dtxtrmpt Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 What injuries has band caused you? Did you march with the injury? Just Curious. Quote
Danpod Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 I never experienced any injuries myself on the field, except for the time that I slipped at State 2002 and landed right on my butt!!! As the demand of the drill increases, I've heard more and more kids tell me that they will wrap up their knees or ankles before practice. Quote
TRtrumpet Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 No injuries here, lol. But we've had a few people fall and mess legs and ankles and stuff up. Quote
rpd Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 Ive rolled my ankle doing a drill once. The drill called for me to back step 8 yards in 8 steps then come to a halt. Coming to a halt with all that momentum can be hard sometimes, and I didn't quite plant my foot good enough. It wasn't to bad though, it was sore, but I finished rehearsal. Quote
acsc1312 Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 ha, I scraped my knee on the asphault senior year doing a zig zag drill move, but I made it through. These days its mostly joint pains and that kind of stuff, maybe I'm just too old for this now Quote
urkadrums Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 a little graphic: last week, our bass 3 drummer Briggs was coming in from rehearsal, he was right behind me. and the battery helps bring in random pit equipment so we dont have to make multiple trips from the practice field. well, Briggs had grabbed one of the synth's speakers and he was bringing it into the band hall when he tripped on a trumpet player and he fell, and the bass drum landed on his right hand. i saw him fall, and he held up his hand screaming, omg omg omg where's the nurse ?! I looked at his hand and almost passed out. Briggs ended up slicing almost the first joint of his ring finger almost off, it was basically almost hanging off his hand, and the middle finger was broken diagonally all the way down. so i saw his finger basically hanging, and the other one swelled up, as blood dripped down his wrist. i started freaking out, and he ran to the nurse, while we cleaned up his blood off the floor and the bass drum and calmed everyone else down who saw what happened. briggs went to the ER and they sewed his finger back on and put the broken finger in a splint. so last week at UIL he just marched his spot and didn't play. his fingers are getting better though. hopefully he'll be back in for BOA SA next week and Lonestar Drum Comp. haha nice story eh? Quote
Danpod Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 urkadrums said: a little graphic: last week, our bass 3 drummer Briggs was coming in from rehearsal, he was right behind me. and the battery helps bring in random pit equipment so we dont have to make multiple trips from the practice field. well, Briggs had grabbed one of the synth's speakers and he was bringing it into the band hall when he tripped on a trumpet player and he fell, and the bass drum landed on his right hand. i saw him fall, and he held up his hand screaming, omg omg omg where's the nurse ?! I looked at his hand and almost passed out. Briggs ended up slicing almost the first joint of his ring finger almost off, it was basically almost hanging off his hand, and the middle finger was broken diagonally all the way down. so i saw his finger basically hanging, and the other one swelled up, as blood dripped down his wrist. i started freaking out, and he ran to the nurse, while we cleaned up his blood off the floor and the bass drum and calmed everyone else down who saw what happened. briggs went to the ER and they sewed his finger back on and put the broken finger in a splint. so last week at UIL he just marched his spot and didn't play. his fingers are getting better though. hopefully he'll be back in for BOA SA next week and Lonestar Drum Comp. haha nice story eh? I'm going to have everyone sign a Consent Form before reading that. Gruesome! Quote
GenericWit Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 Umm... hip pivots on concrete... in my puma running shoes... wow... My knee was messed up really badly. I had to wear a brace for a few weeks, take some anti-inflamatories and get some fluid drained as well as take pain meds. Yeah, I march with it. Quote
Danpod Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 GenericWit said: Umm... hip pivots on concrete... in my puma running shoes... wow... My knee was messed up really badly. I had to wear a brace for a few weeks, take some anti-inflamatories and get some fluid drained as well as take pain meds. Yeah, I march with it. Gotta admire that! Quick story from my Senior year: There was a part in the show where the drumline flipped their drums up to rest position and ran back behind some props on the left side of the field. During practice, one of the tenors tripped and slammed face first into the pavement. He layed motionless for a few moments. He got up slowly, dusted himself off for a set, and then headed back to the field. It was definitely a scary site from the podium. Quote
