they had contra baritones...haha they had them on their shoulders like contra tubas...it was pretty sweet!


we thought we were getting 4 valve sousaphones, but i guess not? since the company closed

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I've seen a few schools out in West Texas use them, just can't think of the names. Carmel and Avon use them. I can't really think of any other ones. Trust me, I've carried one; A Contra is one bad Sucka! A ten-minute wall-stand holding a 45 pound instrument with 3/4 or the weight above the center pivot is NOT FUN!

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I've seen a few schools out in West Texas use them, just can't think of the names. Carmel and Avon use them. I can't really think of any other ones. Trust me, I've carried one; A Contra is one bad Sucka! A ten-minute wall-stand holding a 45 pound instrument with 3/4 or the weight above the center pivot is NOT FUN!

But you are never more hardcore than when you march with a Contra. Even the abbreviation of it sounds awesome.

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Without question! They sound way better, becuase there's more detail in the horn. the sousa is less personable.


and it's not as bad as it seems to the common eye. i mean if you've marched a sousa you can march a contra. Depending on if ur band liked to do alot of horns up and horns down though

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