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  tigercat11 said:
arlington was amazing


princton was that the name? anyways they did alot better than i expected. they had a really cool idea. they seem like the kind of band that just needs to be pushed a little more by thier staff an then they would be really good.


i still think hebron should have been in finals. thats one of the best ive seen them perfrom. they had the whole crowd going too. i thought they were really good.


richland was really good. they've always been good but the past few years they seemed like they were in kind of a slump not a really bad one just not themselves and last night they had it back


coppell did really well. they seem like they have cleaned alot of stuff up. and i loved the gaurds outfits.


westfield was also another good one. they catch your attention from the very beginning with the lone soloist and field entry. my only problem with this show is that it kept the same mood the whole time. but they played very well


l d bell-- wow... they were really good. their gaurd pulled me away from the rest of the show though. they looked like they were stuck in pillowcases. it was wierd. they always have the strangest things in their shows. but they always seem to do a good job with it all. and once again their marching was outstanding.


marcus i was in a type of trance the whole time. the flute and oboe soloists sounded amazing. their marching has improved so much from last year. they still play better than anything plus some more. i had the joy of listening to them after retreat they all got in arcs and played the music. it sounded even better than when they were marching. it gave me goose bumps. during the show i felt so sorry for the lady bug tho. he was being chased everywhere.

i loved everything about the arlington performences. they were all so good!


Sorry to quote your post, but what exactly were you watching when you saw westfield?

Yes, I'll give you the euphonium solo. It was excellent and beautiful. Many parts of the music were quite fantastic as well.

However, they were extremely dirty drill wise. Lines were horrible, transitions were non-existent. There were a few tuning issues in the music as well.


I didn't have them in finals. When I saw finals, I did not think they should have been as high up as they were.

  radchad said:
Sorry to quote your post, but what exactly were you watching when you saw westfield?

Yes, I'll give you the euphonium solo. It was excellent and beautiful. Many parts of the music were quite fantastic as well.

However, they were extremely dirty drill wise. Lines were horrible, transitions were non-existent. There were a few tuning issues in the music as well.


I didn't have them in finals. When I saw finals, I did not think they should have been as high up as they were.



Heaven forbid anyone on this forum have an opinion different than your own.


It's all fine and dandy that we all have our own opinions. We are entitled and encouraged to voice them. But DON'T hate somebody else for not having the same opinion as you.


In regards to the placements in finals, they are what they are you can't go back and fix them. You have to deal with the judges choices, and scores. You may not agree with their choice/decision but you can't change it. If in all reality Westfield really wasn't as good as you say they were than they wouldn't have been in finals.


All in all don't hate someone else for the opinions that they hold, chances are they hate your opinions as well.


Congrats to all the bands that made finals at Arlington. They all deserved it, granted I was shocked that Hebron didn't make finals, but if the only thing that held them back from finals is their "time penalties," than we all know that they would have done really well. The biggest surprise in finals was Colleyville Heritage advancing to finals and placing 6th. I graduated from Colleyville Heritage last year and this is a huge step in the right direction for this group. If only I was a senior this year. I'm proud of them, unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to finals or prelims to see them perform, but I know they did well.


Well enough of my ranting. And once again CONGRATS to all the bands that not only made finals at Arlington but to those that performed. Good luck to everyone the rest of the season.

  cjflash said:
Were the bands there really that much better than the bands at Houston? 8 points is a really big spread (80.70 - Stephen F. Austin, 88.10 - Marcus).


The 6th place band in Arlington, Colleyville Heritage , scored as high as high as the 1st place band in Houston.


I'd bet money SFA would be at about an 85 by Arlington at the very least. Those scores don't surprise me a whole lot.




Who hates who for having their own opinion?


I asked them a serious question, then stated what I saw.

I was hoping to get a response to see what they thought as well.


It's called discussing.


Excuse me for coming off as "rude."


Did I sound hateful or spiteful? Rereading it, I don't exactly think I did.

If I did, I appologize, but I was merely stating my opinion in response to that post.


Ok, so apparently I received some bad information. From what I've heard from a more reliable source, there was no penalty against Hebron. At this point, I kinda don't care anymore. They didn't make finals. That's that.


I should just shut up and wait until we get the recaps tomorrow. That'll probably be a good idea. -_-

  MaverickBand15 said:
I enjoyed performing for the 1st time at BOA. I think we placed 15th, but it was still fun. Finals was great to watch. I think my favorite show was "iShow". I honestly didn't like Marcus's show, but they sure were good! Congrats to all the Finalist Bands!


nope, fossil ridge was 15th.

  radchad said:


Who hates who for having their own opinion?


I asked them a serious question, then stated what I saw.

I was hoping to get a response to see what they thought as well.


It's called discussing.


Excuse me for coming off as "rude."


Did I sound hateful or spiteful? Rereading it, I don't exactly think I did.

If I did, I appologize, but I was merely stating my opinion in response to that post.


I guess it just came off as kind of as kind of spiteful to me. Sorry if that wasnt the intention. Go easy on westfield too....its only early october

  MaverickBand15 said:
umm...well. Our recap sheet said 15th...So unless our band directors changed the sheet. McNeil was 15th


15th place - Fossil Ridge (73.00)

16th place - McNeil (71.50)

  radchad said:
Sorry to quote your post, but what exactly were you watching when you saw westfield?

Yes, I'll give you the euphonium solo. It was excellent and beautiful. Many parts of the music were quite fantastic as well.

However, they were extremely dirty drill wise. Lines were horrible, transitions were non-existent. There were a few tuning issues in the music as well.


I didn't have them in finals. When I saw finals, I did not think they should have been as high up as they were.




i didnt say they were the best thing ever... i tried to look more at the positive things they had. i dont really like to put other bands down


Regardless of whether or not Westfield's show was dirty. I heard they have an incredibly hard show this year marching wise. In my opinion a very difficult show that is sloppy is equal to an easy show with minimal mistakes. I have a feeling that is the way the judges saw things as well. You have to take into account the difficulty of the shows.

  jbroomas said:
Regardless of whether or not Westfield's show was dirty. I heard they have an incredibly hard show this year marching wise. In my opinion a very difficult show that is sloppy is equal to an easy show with minimal mistakes. I have a feeling that is the way the judges saw things as well. You have to take into account the difficulty of the shows.


Seeing as how we did overall, I'm not so sure of that (Mansfield). Our drill is very hard this year. Granted we had an earlier time spot which could have affected things. I thought our performance was pretty solid for where we're at and was disappointed to hear the results -_- .

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