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Texas ALL-STATE Music Announced!

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This is the moment that most of us can't wait for (or dread)! All-State tryout music was announced on TMEA.org. Below are the links to individual instruments. Good luck to all!


TMEA 2005-2006 All-State Wind/Percussion Audition Material


This is the official listing of the Band Division All-State Audition Material. All amendments, corrections and errata will become official only when it is published here.


The TMEA All-State 2005-2006 Performance Guides are provided as a tool to help you. Be sure to make note of any changes that may appear here during the upcoming months. Errata will not be posted in the Southwestern Musician magazine. Should you discover any errata in the music that may have been missed, please notify the State Band Division Chair, Steve Andre.


Please View the OFFICIAL TMEA Release HERE!




Good luck to everyone that auditions!!


Just as a disclaimer, all the links above are for reference, and should be taken as a secondary source to the music given to you by your band directors/lesson teachers. TxBands.Com is not responsible for an incorrect link (Although I am really sorry!) or any incorrect information.

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I TOTALY LOVE THE CLARINET MUSIC THIS YEAR! LOL...My goal this year is to make Area! If I do better then I will be happier, but if I make it to Area then I will feel accomplished yet bummed out probably too! LOL mixed feelings. I just hate the region stuff: practicing, then the concert, some of the "directors" and the music.

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Thanks for letting me know dude. Time to start practicing again... :P


This is the year I HAVE to make all-state on french horn. I was one out of area last year, but I think I can get it. Having off periods is really gonna help with being able to practice before wasting my chops on marching band.

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Sax music sucks, what else is new.....


I always get stuck at the region concert sitting next to the worst players ever. It's like they spent 4 months working on these 3 dumb pieces alone without ever developing any kind of tone, technique, or musicality.

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1.Reigon - Local, usually within 2 or 3 school districts,then if you place high enough there you move to what's called Area


2. Area- Top chairs from adjacent reigons compete. If you place high enough there, you earn a spot in the All-State Band


3. All-State - All people placing high enough in there area combine and compete for chairs.

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Depending where your from it could look like this:


1st phase- anyone from your region competes.


2nd phase- top players from phase one compete for a region band placement and a chance to go to area.


3rd phase- If you made it from phase 2, then you compete against people in your area, which is usually a couple regions for a spot in the All-state Band.


Thats how it is where I live. It may be different somewhere else.

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mm time to start practicing again lol..the low clarinet music is better than last years. I just got done playing like one half of the first etude.i hate making the jump to high d sharp bleehhhh :blink: my goal this year is to get 1st at region and area then try to beat the kid from waller that made state 3x in a row lol

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I think I could at least make area on trumpet this year, but our school never goes to thoese contest. The last time we went was 2 years ago when I played the sax, and only 2 people ended up goin (Me and a friend that I forced to go) and both of us sucked bigtime so last year my BD didnt even bother asking if anyone wanted to go... but this year I think I could do pretty good of trumpet, but I seriously doubt were going.

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actually, arundo, my music is easier than last year. haha, i'd rather play the same all region music, than marching music. because i can play marching stuff in my sleep. which i have to do, haha. and it's better to have harder pieces...because then, they'll know who's really dedicated and cares a lot. i mean, it doesn't matter how much you practice, it matters the quality of practice.

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