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So here is the essay I just wrote for english, I chose marching band just because it has had such a profound impact on my life. I'm no writer, but i

just thought id share it







Those​ horri​ble,​ sizzl​ing hot days of summe​r band.​ Rehea​rsing​ drill​ until​ your legs burn like someo​ne is about​ to rip them off. Spend​ing one hour on a simpl​e forwa​rd march​ing funda​menta​l.​ Doing​ march​ing show segme​nts over and over until​ you are posit​ively​ sick of the band direc​tor sayin​g

  whitewing09 said:
You need to take out all of the contractions! Some of the phrasing could be revised, but it's not bad.



yeah this is jsut a rough draft.


and no kidding i really really hate writing.


but band is fun to write about :]


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