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Posted (edited)

Hello txbands.com,


After some thought I would like to share with you my experience at the BOA San Antonio Super Regional, albeit not in the way you might think this will turn out. I did watch all the bands in preliminary and finals competition, and I thought the contest was all that it could be, and maybe more. But it was somewhat dulled. Of course you will have the bands that are there to be judged by some of the best judges in the nation, though they may be no where near the level of bands like L.D. Bell or Cedar Park. It is not about the "weaker" bands, though, as you have that everywhere. It was the stronger bands that shocked. Peformances being performances, this will be dealt with later. Nevertheless, as I have always felt, BOA is not just a contest, but a learning experience, or rather a "positively life-changing experience." Here we will learn from what I have to share or maybe not. I hope to learn from all of you by reading your responses.


Georgetown was the first band to stick out in my mind as one that has come with the means to ring up a score that would be higher than most and I must say this was a fine performance. What I like about bands that work towards the BOA image is that they are there to show you not just what can be achieved technically, but emotionally, too. You see, I think teaching your kids aesthetic values in addition to music and movement as well all else you can associate with the stereotypical "marching band" is important, just as learning the varying perspectives on history is important. It is not about "memorize this" or "memorize that." Provide meaning. Provide a show that can make your mind imagine things, rather than make your mind think that you are good at this and good at that. Georgetown had me on the edge of my seat, and they were not the first band to do this.


Leander ventured into musical territories that, I think, they have ventured into numerous times before. They had some imagination in their show, but I felt as if they could modernize much, much more. Now, before you attack me, I know this is a UIL "State" year. However, I also know that three bands played had very similar shows that were, yes, music focused: Winston Churchill, Cedar Park, and Stephen F. Austin. Now, any time I see and hear a show that is similar to what I have seen and heard in the past I do not put the show down, but deep down inside me there is a groan, a groan that reminds me of past years. I yearn for those. I yearn for the Winston Churchill 2002 show, for example. Yes, Aledo did a wonderful job of refreshing that great music, but it made me somewhat sad to know that we have to suck things from the past or re-do things for the sake of meeting a timeline or standard or...YOU fill in the blank.


I firmly believe Texas has some of the best bands in the nation, but it is as if Texas "took a year off." I don't think UIL is an excuse, because I was there in 2002, 2003, 2005, and 2006, and the so-called "5A" bands did not hold back. I don't think the absence of great bands like The Woodlands or Richland is an excuse, either, because again you have bands that have the reputation that did not shoot for the stars. Fuel prices were a thing that I heard held some programs back (from BOA contests and such), but economy be darned as you have to plan for the worst in times like these. Some programs just collapsed, like Reagan! And though I did not think Reagan should have been in finals, I congratulate them for surviving. I would rather Reagan be here and be a band they did not used to be than not be a band at all! But one or two programs on the rebound does not phase me, and should not phase you. And yes, there are lots of "has beens." But what about the "are nows"? Is it UIL? What is it that is responsible? I really hope that what the many of the great bands in Texas did to themselves pays off...because it did not seem to pay off at BOA San Antonio which I have long thought of as the gauge of the nation's best. L.D. Bell was the lone group that I think earned the score they received, 100%.


It is odd that I speak of program design, because most of the time I think that this is a side note, or something that I need not consider. Not here.


But let me talk about the good things I saw: I saw utmost class and professionalism from each student on the field, in the stands, and in the parking lot; I saw schools like Del Valle that come from the far reaches of Texas really knock the socks off of those who are used to seeing the same set of bands contest-to-contest; I saw schools that fought through all odds (transportation, members falling down on the field) to deliver a PERFORMANCE.


My favorite band of the weekend was Haltom, and I think by what I already wrote you can see why I chose them. Their show had it all, IMHO. They were not afraid to expose all aspects of their band. Even their percussion popped out of their show as if to say they were KEY (much like Westfield's 2003 show which had you see how all the parts formed the whole, whether it be obvious or behind-the-scenes...Haltom just happened to be obvious).


I thought Marcus was better than L.D. Bell in prelims. I think a lot of people did. L.D. may have had a poor performance (and to say their performance was "poor" is really stretching it). What is more important, though, is that Marcus had a show that was on par with L.D. Bell, and was really, really fun to watch. Me being a fan of Greek and Roman mythology got into the characters that made their mark in pagan times. And Marcus was CREATIVE in how they treated their product, too!


Did I not consider the "other" shows, though? Were Winston Churchill, Cedar Park, and Stephen F. Austin clones of each other? Absolutely not. I found some great things, different things about each show that is worth sharing. Churchill had a guard to die for (as always), Stephen F. Austin made my eardrums ring, and Cedar Park was as close to perfection, even with the glitches, that I could find, marching band, drum corps, or whatever, and they were entertaining.


