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Reflections on DCI San Antonio

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Well, my no means am I knowledgable with what I see on the field, except for some obvious out of tune notes, blasted notes, and people out of the form, so whatever I say below comes from a personal, spectator, view...


I really liked the Crossmen... they were 1 place away from the finals, and I would have loved to have seen their show again. It was exciting, high energy, and I thought their music was great.


Also, I think the Blue Coats deserved a higher place than 6th. I thought their show was really awesome and moving. They really stepped it up a notch from when I remember them last year.


Anyways, no one else's music really did anything for me, except the SCV. IF their closer wasn't so rough, they would have done better than 9th. :angry:


I'll update the predictions in the morning... unless someone is in a real rush to know how they did. :P

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As I posted on another forum:


OK, I just got back to the hotel after IHOP.


SCV: I really like the show, it just isn't hard enough to be competitive.


Phantom: OMG the best show of the night even if not the highest scoring.


Scouts: Also a really good show and really gets the sad part of Carmen. I just wish that they didn't overblow and drown out the moving parts of the music.


Cadets: Wow. Just wow. Absolutely mesmorizing show. I really liked the uniform trick.


Cavies: Well, they were The Cavies. Thats all that has to be said.



What I would really like to see at World Finals: Phantom comes out of nowhere and takes it all.


What is possible that I would like to see: Cadets whoop up on the Cavies and end the reign of the Green Machine.

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Personally, I loved SCV's show, the whole concept, working it in with the drill and the music was wonderful. I don't know why they're still in the 82 range, the day show was better than the night one though, but in my opinion 82 is too low for that show.

Phantom's was awesome, I wouldn't mind seeing them take it over the cavies.

Cavilers were themselves, clean drill good sound...yeah thats about it.

Cadets' show concept was cool, I tried to watch the band but it was so hard beacuse the colorguard was so awesome, I couldn't take my eyes off them. Music was good, I liked it.

Blue Devils' show was very cool however I didn't find it as entertaining as Madison and Phantom. I was performed very well.

SCV's show to me really isn't a drum corps show, I would expect to see it from a HS Marching Band (if they could pull it off), and thats my guess to why their doing so bad...I dunno...

Overall, this was my first drum corps expierence and I loved it, yes the food service was horrible (just don't go to Denny's) but still it was a wonderful day and I had so much fun and was in awe of some of the stuff I saw on the field. Next time I'll just have to get better seats.



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Spirit - Alot more energy than I was expecting, and alot better than I expected. They had really accesible music, and a few moments that made the crowd politely applaud. I don't really remember much else.


Glassmen - I really liked it. They made new world sound...well, new. Highlight of the show: The snow angels (corps lies on the field and does body movement) was really effective, and got a few oohs and aahs.


Blue Knights - Reading what was written in the program about this show makes it make alot more sense. The program was called "A Midsummer Knight's Dream" and was about marching drum corps, similar to Kennesaw Mountain HS 2004. Highlight of the show: The amazing drill and body movement in the drum break. There was one move where the corps was in these 4 triangles, and the point of each triangle went to their knees and fell back on their backs, and the rest of the triangle followed in a ripple effect. VERY cool.


S....C....V- This show was not very difficult. It seemed very "kiddish" with all the crowd accesible "picture" sets. The Vanguard yell seemed very forced, and the corps didn't return the favor with a very good sound. I had Blue Knights over SCV, and I think that will be happening pretty soon, hate to say it. The visual design is what is killing them, not the music. Highlight - The Drum break, where the Corps Proceeds to spell out 1917, CCCP, USSR and then a little later 1991.


BAC - This show is the same concept as My Marching bands show (seguin) and I really liked it. I particularily loved the arrangement of Candide. There were a bunch of "BAC" moments (groups of four spinning, silence before huge curved company front) but it didnt posses the punch that the upper six did. I also don't see where else this show can go, as I think the may have already peeked. Wonderful Guard, as we have come to expect. Highlight- I loved the Head tilts coinciding with the bell notes with the pit. Very happy moment and put a smile on everyones face. Sing Sang Sung also got the crowd on their feet.


Crown - Beautiful Hornline. One of the best of the night. Another "happy" show. I like the Angel wing sets. I really didn't like the Guard unis, but I was told they represent the fact the Angels walk among us, and are indistinguishable. Kind of cool. I wings on the back of the unis looked like lungs to me. I enjoyed the ballad, but I was expecting more of a hit from the Sarah McLachlan piece. Highlight - The Final set - the number 444, which is a holy number that represents angels. Very cool way to end it.


Bluecoats - Loved it. Hardest drill of the night. They get the corps around the field. I was dissapointed that there wasn't a plate line. The "drum speak" was not very effective, but probably because it was almost inaudible. They really need to turn it up, or turn it off completely. It kind of killed the mood. Coats had one of my favorite music books of the night. Highlight - Nothing really stuck out, it was all very good.


I will write the rest later, Got to go to work.


ok back.


Phantom FRIKIN Regiment - This was easily my favorite show of the night. I thought that phantom playing Gershwin would be a little awkward, but I was definately humming the music later that evening. This show was alot of fun, and eveyrone around me was grinning like an idiot the whole time (including myself). The male in the guard is AMAZING and the umbrellas in the tunnel gave them an awe inspiring look coming on the field. Mostly Beautiful Sounds, and I was extremely expressed with Phantom's Visual skills. Visual is no longer their hindrance. Highlight moment - The end of the show was AMAZING. I love how the guy in the guard runs towards the back of the field and opens his umbrella, and all you see is the back of the umbrella. Almost as is he stopped by for a little while, and was on his way somewhere else. This show has the total package, and I really think they will be above Madi by Finals.


