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It's been almost a year since I've posted on these boards. It seems that after my graduating class, txbands.com has almost no Hebron posters anymore. I thought I'd revisit this site and see what's going on.


What's happening in the band world? Who's good this year? Who has potential? I've seen a 5 minute video of Hebron's show, but that's about all I know of marching band right now. Quite an entertaining show, if I do say so. But then again, I can't really make an honest assessment based on a football game performance, where I can hear the crowd better than the band.


So please! Fill me in on what's been going on!


Should be another fantastic year for Texas marching band.


I could go on and on about the great shows that are being put out this year. But for now, I'll just highlight the bands that will be attending Grand Nationals.


Seven bands from Texas will be attending the Bands of America Grand National Championship in Indianapolis. That's a record for the state. Who's all going? Clear Brook HS, L.D. Bell HS, Mabank HS, Richland HS, Ronald Reagan HS, Stephen F. Austin HS, & The Woodlands HS.


Clear Brook is starting off strong by performing a show entitled, "RePercussion" featuring John Mackey's "Turbine" and "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night." They will be making their first ever appearance at Grand Nationals.


Expect another incredible production from L.D. Bell as they close out their 2005-2007 trilogy with "TRANSCENDents", the final chapter to the "Ascension: Light of Gold" & "The Remaining" series. The music for this year's show consists of Claude Debussy's "Engulfed Cathedral", music from the Pan's Labyrinth soundtrack by Javier Navarret, and Steve Reich


"Clear Brook is starting off strong by performing a show entitled, "RePercussion" featuring John Mackey's "Turbine""


the all-state (second band i think) played that last year. John Mackey was there and his explanation went something like "this song takes you through my experience of flight. before and after the drugs start kicking in." haha


Nice, nice. Bell, Reagan, SFA, and The Woodlands all have the strength to take the GN crown back to Texas. Hey, maybe they'll sweep the top four spots!


I'll be trying to make it out to both the Arlington and San Antonio regionals. Anybody else going?

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