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So nobody would try a baitone eh. They're not that bad. But yeah euphoniums are heck. Try this on for size: A Kanstul Marching Euphonium(about the biggest they come), 3-a-day practices, 100-110 degrees average outside, 90% humidity(this is what sucks not the heat), and strict rules and directors. Ahh pure south texas marching glory.

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I know of some schools that do. My school doesn't but i think it'd be a good idea because the freshmen come in with no idea how to march correctly

But they come in with 3 years musical experience, assuming you start band in 6th grade, and 7th graders come in with 1 year.

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i love watching clarinets start to get tired because their thumb hurts from holding up the clarinet, please, go switch places with any bellfront instrument, you will know what pain is

Hey hey now..be nice! I know you guys go through more pain than we do, but you also have to imagine holding about..iono, 5 pounds (I've never weighed my instrument..) on one solitary thumb? It actually makes your wrist hurt if you play long enough (*shudders and thinks about concert band sectionals*)

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Hey hey now..be nice! I know you guys go through more pain than we do, but you also have to imagine holding about..iono, 5 pounds (I've never weighed my instrument..) on one solitary thumb? It actually makes your wrist hurt if you play long enough (*shudders and thinks about concert band sectionals*)

No. Just, no.

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I know of some schools that do. My school doesn't but i think it'd be a good idea because the freshmen come in with no idea how to march correctly

Not too sure about that, pal. I know our tenor section leader marches horribly! We try to march straight legged and he's over there falling on his heels with his legs almost 60 degrees. Our tenor tech qouted, "Man, Cavies would LOVE you!"

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  • 2 months later...
No upperclassmen seemed to be walking around and wincing at every step...


What you don't know is that after freshman year they send to a lab and transform us in to Marching Machines. We have great ankle flex perfect shoulders and never get sunburned. Oh yeah and we don't feel pain. Or have emotions.

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