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So the majority of us started the new year today! How did everything go?!?




I actually like this block schedule they laid on us! I have two college course a day on one day and three on the next.


I just don't like how they put me in elective I don't want


Band was ok. we didn't play, but that's because it was about 20 minutes long.


Music theory was amusing. We made fun of clefs.


Health was...well, I don't have much of an opinion yet.


AP Calc. was ballistic. We have 36 people in my class, and 85% of them are hyperactive :E


Algerbra II: I will finally pass that class.


English IV: I hate it. The teacher treats us like we're 5, and the class is immature.


Computer App.: Don't have much of an opinion yet.


my day OWNED


didnt go to first block.

second is TCC english... easy


third is band, we just worked on "insomnia"


4th is senior release :D



then learned new drill at practice! yuhhh


Our first day wasn't too bad. We had band in the morning before school. Then I went through my schedule. My AP English IV teacher gave us a seventy something page reading assignment to be done by Friday. AP Calc was the only class I really enjoyed. I also have an off period this year which is cool. After school we had two hours of band. It went well, for the most part. This year's going to be the best so far by a lot.


Let's see


Band was ok we just sat and talked about what our goals for the week are, laid down how band class works.


Concurrent History- We met our professor, class full of preps and some people who probably shouldn't try taking even an easy

college class year.


Webmastering- We took our picture haha, however I'm probably getting out of there.


Dual English - We talked about our project and how the class works the teacher is friggen AWESOME.


Aid Period- We don't have teachers to aid for yet, so we sat around and talked about band! haha


Desktop Publishing- We wrote an essay about ourselfs, realized how much my writing sucks haha

Posted (edited)

Ugh I know right? Almost every single on of our teachers gave us one of those yesterday.


Anyway, my first day (yesterday) was great! This is going to be the best year by FAR! My schedual is really easy, and I have lots of cool people in classes, which never happens:


Psychology- This seems like it's going to be a really interesting class, but I know it won't be too hard... it's tought by a coach.


Band- Sucks.


Goverment- Another class taught by a coach. Peace of cake.


English 4- I'm not to crazy about this new teacher. We started reading "Frankenstean" the first day, and it's kinda alright so far.


Choir- Bleh. Cool people, that's about it.


Office Aide- Free class, which is where I'm at right now.


Athletics- Cross country/track/tennis practice (for me) depending on the season. It's the hottest effing part of the day.

Edited by TRtrumpet
Posted (edited)

^ your spelling stinks lol



I don't think the journalism teacher likes me. It's not my fault that I don't use an ostentatious vocabulary when describing myself! ughh


I realized that this one guy who I REALLY don't like is in 5 of my classes...

Edited by whitewing09

I just completed my last first days of High School and I am so stoked for my classes!


Band- It's band what more needs to be said?


English IV (Duel Enrollment)- This class is going to be a breeze because all you have to do is write about 8 papers a semester and we get an A and don't have to take Freshman English in College. Woo Hoo!


PALS- There are 47 people in my class... I sit on the floor. Boo. Haha. We'll see how that goes.


Calculus AP- Probably going to be my hardest class this year. We reviewed all of Pre-Cal from last year in about an hour. My brain hurt...


ASL 3- There are only about 10 people in my class and it's going to be amazing!


Student Aid- I talked to Vista Ridge band nerds the whole time it was great. Btw. Going to another campus is scary because you don't know anyone and you have no idea where you are going. That is not cool as a Senior. Haha.


Music Theory AP- I am going to LOVE this class. It's like band nerd heaven! Haha. Plus my teacher gave us candy which is always a plus. :]


And that's about it. I know ya'll were so excited about hearing about my life.. not. Haha.


It's Dual** Enrollment



Band- It was ok I was a little late even though I got to school early ugh


AP Biology- Our teacher called us crazy since so many people are taking it


Journalism- There are two seniors lol since it's journalism one


Dual English- Wow we started today with a running start and it doesn't seem like it will calm down


AP Calculus- We pretty much just went over the stuff we learned about limits last year


Desktop Publishing- I realized how I need to start being over the top to compete


So my schedule is sooo messed up. They are supposed to fix it tomorrow.


1st period I currently have off.

2nd is Symphonic band

3rd is Concert band

4th is Music Theory

5th and 6th is PALs

7th I currently have off as well.


