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Absolutely band is not a sport, its an art.


If it was a sport, it would be controlled by the Athletic Director and the Athletic Office.


Instead, it is controlled by the Director of Fine Arts, or Music in some cases.


Just my opinion.

Posted (edited)

Cheerleading is a sport

Golf is a sport

Track and Field is a sport

Gymnastics is a sport


hel_l_, FIGURE SKATING is a sport!


If freaking Figure Skating can be considered a sport, MARCHING BAND is a sport!


And so is Ballroom Dancing...

Edited by takigan
Posted (edited)

I don't think it's a sport. Like sax5warrior said, it's an art. Though, it may not be a sport, it's definitely just as hard, if not harder, than just about any sport. It requires just as much physical ability as most sports and it requires a lot more from a person than sports. It's also just as competitive.

Edited by Fata1
Posted (edited)
Absolutely band is not a sport, its an art.


If it was a sport, it would be controlled by the Athletic Director and the Athletic Office.


Instead, it is controlled by the Director of Fine Arts, or Music in some cases.


Just my opinion.


So we are going to let the school districts control how we label our activity? I think they control enough of what they don't know. Now, I guess it can be said that not all Marching Band is a sport. But, maybe if we narrow it to "Competitive Marching Band"? Such as bands that attend contests and BOA events. I believe everything about the activity makes it a sport. It has techniques, the stuff SCV_Contra said, the participants are required a certain level of physical fitness. Some bands require more than others, but it is all relative. Why can't a "Fine Arts" group, or a group in the "Music Dept." be considered a sport anyway.


Just my opinion.

Edited by WestCoastCorpsFan
they show marching band on ESPN.

And that is the sports channel...so it is a sport ! :D


True, but I've seen Boxcar racing on ESPN before...


Considering that during the summer, we're usually outside practicing more than our football team...


SPORT! and nothing less!


Although, I'll agree that it really is art. And masters of this art style (like Bell, Marcus, etc.) have really been able to revitalize our activities popularity.

this is funny because i wrote a essay a couple of weeks ago on why band should be considerd a sport...

though i did believe marching band is not a sport, writing that essay made me change my mind. marching band is a "minimal" sport...


to march well in a marching band is way more easy than to play well in most sports... the only thing that makes it "kind of a sport" is the fact that you are walking pretty fast (in some cases jazz running). i see everyday people doing everyday things do that all the time(minus the jazz running)...

though i did believe marching band is not a sport, writing that essay made me change my mind. marching band is a "minimal" sport...


to march well in a marching band is way more easy than to play well in most sports... the only thing that makes it "kind of a sport" is the fact that you are walking pretty fast (in some cases jazz running). i see everyday people doing everyday things do that all the time(minus the jazz running)...


Lol, walking pretty fast. I found that line funny. I wish I could find this video on youtube, but a few years back the Cavaliers did some studies with some athletic trainer and they had one of the tenor players hooked up to a machine that measured your heart rate and oxygen intake and output. They discovered that during a show that the musicians bodys are working as hard as an olympic marathon runner in the middle of a marathon. I would hardly call that minimal

BlueBell our friend marches high school band at rowlett : )

dude dont bring us down because you have only marched physically easy shows.

:D Just Kidding!

Here is the video. SCIENTIFIC PROOF!



THanks, I can never find that video.


Star of indiana did something very similar back in the early 90's and its on their antholgy DVD. I might upload that to youtube later

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