GenericWit Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 Danpod said: Gotta admire that! Quick story from my Senior year: There was a part in the show where the drumline flipped their drums up to rest position and ran back behind some props on the left side of the field. During practice, one of the tenors tripped and slammed face first into the pavement. He layed motionless for a few moments. He got up slowly, dusted himself off for a set, and then headed back to the field. It was definitely a scary site from the podium. Thanks. It doesn't hurt as badly as it did then though... I still have that problem, but... marching with the brace hurt so badly. I used to go home and cry (and then prepare myself to go back for nighttiime marching since it was band camp aka 3-a-days). But whoaaaa... What you have to admire is just getting up and going back onto the field. It's a drummer thing. Some of them talk like they don't care, but I think percussionists are naturally hardcore band lovers. Quote
Tx_Band_Marcher08 Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 Bad knees and ankles from marching the tempos we go. I also have this outrageous jazz run move at 192 or 194 in my closer and it's freakin' impossible considering i'm only about 5'1/2", anyways I ended up hitting the set but when I stepped off to jazz run in the other direction I rolled my ankle. This happened yesterday at practice, which kinda sucks since area is tomorrow. Other than that I have asthma which acts up but really isn't an injury. Quote
king_kool360 Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 I can easily take 4:5 steps, so I can't relate to these "I had to jazz run..." stories. Oh well. I pulled a my calf muscle this season, it hurt to just put pressure on one foot. I went to practices and all, but I looked like an idiot when I marched backwards because I couldn't get on the toes of one foot. When I got home, I would sleep in the living room because my room is upstairs and it hurt to much to go up. Quote
borchnork Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 last year right before our Duncanville contest, we had a trumpet player break her leg, and she still marched on it. We had to carry her off the field though and she was crying pretty badly. We have a flute player currently who slipped coming down the stairs at a contest and sprained her ankle and I think dislocated her knee, but she's still marching. She'll be walking on crutches today until the instant we actually start the show. My freshman year, we had a box drill, and one of our bass drum players slipped and the drum ended up hitting her in the head. We had to call the ambulance for that one. There was a mellophone player last year slip while running back to a set and dislocated her knee. She popped it back into place on her own, which just caused more problems. She ended up marching all of last year, and most of this year before she had to get knee surgery. And as far as my injuries, there's nothing to severe. After our show though, it always hurts to walk, and when I get home from practice, I hafta sit and keep both of my legs wrapped up or else the pain becomes really bad. Quote
aly_lynn Posted October 27, 2007 Posted October 27, 2007 The worst contest for injuries for my band as a whole was State 2002. We came off that field bruised and battered. We had a couple of dislocated shoulders, fractured wrists, twisted ankles, and a broken leg. I'm surprised no one suffered from hypothermia. Our instruments didn't fare to well either, but at least we didn't have the "Taco Tuba". And I am pretty sure the drycleaners hated us after having to clean off all the mud on our uniforms. My worst injury happened my senior year, less than a week before State 2004. For the woodwinds, one of our sets was to turn toward the end zones and jazz run, and abruptly stop facing the audience. The jazz run wasn't hard--it was the foot maneuvering for the last step to face the crowd. During the middle of practice, we were working on this set, and on the last step, my left foot rolled over and I could feel something pop. Somehow, I hobbled off the field and into the band hall. The loving band moms gave me some ice, but it barely did anything--my foot started swelling immediately. For the next couple of days I was totally useless. My foot swelled to almost twice its normal size and turned black and blue. I couldn't put any pressure on it, so I walked with crutches. I wanted to march the 3rd day after I hurt myself, but my band director wouldn't let me--he wanted me to wait as long as possible before getting back on the field so I wouldn't reinjure myself. I was so mad at myself--I had gone my entire marching career without a major injury, and then my senior year before state, I do this to myself. It was so hard to sit on the sidelines and watch the band rehearse--I had never wanted to march more in my life. I ended up at the hospital for xrays because my foot wasn't getting any better. It turned out that it was just a major sprain, but the doctors told me I shouldn't march on it for at least 2 weeks. There was no way I wasn't going to march at state, so I purchased the best ankle brace I could find, managed to stick my swollen foot into it and my marching shoe, and marched my final contest. Did it hurt? You bet. Do I regret marching? Heck no. My ankle still swells up every once in the while, especially when the weather changes. At least now I know when it is going to get cold outside. Quote
