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  Claritone said:
I'm probably gonna go pick it up at like 8 or 9 in the morning, read as much as I can, and then leave for DCI San Antonio

And here I thought it would only be me...

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  Lustra.exe said:
Harry is probably a horcrux. There is plenty of support for that argument. ;)


yes, there is. I know that the book that mugglecast wrote said that FOR SURE he WAS a horcrux, but in their last episode they said that more than likely he wasn't mainly because of Dumbledore saying that he reserved horcrux making for "special" deaths. And obviously, Harry's would have been the most special of them all, considering how Harry was the only one who could eventually beat him.


But since Harry did not die, Voldemort could not split his soul in half, therefore making it nearly impossible for him to have created a horcrux in Harry.



and how anti-climactic would that be... For Harry to hafta die, or be placed under some sort of spell, so that SOMEBODY ELSE would hafta finish of Voldemort.


nonono. Since Harry is a horcrux, he can still kill Voldey. But because a horcrux is a part of his soul a dementor can suck it out of Harry. Risky? Probably. Tricky? Yeah... But I don't think it's merely coincidental that there are creatures that suck souls out.


R.A.B. we have yet to find out who he/she/it is.


I'm starting to think that it might be more than one person... like "Remus And Bellatrix" or something weird like that.



Yah, I see the point about dementors. JO said that everything in the series has a part to play. I just don't see it for some reason happening like that.



What do you think about that Infamous symbol on the Children's Edition of the UK cover the JO keeps emphasizing?


*12 days*

  borchnork said:
I'll be at the Midnight Madness party at the Barnes and Nobles in Frisco!!


If anybody's interested in joining me! COME! lol.

I'm thinking about going, and I'm also watching the movie at midnight as well

  whitewing09 said:
holy crap yall get into it....




anyway whose this dude who got the that one horacrux thing in the cave before dumbledore and harry



Regulus Black, Serius's brother, ex-death eater... that is because he's dead now.


he tried to break his ties with voldey and the gang but probably got assassinated in the process... because once a death eater, always a death eater. if you try to leave they'll just kill you.


however, destroying voldey's horcruxes may have been his final acts on earth. or perhaps he's still alive and may be able to help Harry.


I just had the most HORRIBLE HP dream.


I had somehow gotten a copy of the 7th book, and it opened at the Halloween Ball with Harry and Voldemort DIRTY DANCING AND SUCKING ON EACH OTHER.




Then there was like... a flashback thingie, and all the guys were talking about how they wanted to wear thongs to the Halloween Ball, and then they were acting all emo and angsty and annoying.

  actualgirltrombone said:
I just had the most HORRIBLE HP dream.


I had somehow gotten a copy of the 7th book, and it opened at the Halloween Ball with Harry and Voldemort DIRTY DANCING AND SUCKING ON EACH OTHER.




Then there was like... a flashback thingie, and all the guys were talking about how they wanted to wear thongs to the Halloween Ball, and then they were acting all emo and angsty and annoying.

You had that dream too?!?!?!?! :o




and 10 days left.



I was working yesterday w/ a bunch of my band buddies and we had this huge 2 hour discussion on Harry Potter.


and is Regulus Black really dead? I would agree that it is more than likely accurate, but it would be awesome if Harry teamed up w/ Regulus to take out Voldemort.


And now we have confirmation the Bellatrix is supposed to be another huge character in the 7th book straight out of Jo's Mouth. I wonder what this could mean...?


I'm w/ Laura from Mugglecast on this one.


I think it has something to do with a Certain day (obviously Halloween) where a Horcrux is easily found/destroyed or possibly where Voldemort will/can be easily defeated.




Ok, so there's supposed to be some important clue on the cover of the UK Children's Edition of the 7th book, so I was looking at it and...




yeah. i dont know what that means, but it looked like the house elf was either gonna kill him or was like... helping them. :unsure:


Yes, the movie sucked.


It was going SOOO good until the very end... here's my myspace bulletin about it:


It just...


Fell Short of Expectations


I loved the actresses that played Umbridge, Bellatrix and Luna. They were Excellent.


It should have been longer. I would have sat through another hour of that movie, especially considering my favorite parts were omitted.


Neville never suffered through the Crucio curse that we saw happen in the book.


We never saw Neville's parents.


We didn't see the full Black family line.


We never heard the ending of The Prophecy, which is so complex.


We never saw Percy side against the rest of the Weasley family, causing ultimate drama...



Gosh, I was upset.







Anyways, the house elf is Kreacher (or at least that's who I believe it is, simply because JK practically demanded that he Remained in the OOTP movie.) I don't know why he's there though...


and, while I was at the movie, I head a theory that, while a little far out, kinda made sense.


Ginny may also be included in the Prophecy (not just Harry and Neville).


She was born at the end of July (the 28th I believe). Her parents have obviously defied Voldemort NUMEROUS times. And, she was used as Voldemorts puppet during the Chamber of Secrets, Therefore, instilling some of Voldemort's powers into Ginny. After all, she was one of the most powerful wizards in Dumbledore's army, and I believe she's also a parsletounge (spelling?)

  borchnork said:

Anyways, the house elf is Kreacher (or at least that's who I believe it is, simply because JK practically demanded that he Remained in the OOTP movie.) I don't know why he's there though...

Kreacher is in there because he steals the VERY IMPORTANT LOCKET OF SPECIALNESS in the 6th book, and also plays a very big role in the attack on Hogwarts in the 6th book.

  borchnork said:
Yes, the movie sucked.


It was going SOOO good until the very end... here's my myspace bulletin about it:


It just...


Fell Short of Expectations


I loved the actresses that played Umbridge, Bellatrix and Luna. They were Excellent.


It should have been longer. I would have sat through another hour of that movie, especially considering my favorite parts were omitted.


Neville never suffered through the Crucio curse that we saw happen in the book.


We never saw Neville's parents.


We didn't see the full Black family line.


We never heard the ending of The Prophecy, which is so complex.


We never saw Percy side against the rest of the Weasley family, causing ultimate drama...



Gosh, I was upset.







Anyways, the house elf is Kreacher (or at least that's who I believe it is, simply because JK practically demanded that he Remained in the OOTP movie.) I don't know why he's there though...

The movie was great.


Longer? It was fine.


We DID see Neville's parents


Who cares if we didn't see the ENTIRE tree. It's not that important for the movies. They aren't going to spend an entire minute on scrolling across the Black family tree just so the audience will know who Sirious's Aunt's Dad's Brother in-law was.


The DELIVERY of the prophecy is what you should have been more P.O.ed about. Not the amount heard. Plus, I'm sure D-dawg will go over it in the 6th movie.


The Weasley family drama is not a must for the movies. We know they have to cut a lot of stuff. It's just another thread that will confuse the non-readers.



David Yates did a wonderful job at getting 870 pages into 138 minutes.


Jo didn't "practically demand" it either. She said they would have their hands tied if they didn't. David said it took all of about 5 seconds to decide to put him in. He'll be important in book 7 I'm sure.



I really hope you didn't expect the movie to be a portrait of verbatim.


For anyone that still hasn't seen it, the movie didn't suck. It's great. There are a few fact tweaks to make things move along smoother but other than that, it's brilliant.

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