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Should be interesting contest. The past 2 years McNeil has taken 2nd overall, and 2nd place percussion. Round Rock got 1st last year at this competition.


Capital City - October 4:

Class A:

9:15 - Reagan (Austin)

9:30 - Rouse

9:45 - Lanier (Austin)

10:00 - Florence

10:15 - Travis (Austin)

10:30 - Canyon Lake

10:45 - Lorena

11:00 - Taylor

11:15 - Wimberly

11:30 - Marion


Class AA

11:45 - Bastrop

12:00 - Smithville

12:15 - University High (Waco)

12:30 - Del Valle

12:45 - Luling


Class AAA:

2:15 - Lehman

2:30 - J.P Stevens (San Antonio)

2:45 - Lake Travis

3:00 - Alamo Heights (San Antonio)

3:15 - McCallum (Austin)

3:30 - Dripping Springs

3:45 - Atkins (Austin)


Class AAAA:

5:15 - Smithson Valley

5:30 - Anderson (Austin)

5:45 - Bowie (Austin)

6:00 - Hendrickson

6:15 - McNeil

6:30 - Round Rock

Yay! LISD's newest school Rouse is going to be there! They only have freshman though. That's so great that they are already competing!


do you know what there show is? it would be interesting to watch there performance. I bet they are doing fine!


I'll be in attendance at the Capitol City Marching Festival for the Class 4A programs (Good Lord, I hate the weird classifications). I hope everyone has a great performance!


P.S. I'm also looking forward to obtaining some Austin's Pizza just down the street from Burger Stadium!

Hey Danpod, You should scream for the Mavericks when they announce McNeil! Have some Maverick Spirit....!!!!!!!


I should be able to see you guys perform. I look forward to it!

I should be able to see you guys perform. I look forward to it!


we should have a good performance, we have the whole show on the field, and the music sounds pretty good. It's gonna be a matter of whether we can keep a steady tempo. We have had problems with that. Lamar Burkhalter came out this week, and he helped us fix some of those issues.

we should have a good performance, we have the whole show on the field, and the music sounds pretty good. It's gonna be a matter of whether we can keep a steady tempo. We have had problems with that. Lamar Burkhalter came out this week, and he helped us fix some of those issues.


Lamar Burkhalter is my hero!

Should be interesting contest. The past 2 years McNeil has taken 2nd overall, and 2nd place percussion. Round Rock got 1st last year at this competition.


Capital City - October 4:


Class AAA:

2:15 - Lehman

2:30 - J.P Stevens (San Antonio)

2:45 - Lake Travis

3:00 - Alamo Heights (San Antonio)

3:15 - McCallum (Austin)

3:30 - Dripping Springs

3:45 - Atkins (Austin)

Class AAAA:

5:15 - Smithson Valley

5:30 - Anderson (Austin)

5:45 - Bowie (Austin)

6:00 - Hendrickson

6:15 - McNeil

6:30 - Round Rock



Lmao. That needs to be Akins. hahaha :P




I want to go to this SO BAD! I'm Baton Rouge right now so hopefully I can get back to Texas for this weekend. That's still up in the air though.....



Oh how I miss marching band competitions deluxe! Well, to all who go: LET THERE BE GLORY!


Don't have a complete breakdown, but the results I have off the top of my head are below. Sorry I don't remember the full scores:


In Class AAA - 1st Akins 88, 2nd Dripping Springs 85, 3rd Lake Travis 82


In Class AAAA - 1st Bowie 88, 2nd Round Rock 85, 3rd Hendrickson 85 (I believe there was a .4 diff between 2 and 3)


Overall, "Best Musical Performance" was Bowie, and "Best General Effect" was also Bowie.


Class AAA:

Akins 88.5

Dripping Springs 85.5

Lake Travis 83.8

Stevens 81.2

Lehman 79.2

McCallum 79.1

Alamo Heights 64.1


Class AAAA

Bowie 89.5

Round Rock 85.4

Hendrickson 85.0

McNeil 83.8

Anderson 83.5

Smithson Valley 81.6

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