chickora Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 Because of our marching style, people have been having messed up knees. It's straight legged. You are not allowed to bend you knees at all. We've had a couple of asthma attacks during the show. A girl that was dehydrated was rushed to a hospital. The funniest part is that its always a clarinet player of some sort, so its like a little game on who is going to faint first. I can proudly say I was never an injured clarinet except at Westlake. We learned this visual that made us completely bend our right knee. Well, during stretches I hurt it really bad, but I marched on!!! Quote
GenericWit Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 chickora said: Because of our marching style, people have been having messed up knees.It's straight legged. You are not allowed to bend you knees at all. Most bands I watch do straight-legged so there's nothing new there. Umm... Michael covered all the bad injuries, but he forgot another horn players. Didn't Chelsie get injured pretty hardcore and then she just got up and continued on afterwards? Quote
borchnork Posted October 28, 2007 Posted October 28, 2007 GenericWit said: Most bands I watch do straight-legged so there's nothing new there. Umm... Michael covered all the bad injuries, but he forgot another horn players. Didn't Chelsie get injured pretty hardcore and then she just got up and continued on afterwards? If you consider a scraped knee a hard core injury, then yes. Chelsea shouldn't have been marching with her heart condition anyways. She's seriously lost like 60 or 70 lbs in the past year cus of how sick she's been. I just saw her outside of her house this morning, and she looked really pale and thin. Quote
the terminator Posted October 29, 2007 Posted October 29, 2007 When we went to Whitesboro during our pre-show rehersal in the 2nd quarter doing our across the floors I got my ankle caught in a ditch and I was trying my best to suck it up for the performace, and I got to admit it was one of my better football game performances ever, but it really hurt afterwards. I was like limping my way off the field. In fact later I had to go to the doctors next morning because it hurt so much that night, so I went took some pain-killers iced it etc, and did great at UIL. This was all last week by the way Quote
GenericWit Posted November 1, 2007 Posted November 1, 2007 Injury no. 2 of the season for me: went home early yesterday- figured, okay... we're all sore, but my knee hurts, too so I'll take a day off. Woke up in lot of pain. Went to the doctor. Knee issue again! No marching until Monday (though I might be able to sneak in a performance on Saturday)! Cutting it a little close to state finals (doc wanted to give me a whole week off... *shudders*), no? Yay for "TAKE 1 TABLET TWICE DAILY" and "TAKE 1 TABLET EVERY 4-6 HOURS AS NEEDED" Quote
chickora Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 GenericWit said: Most bands I watch do straight-legged so there's nothing new there. Most bands over here do a glide step with knees slightly bent. I can't think of a band that does not lead with the knee around here. Quote
GenericWit Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 I don't know if I can think of a band over her that does that... lol. Quote
borchnork Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 Uhm actually I think a majority of bands here do bent leg now. I believe all the McKinney schools do, the Colony does, Wakeland (from what I saw) does and so does Frisco. Quote
Dynasty Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 SerialSleeper90 said: yea most HS band do bent leg. Oh heavens no. Almost everyone does straight leg. I didn't see anyone (I wasn't really paying attention but no one stood out) with bent leg technique at the San Antonio Super Regional. Now, straight leg shouldn't be confused with goose stepping (like the Nazi's). You still bend your knee in straight leg technique, especially on the forward march. The main reason being, its impossible to get your foot from behind you to in front of you without bending your knee. Backwards march is completely straight leg. Also, with that being said, that doesn't mean that every marcher exemplifies that style as a perfect role model. Quote
treblemaker Posted November 4, 2007 Posted November 4, 2007 I fell once on the practice field because I had these huge steps to take backwards and the freshman behind me didn't take big enough steps so I stumbled on her and fell flat to the ground then got back up and kept on going. I only got my knees scraped a little bit and my ankle hurt a bit from being twisted a little. I couldn't stop laughing though. My only painful injury was my really bad heat rash I got summer of my sophomore year. I don't know if that counts as an injury but it looked really bad and hurt just as much. Quote
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