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Ronald Reagan



The Woodlands College Park

The Woodlands





Clear Brook


All of thoes bands can make it for sure. It will be a hard contest.

my picks are...





Ronald Reagan



The Woodlands College Park

The Woodlands



  • 2 weeks later...



James Bowie

Klein Forest/ Klein (cant remember which one)

Oak Ridge

Ronald Reagan



TW College Park

The Woodlands


Winston Churchill


(2 will fluctuate)


but keep in mind i haven't seen any of the shows, except for my own.....


The woodlands has backed out of the competition due in part that they are not finished with their show...langham creek will not be making an appearance..and i believe westfield will not be going either...dang 3 really good bands not going :-(


Well, since no one has posted prelims results here yet............


FINALS Schedule


7:30 - Ex: Class A - Columbus H.S., TX

7:45 - Spring H.S., TX

8:00 - Lafayette H.S., LA

8:15 - Klein H.S., TX

8:30 - Leander H.S., TX

8:45 - Martin H.S., TX

9:00 - James Bowie H.S., TX

9:15 - Winston Churchill H.S., TX

9:30 - Clear Brook H.S., TX

9:45 - Ronald Reagan H.S., TX

10:00 - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX

10:15 - Ex: Class AA - William B. Travis H.S., TX



Prelims Results


Class A:


Outstanding Music Performance - Columbus H.S., TX

Outstanding Visual Performance - Columbus H.S., TX

Outstanding General Effect - Columbus H.S., TX


1st - Columbus H.S., TX



Class AA:


Outstanding Music Performance - William B. Travis H.S., TX

Outstanding Visual Performance - William B. Travis H.S., TX

Outstanding General Effect - William B. Travis H.S., TX


1st - William B. Travis H.S., TX

2nd - Waller H.S., TX



Class AAA:


Outstanding Music Performance - Brazoswood H.S., TX

Outstanding Visual Performance - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX

Outstanding General Effect - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX


1st - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX

2nd - Clear Brook H.S., TX

3rd - Winston Churchill H.S., TX

  ikilledabird39 said:
I still dont get how the band that wins the Music caption doesnt make finals at a MUSIC contest?????

We're still awaiting a final verdict regarding this manner. Nevertheless, I cannot wait to sink my teeth into this in a day or two.


heck, I might even do it tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!


If marching techique was off, then I can easily see why. BOA takes marching into account.


But I didn't see the performance, so I don't know how it happened.


honestly i thought brazoswoods show was amazing the best one there and them not making finals is complete **** and ronald reagan???? nuh uh im sorry but dirty battery they had some pretty bad tears in there show and ya just **** if you ask me


beat them with music not words i promise you that will make you feel a whole lot better, and be the bigger man or girl. Just cause some band disrepects you dosnt mean you should do the same. And i know its hard to turn the other cheek but remeber Karma is a ****


I agree. Beat them with your music. But really... This contest was not very good i think. I totaly agree with somekid. Regan is not up to par as the other bands were. They were dirty musicly and visualy. But what they did have is GE. The one thing that i dont like about BOA is the weight of GE. 40% is to much in my opnion. Regan is a good band and does a lot of things good, but this was not their night. Brazoswood got cheated. Their music was by far the best that i saw (no i didnt see every band, but I saw most of the top bands) and their drill was clean unlike a lot of bands. The one thing that they lacked was GE. I really am disapointed with how this BOA contest turned out. Yes Im mad that my band didnt make it after having one of our best performances. But I feel even more sorry for all the people at Brazoswood that were going nuts when they had their name called for getting the music caption to only find out 5 minutes later that they didnt make finals. I wanna let all the Brazoswood people know that i think you deserved to be in the top and your show was sick. Ill say it again. I dont see how the band that wins the music caption doesnt make finals at a MUSIC contest.


(sorry for the crapy spelling. Its to late for me to think)


Hey all, thought I'd drop by and put in some input. First off, I'm from Brazoswood.


It's no lie, our 4th movement was extremely dirty; we just got the drill in from our writer (who hasn't done much good for us...) about a week ago, so it was really hard to polish all that up in time for today's show. We also started rehearsing with the show props on Wednesday. :P


GE is something I believe will be addressed in due time.


We were all very happy to get the Music caption, that's certain (last/initial time that happened was the Houston BOA 2 years ago at Rice). What gave us a surprise was how this event has NEVER happened before (a class 3A getting a caption award and not making finals). We were all puzzled; band directors, students, parents and all. Then again...BOAs are unpredictable, you never know what's going to happen at them.


We did alright, it just wasn't our best show. We're starting to wonder if we got a major penalty or something...we're really interested to see the score logistics.


I was confused; some bands popped up that I hadn't even heard of. I've never heard of Martin, and I'm surprised Clear Brook placed higher than Churchhill.


But hey, first contest of the year for us. We'll see you all soon once again. Thanks for the compliments, too. Everyone did great today, no doubt. :)


yea i wus tryin to figure out the whole brazoswood thing, i really didnt think that was possible, and if they lost because of GE then thats just crap, but its too late now atleast they know their music isn't the problem. thats BOA for ya


Hey guys, yea im from Brazoswood and i play the trombone, i agree that we got stripped today, but i didnt see any other band so i dont know hoe well they did....


me personally for those who noticed, on the pass through, i did turn and play 2 beats early, lucky for us i wasnt playing very well today.... yea random thing that noone cares about probibly, just thought i would throw that out there


As posted on the BOA website:


80.70 - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX

79.70 - Winston Churchill H.S., TX

79.50 - James Bowie H.S., TX

77.95 - Clear Brook H.S., TX

76.85 - Ronald Reagan H.S., TX

76.70 - Lafayette H.S., LA

71.25 - Spring H.S., TX

70.90 - Martin H.S., TX

70.70 - Leander H.S., TX

69.75 - Klein H.S., TX


Outstanding Music Performance - James Bowie H.S., TX

Outstanding Visual Performance - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX

Outstanding General Effect - Winston Churchill H.S., TX

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