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WATCH OUT FOR THE...!! BANG! *watches kid fall to the ground* lamp post... Is the instrument okay?



exactly :D


who cares about the kid?


Lucky, our band director ( I hope he did anyway) told our drill writer to not have anything near those points.


Mesquite HS has a tradition of entering the field to George of the Jungle and yelling "Watch out for that tree!"


From what I've heard, there is a tree somewhere in the middle of their practice field.


lol, we have two lightposts on our practice lot, but luckily one is on the ten backfield, and the other one is on like a twenty maybe eight steps behind the back hash. Not much drill goes back there and when it does you break the cardinal rule and have to march a curved path during a rehearsal.

lol, we have two lightposts on our practice lot, but luckily one is on the ten backfield, and the other one is on like a twenty maybe eight steps behind the back hash. Not much drill goes back there and when it does you break the cardinal rule and have to march a curved path during a rehearsal.




we had about 8 light poles right in the middle of our field the past 6 years since our school has opened.



this year after 6 yrs of asking we got them to remove them!


it is SO GREAT not having these huge things to curve around hahahah :D

due to reconstrution in our school, we have two lampposts in our field.


We may have props in the space left there.



That sounds good compared to what we dealt with last year. Our director refused to practice on the field that we practiced on for the past 50 or so years. It had bumps, was bad grass, and turned into mud the second week of camp. So instead we used the front parking lot of the school. We had three lamp post, and about 10-15 cars to deal with at one time. They thinned out at the end of rehearsal though.


This year we got an asphalt field. Works much better.


Heh.....seems like this could have been an entirely different thread topic itself; "Obstacles on the marching practice field".


Makes sense since band marching lots often double as parking lots during the offseason....or in more likely cases; parking lots are given to the band by the school for use during football season. I suppose that would be the circumstances in which the band often has to deal with the various islands/lamposts/obstacles etc.


I'm being dead serious on this one.....

At The Woodlands HS (I'm pretty sure it's at The Woodlands, someone correct me if I'm wrong), they have a sign on their school parking lot, which they also use as their practice field, that says something to the effect of:

"Band Practice Field. Car will be towed after 4pm due to band rehearsal."

I'm being dead serious on this one.....

At The Woodlands HS (I'm pretty sure it's at The Woodlands, someone correct me if I'm wrong), they have a sign on their school parking lot, which they also use as their practice field, that says something to the effect of:

"Band Practice Field. Car will be towed after 4pm due to band rehearsal."





cars will get towed if they park on our lot at all.

anytime during the day



we don't tow cars.


I think we should cover their car in shoepolish/paintpen if they don't leave by 350.


I hate it when people leave TRASH on the field.


Someone even had vomited on the parking lot.

I'm being dead serious on this one.....

At The Woodlands HS (I'm pretty sure it's at The Woodlands, someone correct me if I'm wrong), they have a sign on their school parking lot, which they also use as their practice field, that says something to the effect of:

"Band Practice Field. Car will be towed after 4pm due to band rehearsal."


we have one too.




That's insane! Haha! People aren't allowed to park on ours at all unless it's an athletic even *coughfootballgamescough* Our field is right next to a main street so the most problems we have are people in cars driving by honking and yelling stuff out their window. I just think they look stupid. Haha.

Posted (edited)
That's insane! Haha! People aren't allowed to park on ours at all unless it's an athletic even *coughfootballgamescough* Our field is right next to a main street so the most problems we have are people in cars driving by honking and yelling stuff out their window. I just think they look stupid. Haha.



that is why i am glad they built us a stadium! haha

Edited by treyj
They built your band a stadium?




it's away from the school so football games and such don't clutter up practices.



i love how our district can shell out 30 million or so for a brand new stadium for the football team but takes them four years to get our bandhall new doors.



Same here! Our district is building 2 new stadiums and improving ours and you know how much they are shelling out for that? 50+ million.. but can the band A. get new uniforms? or B. get lockers to put our stuff in? No. That would be too easy...

Posted (edited)

Wonderful, hearing all these suburban kids complain about their athletics vs. band issues...


Fort Worth hasn't put heavy money into the existing physical plant in twenty-some-odd years. For pretty much anything. The only major physical plant upgrade Paschal's had since the seventies was building on the new band hall, ROTC hall, and science wing eight years ago.


And at least y'all have stadiums that were built after 1960 or so. Our biggest stadium was built during the Depression. And the other two aren't much younger.


Thankfully, the ISD got the first bond package in twenty years passed last year. Hopefully it'll actually go somewhere.

Edited by ftwdrummer


We never towed cars either.


One day this car was right in the middle of the field. A bunch of us picked up the car and moved it. xD We made sure to hide it well just for an extra thrill.



it's away from the school so football games and such don't clutter up practices.



i love how our district can shell out 30 million or so for a brand new stadium for the football team but takes them four years to get our bandhall new doors.




The Huge Screen Score board thing was 1 Million in itself. D:


It's a very nice stadium.. it's just the gated areas and stuff don't make Prop movement easy. Haha.


And that stadium SUCKS on really cold days. There is nothing blocking the wind at all. Essk.

The Huge Screen Score board thing was 1 Million in itself. D:


It's a very nice stadium.. it's just the gated areas and stuff don't make Prop movement easy. Haha.


And that stadium SUCKS on really cold days. There is nothing blocking the wind at all. Essk.




you have to admit its BA though.


better than RL anderson....

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