Madison Scouts - Seeing as how the band directors at my school work for this drum corps, I have heard quite a bit about it. But still, the whistles totally took me by surprise, and they create an erie tone. I two guard guy's staring each other down in the middle of the field is a cool foreshadowing of things to come. Very cool opener, and the drill is very clean. The have very "Cavie" type moments in the drill, and not very many "Madi" moments. The drill was still pretty effective, nonetheless. Amazing drumline, possibly the best of the night (didn't look at the recap). Now on the the woman... I knew that when the guard started to go to the back podium, she was about to come out, but when they came back, there was no sign of her... Until the guard hit about the center of the field. She came out of nowhere, and created quite a bit of noise from the crowd. She is very distracting, and I felt more comfortable when she "died" and left the show. The horns were very powerful, but not as much as I would have liked. There was still a bit of overplaying. I had them below Phantom, and I am sure they will be by finals. Perhaps even below Coats. Phantom has soo much room to grow, and Scouts really don't. Highlight - The Corps creates a hollow box, and then the four walls close in against each other towards the center, where Carmen and two guys are "fighting". The drill was written wonderfully there, and it really enhances the moment. Bravo, Madison Scouts.

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Some very short thoughts from yesterday (I just got home and I'm extremely tired!!!!)....


>1 The Cavaliers 91.775

Deserved the win. They were pretty darn clean. It was also nice to hear something different from the Cavaliers this year. Great show.


>2 The Cadets 91.150

Loved it.


Weird show? Yes. Good for drum corps? IMO, yes. It's good to see something new in the activity. And I'm happy they shortened up the drum speak.


>3 Blue Devils 89.775

Yowza! I loved the intro. As usual, the show had its typical BD moments. The last couple of measures however did leave me flat. I'm sure they'll fix it up by World.


>5 Phantom Regiment 87.800

These kids can play. I LOVED Rhapsody in Blue. And visually, what a HUGE improvement from the Regiment.


>8 Boston Crusaders 83.550

The first show I've enjoyed from the Crusaders since the 2000 season. Good stuff. And no more Tarpon Springs moments!


>9 Santa Clara Vanguard 82.425

Musically, I loved it. They played some of the most emotional music of the night. Visually, jeez. I don't know what's up with Myron Rosander this year, but his drill is extremely flat and plain this year. The show has tons of potential visually (same goes with the guard work), but I think it's too little too late to make any drastic changes. Percussion still rules though.


Here's for a Henryck Gorecki show (and green pants) in '06!!!


>Glassmen 80.575

Probably the most entertaining show that the Glassmen has put on the field in years. I don't care what anyone says. I love the arrangements of "New World Symphony."



Crossmen: Wow. I absolutely loved the show. I felt the gap between X'men and Spirit was way too big in the afternoon show.


As for the Finals results, the judges nailed it. I agree 100%.


I also got to talk to DCI judges Marie & Gary Czapinski at the San Antonio airport on my way home. Very nice folks.

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I was talking to my old band director about why they are doing so bad and he said it's because they had to so many age outs last season. The way he said it was"Imagine your marching band with out your top band".

I'm a big fan of SCV they just aren't having a good season

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I completely agree with Dynasty about the Crossmen. They should have been in finals, or atleast have beaten JSU.


I really loved the Blue Knights, they had really cool drill, especially the part where they brought the battery upfront. They should of been ranked a little higher then what they got.


On the other hand, I didn't like the Cavaliers show that much, some of the Trumpet soloing was cool, but other than that, it didn't excite me musically. I really liked the drill however, and they deserved a first place with their drill being outstandingly clean.


U think one of the better Corps that night was Madison. They really impressed me, and deserved the ranking they got, If not they should have gotten third. I didn't like the Blue Devils at all. They have good marching and sound, but I was really bored with their performance.

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I don't know what's up with Myron Rosander this year, but his drill is extremely flat and plain this year.

from what I've heard from a close source to Rosander...he's burning out..I mean hasn't he been doing it for like 26 years or something like that..I dunno just what I've heard

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I thought the Drill went along with the theme well though, if the closer was worked on alot more, their scores would go up. There was alot of stuff to do with the theme though, such as all the Communist Symbols, 1917, 1991, and the USSR for example. There was something else but I'm probably failing to mention it.

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from what I've heard from a close source to Rosander...he's burning out..I mean hasn't he been doing it for like 26 years or something like that..I dunno just what I've heard

Yeah, you're right Rachel.


Myron has been doing drill for a long long time.

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I thought the Drill went along with the theme well though, if the closer was worked on alot more, their scores would go up. There was alot of stuff to do with the theme though, such as all the Communist Symbols, 1917, 1991, and the USSR for example. There was something else but I'm probably failing to mention it.

Also, the cross during the hit in 'Russian Christmas Music'...that was beautiful.

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I agree with everyone about how good the Crossmen are this year. I don't understand how/why they aren't scoring higher.


My other favorites this year are Phantom Regiment and The Cadets.


My only other comment about the San Antonio show was that I thought all the corps would be louder since the Alamodome is inside.

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My only other comment about the San Antonio show was that I thought all the corps would be louder since the Alamodome is inside.

Domes are a really mixed bag.


They make small groups seem louder because it is boomier and they make large groups seem slightly quieter because of all the reverb and booming cancelling out much of the sound.


All in all, while you won't get wet or muddy in a dome, you don't get nearly as good of sound.


I really wish that we could have kept UIL State in an outside venue, or at very least at Reliant Stadium which can be open or closed depending upon the weather.


UIL State has only been rained out twice in its over 25 year history.

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but compared to 2002 state finals...



I agree that 2002 State was pretty hard to deal with for everybody, but are you going to ruin everybody elses experience in the future to protect against something that has only happened 2 times in 25 years?


And only once in most of y'alls entire lifetime! :P

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