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drum corps

BlinK Day 41

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I agree WWs shouldn't be in corps...then it wouldn't be a corp duh! But if you really want to march then there is no other option but to learn a brass or percussion instrument or learn to spin a flag, rifle, sabre, etc. You can get the same WW effect with the pit and probably a whole lot cleaner too (with runs or something like that). I'm not trying to diss WWs for those of you who think that's what I'm trying to do. I play the clarinet, but I don't think you'd get the same effect with WWs than you do with a full brass line.


You should really go listen to Cedar Park's 2006 show (Fire of Eternal Glory)and listen to the WW runs near the end of the show. You can't get much cleaner than that, even in DCI pits.

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I support the change, and I think woodwinds should be allowed in DCI.


I don't see fielding full WW sections as practical, without having to dramatically increase the size of the corps, or greatly reducing the number of brass. But with amplification, it could be used for neat effects and solos, to add stuff to a show. I don't know how all it would be used, but I'm all for having new possibilities.

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Pit and Guard aren't in there either...


Anyway, I think woodwinds could potentially add another dimension to the shows. I believe that you would be able to retain almost all of the amazing features DCI currently has to offer its audience with the addition of them. Sound would of course be an issue (dynamically), but with proper staging, as well as other possible techniques, one could achieve a pretty cool show. It should at least be an option, I think. You don't invent better things without experimentation, at least.

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Perhaps a miced (miked? w/e how ever you spell it) woodwind ensemble in the pit? But where's the fun in that? No marching! :(

we had that in the third movement of my freashman year, it was okay but i think we lost some credibility points for that. and every year after that we have miced/miked a WW who was eather playing a solo or playing th WW melody because the rest of the WW werent loud enough...


i say screaming trumpets are cooler than miced/miked WoodWinds

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  • 4 months later...

i really dont enjoy drum corps much. it doesnt have the texturea and quality of woodwinds. i wouldnt like to be out a whole summer marching sleeping on buses. my cousin marched and by what he described i wouldnt like to be there. i dont know how they find all that stuff so fun. jazz band forever! im new here so be nice. texas bands are way better than our bands. i wish i went to ld bell!!!

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Drum Corps has been described as one of the funnest experiences you can have in life by some people, so I guess it's personal preference. I'm still against woodwinds, I think it's great how corps have to adapt with their music without woodwinds. Amplified woodwinds are not the answer, and putting a reasonable number of them on the fields would require them to up the number for corps membership, and that may not be financially good for some corps. DCI is fine how it is. Do I wish there was something woodwinds could do like this so they could have something similar to a Drum Corps experience? Yes I do, but there isn't anything right now. And plus, it's always good to be able to play another instrument.

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  • 3 weeks later...

yeah sort of... not that i have any room to talk cuz rowlett can bearly get second to duncanville in area C... i saw Bell at the HEB marching championships, it was really cold, so i didnt enjoy it cuz i was unconfortable... then at state i was getting nachos so i missed the preformance, twice... i really enjoyed the 2004 show though...

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's to late to apply, but I must say that DCI soponsored an All-American Marching Band, for seniors '08 ONLY! It included all instruments and is supposed to do something VERY DCI esque. They'll be performing at half-time in the "all american Bowl" in January.


But, yes to add ww's in drum corps is stupid... you can only hear them if there's like... 16 of every instrument, and that would completely throw off the sound that the brass would be allowed to make.

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