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So I know it's only been like one or two days of band for most of us, but how does everyone think its going so far? Freshmen any good? Show as awesome as you'd hoped? Marching technique going okay? :D


Personally, I'm SUPER DE DUPER excited. We're taking the met off and cranking tempos immediatly, which will only help in the future. Also, all the unmotivated people quit, which will only help.

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  actualgirltrombone said:
Also, all the unmotivated people quit, which will only help.


Not to sound too harsh, but I do wish more unmotivated people would get out and not attempt to sabotage the experience for everyone else. Believe it or not, it does show up on the field.



a lot of our "unmotivated" people decided to drop band this year.

And we're finally back to our size of about 160.

Only had 110 last year because of a new school opening!


Our freshman are okay, of course need a lot of work but i give it a week and they'll have it down well!


and as for our show.



I was absolutely blown away when I heard the updated MIDI file this morning for the opener and ballad.




loved it!


and playing the music today was great.


only with the woodwinds though.


I can't wait till full music rehersals!

Posted (edited)
Not to sound too harsh, but I do wish more unmotivated people would get out and not attempt to sabotage the experience for everyone else. Believe it or not, it does show up on the field.


i agree but often their there bc their parents wont let them quit.


i have to say from out side the block our band already has a good feel to it as far as unison movement goes.... all of our protocol changes will help too. (and the crazy stuborn leaders that wont let you mess up on the 2nd day of camp deff help :) )


*edit as well as blasting as lound as we can every day.... if you thought CP '06 was loud this year should make that seem quiet ;) )

Edited by TRUMPet
Posted (edited)

We've hit the pavement twice now and both times have been great! The freshman aren't being babied like last year and they are being forced to "swim" or be left behind. Everything is definitely different this year and we are off to a great start. Our music is progressing really well and a lot of things are getting done faster than last year. I can't wait to see what comes out at the end of He** month.

Edited by lhsfluter

in general we are fine. our one weakness is that we love to have fun, and at times(like today) it gets to be too much and we had to run. Right now, we have about 30 sets(many are subsets) laid down, which is about a minute and a half. overall freshmen are a bit weaker than last year, but i'm not too worried, but our one problem is we laid down some really difficult drill for our opener, so still quite dirty. I'm really excited b/c i'm sure we'll do well, and the music is GORGEOUS, best ever. We start w/ firebird then move into that romeo and juliet piece, then ease down to the beautiful swan lake, and then comes right back hard w/ flight of the bumblebee, the n move into the nutcracker, and finish big w/ a Phantom type version of firebird.


My section has 7 freshman this year. The most we've had, like ever... And they are all awesome! They are incredibly fast learners and actually like to get better. It's wonderful. Don't really know about any of the other sections. Haven't really had time to watch them.

  whitewing09 said:
Everyone but my freshmen were high spirited and doing great, mine seem sooo ughh Idk but I definitely need to light a fire under their butts



yeah I only got 4 new freshman saxophones, they are pretty good i guess. I've been teaching them well.


We got second today in the section contest.


Flutes beat us :[


i'm on my lunch break now until 1.


but man this morning did we get some stuff done.

(morning are only leadership and freshman, 8-1130)


They're really starting to grab ahold of marching.


I even got my section to win best section :D


and had the "best freshman marcher" award in my section






band camp starts for us next week.

I hate the beginning of band, but that's because I'm impatient and I want to get to drill as fast as possible. I know fundamentals are really important, but I hate them so much.


This is the youngest low reed section we've ever had.


I'm the only senior, and out of the two sophmores, only one of them has marched, and we have 7 freshmen this year; and two of them missed june camp.


but they're really cooperative, and they listen to my advice ( and our tenor sax drum major who to me is a lifesaver. I can't teach worth crap)


I Think it's going really well though.


We got all of our show music, which has never happened. We usually get our closer in October.


