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Things that Rock:


1. The weather..it's finally getting warmer down here!


2. Not having to come to school until noon because of underclassmen TAKS testing (yay for sleeping in!)


3. Not having a test today in my college English class..I thought there was one today, because the teacher implied there would be.


4. Finding out I'm graduating #6 in my class (I found out last week)


5. Finally getting some high notes out on my french horn


6. Having crazyjakeup make a topic about my idea :)


another good one


the cancellation of my Stat test last Thursday (giving me enough time to actually do all of the homework packet and learn everything that i never learned) only to not do my homework packet and still do fairly well on the test (Atleast i think)


My boyfriend and his section (go trombones). My section somewhat rocks. Oh, and this jazz piece that we're playing for UIL. It's pretty sweet, Nancy knows what I'm talking about. Which reminds me:


THING THAT ROCK: Nancy playing tenor sax in my band (2nd) even though she's a basoonist in the top band!

  bandnerdbea said:
my boyfriend and my soloish thing in one of our songs....


o & yes van halen DOES rock!


luv bea

would that be a soli? or counter-melody? what do you mean?

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