I shouldn't have any classes off, but it's nice to get to sleep in =)


I'm a senior :]

and I'm not taking any off periods this semester because of band, and it would be stupid to come to school, leave for an hour and a half and come back for school/band rehearsal/theatre/etc. I'm also taking basically all electives except 2 classes that are required. haha :D


My Schedule though:

A Days

1. Band- same old, same old.

2. Photo Journalism- this is going to be a really cool class, and the teacher is really chill, and we get to work in the darkroom :D

3. Theatre 4- amazing, except not all of my friends are in that period.

4. Communication App (Speech)- fun class thats pretty chill.


B Days

5. Art 1 (havent been to it yet, because on the second day of school i was in Instrumental Ensemble, but I got out of it because I have taken that class 3 yrs in a row, and I havent taken art since elementary school lol, but ive heard i have a cool teacher)

6. PAP Latin 3 (my only class that will be pretty difficult probably. but i have sweet friends in it, so ill be good)

7. Government (taught by a coach, who is hilarious, so that class will be fun and easy)

8. AP English 4 (I have the ridiculously easy AP english 4 teacher, where we do fun stuff (like we have SSR and journal time hahaha) while the other teacher's class writes 13 sonnets and lots of essays haha!)




Easy year :D

Posted (edited)

yay for being a senior.


1. band - it is what it is.

2. ap bio - eh, its alright.

3. band independent study - pretty much chillin' in the band hall.

4. preap precal - there's like 10 band kids in here. haha.

5. jazz band - not my favorite.

6. honors english - def. not my favorite.

7. ap music theory - best class ever.


lol @ band every other period.



oh yeah, my friend who is an all state trombone player

has five classes with me. haha.

Edited by AzNtRoMbOnEcHiCk
  dtxtrmpt said:
So my schedule is sooo messed up. They are supposed to fix it tomorrow.


1st period I currently have off.

2nd is Symphonic band

3rd is Concert band

4th is Music Theory

5th and 6th is PALs

7th I currently have off as well.


I shouldn't have any classes off, but it's nice to get to sleep in =)


How are you not in English or Government/Economics or a math? Haha.

  lhsfluter said:
How are you not in English or Government/Economics or a math? Haha.


Well they messed up my schedule. As soon as they fix it I'll be in AP English 3 and US History A. And my free periods will be gone =( I took English 4 last year and Government and US History B. My classes are soooo messed up. I've already taken 3 math classes, and that's all we are required to take. I didn't take a math class last year either.

Posted (edited)
  dtxtrmpt said:
Well they messed up my schedule. As soon as they fix it I'll be in AP English 3 and US History A. And my free periods will be gone =( I took English 4 last year and Government and US History B. My classes are soooo messed up. I've already taken 3 math classes, and that's all we are required to take. I didn't take a math class last year either.



Haha. Nice I'm an over achiever and working on my 6th credit of math. bahahaha.

Edited by lhsfluter
  dtxtrmpt said:
Well they messed up my schedule. As soon as they fix it I'll be in AP English 3 and US History A. And my free periods will be gone =( I took English 4 last year and Government and US History B. My classes are soooo messed up. I've already taken 3 math classes, and that's all we are required to take. I didn't take a math class last year either.



i feel you.


i;ve had my schedule changed FOUR times this week,


hopefully todays will be the right fix :D


but i still have 4th off everyday hahaha

  urkadrums said:
2. Photo Journalism- this is going to be a really cool class, and the teacher is really chill, and we get to work in the darkroom :D


Heh.....I remember that class. With Boatright correct? Easiest class in the world. I thrived on signing up for classes where you'd do almost nothing year-round. Took instrumental ensemble every year (an easy class where you could do absolutely nothing if you knew how to escape the directors), maxed out my off-periods, took another 2 or 3 classes where you didn't have to do anything....that was the life :P.

  takigan said:
Heh.....I remember that class. With Boatright correct? Easiest class in the world. I thrived on signing up for classes where you'd do almost nothing year-round. Took instrumental ensemble every year (an easy class where you could do absolutely nothing if you knew how to escape the directors), maxed out my off-periods, took another 2 or 3 classes where you didn't have to do anything....that was the life :P.


Yep it's Boatright ("Boaty"). I'm excited for taht class.

Yeah, that's pretty much how my schedule is :]

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