Our freshman are....so-so. Off down lock is still like a ripple effect and thats bugging me...and you think that by the 3rd day some people would GET IT, but i guess its just not getting across to some of them. Not to mention, a handful of them dont listen so we end up doing rep after rep after rep. And its starting to get on peoples nerves to say the least. After repeating the instrustions like 5 times, you would think everyone would have gotten it...but no. *sigh*



Other than that... the show = holygeewilikersohmyfreakinggosh AMAZING. Our show is gonna like..melt some faces. Either that or our sound is going to kill the audience. Or cause them to go deaf. One of the other. ;)

I mean just PLAYING it in rehersals gives me like a complete rush. And you can tell everyone else is feeling it to by the looks on their faces.

Needless to say, I am PUMPED for the contests and compititions to start up. :D

  CP*Trumpet_Belle said:
Our freshman are....so-so. Off down lock is still like a ripple effect and thats bugging me...and you think that by the 3rd day some people would GET IT, but i guess its just not getting across to some of them. Not to mention, a handful of them dont listen so we end up doing rep after rep after rep. And its starting to get on peoples nerves to say the least. After repeating the instrustions like 5 times, you would think everyone would have gotten it...but no. *sigh*



Other than that... the show = holygeewilikersohmyfreakinggosh AMAZING. Our show is gonna like..melt some faces. Either that or our sound is going to kill the audience. Or cause them to go deaf. One of the other. ;)

I mean just PLAYING it in rehersals gives me like a complete rush. And you can tell everyone else is feeling it to by the looks on their faces.

Needless to say, I am PUMPED for the contests and compititions to start up. :D


Well, yalls show better be as good as you make it sound.

Posted (edited)
Other than that... the show = holygeewilikersohmyfreakinggosh AMAZING. Our show is gonna like..melt some faces. Either that or our sound is going to kill the audience. Or cause them to go deaf. One of the other. ;)

I mean just PLAYING it in rehersals gives me like a complete rush. And you can tell everyone else is feeling it to by the looks on their faces.

Needless to say, I am PUMPED for the contests and compititions to start up. :D



Play a little louder and maybe Leander can hear you guys. haha. JK. Can't wait to see what ya'll put out this year. I'm sure it will live up to your expectations. :]

Edited by lhsfluter

Look, I didnt mean to start anything when I said I thought our show was going to amazing.

If people are going to start getting on my case about it, when just forget I ever said it.


She asked if the show was what we were expecting or more. I was just putting out my opinion, but that doesnt mean everyone has to or will agree with me.

So uh yeah, sorry if I started anything with that.

  whitewing09 said:
Well, yalls show better be as good as you make it sound.


and what exactly is that supposed to mean?

Like i said, it was MY opinion not yours. You take it as you want to. Dont live up to what im saying. Judge when you see it.

but you dont need to give a smart remark just cause i made sound like all that & a bag of chips. Sorrrry.

Posted (edited)

Excuse me but this is what you said, "the show = holygeewilikersohmyfreakinggosh AMAZING. Our show is gonna like..melt some faces. Either that or our sound is going to kill the audience. Or cause them to go deaf. One of the other."


That does not seem merely to be expressing you're opinion but as if you're saying the show is going to be very good. If you make it sound as if it is "all that and a bag of chips" then you better be ready to back it up. =D


Don't get defensive =P

Edited by whitewing09

Alright then well i would like to REPHRASE what i said.

I PERSONALLY think our show is great. I think the rest of our band loves it to. I also think the audience will greatly enjoy it.


Ok, is THAT better? Cause i really dont want to start something stupid.


Easy now, friends. She was just giving an opinion. That's her first impression of the program and she did a great job of answering the question raised by the original poster. She wasn't putting down anyone else's program and I am so grateful for that. Personally, I have no problem with death by sound, as long as the fundamentals of Music are kept in tact.


I've baked cookies to smooth things over =)

  CP*Trumpet_Belle said:
Look, I didnt mean to start anything when I said I thought our show was going to amazing.

If people are going to start getting on my case about it, when just forget I ever said it.


She asked if the show was what we were expecting or more. I was just putting out my opinion, but that doesnt mean everyone has to or will agree with me.

So uh yeah, sorry if I started anything with that.



yeah stop freaking people :D



i personally think our show will be amazingggg too :]


i mean who doesn't think their show will be amazing?



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