Gracelyd33 Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 My old Yamaha flute broke.. Whats a good brand to buy? Also, what would be the price range...? Quote
Xenon Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 You might want to rethink the title of this thread. Music Professionals (there are quite a few on here) may be able to help you just as well as, if not better than, just flute players. Quote
treblemaker Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 If you are looking for a professional grade flute that you are going to be using for a long while I would go with Yamaha or Pearl. Yamaha professional series are good. I personally have a Yamaha 674. It's about a middle grade professional flute and it set my parents back about 2500 dollars. I got that flute summer before my freshman year and I am going to be a Senior now. It's held up beautifully. :] Here's the website for Yamaha Professional Flutes: Yamaha Flutes Pearl Flutes are another really good choice. My friend got one and I am a little jealous. haha. I've played on it a couple of times and for me it creates a deeper tone. More rich. Her's I think was around 2000 and she got it around the same time I did. Pearl is a good choice no matter what grade flute you are looking at. They run a little higher than Yamaha's do with the same features such as solid silver body and keys rather than only plated or extra keys and such. Here's Pearl's Website: Pearl Flutes I hope that helped! You can PM me if you have any more questions. :] Quote
Gracelyd33 Posted June 10, 2008 Author Posted June 10, 2008 See I had the Yamaha 647 and it broke. One of the springs snapped and so when they went to fix it they said that they weren't able to because something about the kind of metal.. Quote
treblemaker Posted June 10, 2008 Posted June 10, 2008 That's really odd. They should be able to fix it. Maybe you should take it somewhere else for a second opinion or contact Yamaha themselves. But if I were not attached to your flute I would milk the situation and get my parents to get me a new one. :] Quote
Gracelyd33 Posted June 11, 2008 Author Posted June 11, 2008 Haha, Thats what I'm trying to do(: Thats why I am asking about a good one. I love my Yamaha but.. Everyone likes new! Not to mention how shiny it would be! Haha Quote
treblemaker Posted June 11, 2008 Posted June 11, 2008 If you are looking for a real good one then go with the Pearl. It will be worth the expense. :]] Quote
borchnork Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 Honestly, I wouldn't buy a Pearl. They are sturdy instruments, but there are FAR Better flutes out there. Go to That's the website for Carolyn Nussbaum's flute shop in Plano, TX. That's where I got my concert flute, and it's my baby. =] I haven't played on anything better in my life. Some of the top brands I'd look at are: Miyazawa (I have the Miyazawa Classic... expensive, yes, but well worth every dollar) Jupiter Trevor James (These flutes used to be CRAP! But they've cleaned up REALLY nicely and are extremely nice for the price) Miramatsu (Not as nice as the past three, but still pretty nice) Powell (Our flute player that was first chair for the last 3 years played on one of these, and it had the most gorgeous tone I've EVER heard out of a flute) Those won't do you wrong! They are pretty pricey... but Carolyn usually has used instruments that are almost as good as new, some even better than new, for like half the price. Quote
treblemaker Posted June 12, 2008 Posted June 12, 2008 I am lhsfluter's private flute instructor and I would recommend that you get a second opinion on fixing your current flute. You can send it to Carolyn Nussbaum in Dallas and she will be able to fix it for you. Her website is Carolyn Nussbaum. I am very positive that she will help you out. She also has many flutes for sale, new and used. I would recommend taking the time to drive to her store and try out several instruments including Sonare's, lower level Powell's, Miyazawa's, and Muramatsu's. These are lower level professional quality instruments... if you are still looking for a student quality instrument then Sonare's and Yamaha's are your best bet. But I would certainly see if you just can't fix the flute you already have, unless you are planning on majoring in flute performance or education in college. Hope this helps. Dr. Jasmine Bartz Quote
Gracelyd33 Posted June 12, 2008 Author Posted June 12, 2008 Yeah I am going to go to a music conservatory in Germany called Hans Eisler... The thing with the Powells though is that I have trouble getting used to them which is kinda weird to say but its true. I don't know what about them just makes it hard for me to play them. Quote
borchnork Posted June 13, 2008 Posted June 13, 2008 Call Carolyn and schedule a meeting with her. When I bought my Miyazawa, we spent three hours non-stop for me just to try flutes. I think I played on more than 20 or 30 different instruments before I decided which MODEL I wanted, then I played on like 4 different versions of that model before I found MY instrument. And Carolyn is a goddess at fixing instruments. So I would follow the advice of her teacher. Quote
color guardie 12 Posted November 26, 2008 Posted November 26, 2008 depending whereabouts you live, there is an amazing flute specialized store in dallas, they have every kind of flute and like get you to try them out there. It's a really awesome place, it's called Carolyn Nussbaum's and the prices are depending on which kinda flute you end up getting because there are like the top of the line flutes there too, really really nice flutes. MaleFlute 1 Quote
Oscar Posted March 22, 2010 Posted March 22, 2010 Andreas Eastmen flutes are very good quality flutes, i know a good open hole, b foot joint,silver plated, off set G flute costs about $600. Quote
FluteofJBHSOPE Posted October 11, 2011 Posted October 11, 2011 It depends on what your looking for and the price range in which your looking to spend.. also what kind of metal and accesories you would like on it. I have an Amadeus with a G offset, french keys, and a b netural end joint and I love it. (3k) Muramatzu's which are handmade Japenesse flutes can cost around 10k and are also very good. Quote
Cowgirliz Posted November 3, 2011 Posted November 3, 2011 The Gemeinhardt models are pretty good, they range from about $400-$2000 depending what make and model or what you want on it, ex: gold lip plate, B foot, silver plated, French (open hole) style keys.,Flutes-Flu...ccolos.wwbw?o=1 is a place to look for some ideas, you can also go to the woodwind bar and scroll down to flutes. I got my flute, sax and drum sticks from this website. Hope I helped a little. Quote
MaleFlute Posted October 30, 2013 Posted October 30, 2013 depending whereabouts you live, there is an amazing flute specialized store in dallas, they have every kind of flute and like get you to try them out there. It's a really awesome place, it's called Carolyn Nussbaum's and the prices are depending on which kinda flute you end up getting because there are like the top of the line flutes there too, really really nice flutes. Carolyn Nussbaum's is about the only place I go for flute anything unless I can't. She's awesome, can fix anything, sells any flute gear you could ever want, and can help you find the right flute for you, be it for marching or concert season. Quote
Akropesgreox Posted March 2, 2018 Posted March 2, 2018 Thanks Guys, Hmm come to think about it, the disc has been knocking around in my bedside table draw’s for quite some time. Looks like it could have been damaged perhaps. That’s a bummer any one know of a cheap disc going around ? O_Smiladon Quote
LeanderMomma Posted March 17, 2018 Posted March 17, 2018 flutes only!!!! Does it count if it was over 30 years ago? Quote
chocolatecookie Posted November 1, 2024 Posted November 1, 2024 I can't decide if I want to invest in a new flute. I currently have a professional, full silver, yamaha flute that is passed down from my mom. However, because it is pretty aged, it breaks quite often. I have taken it to be repaired and talked to the sales person about replacement options, but he said that I should just keep this one for as long as I can. I am currently in high school and have not decided if I would like to continue band in college. I also play piccolo and was thinking about purchasing my own pic, but I don't know if I should just get a new flute instead. Any suggestions? Quote
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