Who cares what "my scores" were. I do not need to share these with you to make me legit. I just hope to come back to Texas to see excellence not just in music, not just in marching...but in everything.


Thank you.



Edited by airons0678

Very interesting take, Alan. I agree that although the majority of the shows were enjoyable, there were only a select few that proved to take the floor out from us. We were glad that you were able to come out to Texas and hang out! You are welcome back here anytime and I look forward to seeing you soon, old friend.

Posted (edited)
  Danpod said:
Very interesting take, Alan. I agree that although the majority of the shows were enjoyable, there were only a select few that proved to take the floor out from us. We were glad that you were able to come out to Texas and hang out! You are welcome back here anytime and I look forward to seeing you soon, old friend.


Thanks, Dan! It was great hanging out with you and the rest of the txbands crew. Don't get me wrong, though. I had a fantastic time. ALL the bands were great. However, it was a surprise seeing where some of the bands are considering where they have come from and where the bands could (should?) be going. Then again, perhaps this is just me who has seen so much and tends to expect so much. Perhaps I am old and tired. You will have to let me know your thoughts on Grand Nationals when all the dust has settled.


Take care!



Edited by airons0678

If there is one thing that it is negative about forums is that when comments are made that hurt the people they are written about. EVERYONE is has a opinion and most opinions are worth voicing. With that said, when a comment is made such as:


Some programs just collapsed, like Reagan! And though I did not think Reagan should have been in finals, I congratulate them for surviving. I would rather Reagan be here and be a band they did not used to be than not be a band at all!


Whether or not you feel they should be there or not, they were. They are surviving their current adversity and they work just as hard as the current super powers...probably more so with the 40+ freshman marchers. These freshman have stepped up to the plate, learned to march, learned to play while marching and learned to balance hard grinding coursework with band, all in a matter of months. So when someone from the outside looking in slams a program, the individuals of that program take notice. Should Reagan have been in finals? The judges from BOA thought so. The panel was praised on these boards, but they are questioned on a case by case basis. It just does not make sense to me. Does Reagan have work to do...yes. They had work to do after 2003-2005-2005 also, now it is just in another caliber. Work is work and it all takes effort. Reagan is the same band they always were. Filled with kids with heart, soul and dedication. A band is the sum of its parts. The students still want excellence, they still want success and they still play their hearts out.

  just_a_texas_girl said:
Some programs just collapsed, like Reagan! And though I did not think Reagan should have been in finals, I congratulate them for surviving. I would rather Reagan be here and be a band they did not used to be than not be a band at all!


He is right whether or not you want to admit it. The band and the kids did not collapse, they are just as hard working as they have always been with all the dedication and heart that has been there. What DID collapse is the program, which is what Alan said- there is definitely a difference. I understand why some Reagan kids might take that statement the wrong way, but I think his assesment was fair about the program. program. program.


I would appreciate it if someone would explain to me how you can separate the kids from the program and the program from the kids. And I am dead serious. The kids are a part of the program. If you are talking about drill writing, directing, music selection, etc, then let's talk about program leadership. But throwing the "program" to the wolves, does just that...it throws the whole program to the wolves. And I certainly am not trying to split hairs with anyone. You simply cannot be a student of this "program" and take these comments to mean anything other than the band sucks.

  just_a_texas_girl said:
I would appreciate it if someone would explain to me how you can separate the kids from the program and the program from the kids. And I am dead serious. The kids are a part of the program. If you are talking about drill writing, directing, music selection, etc, then let's talk about program leadership. But throwing the "program" to the wolves, does just that...it throws the whole program to the wolves. And I certainly am not trying to split hairs with anyone. You simply cannot be a student of this "program" and take these comments to mean anything other than the band sucks.


What I interpret "program" to mean is the name. What comes to mind when you hear the name "Reagan"? You think of the success they have had. When a "name" like that suddenly falls from the top it doesn't go un noticed. They were not saying that the students did not put as much hard work and dedication as any other year but in saying that no one can be good always. That's what makes every year different. Reagan kids are only used to success being attached to their name. There has to be a point where you step back and say "Yeah, we had a 'off' year" and then move on. If you performed your best then that is all that matters. Take that on to next year and make it better. No one is doubting the heart the students put into it. Every student that walks on to the field from any band has heart in what they are doing otherwise they wouldn't be there. I hope that cleared it up a little...


Listen, understand I realize Reagan not being top five or top whatever is news, I really do. But when a school splits in half what is the expectation? And when that split occurs two years after a director change what is that expectation. Can anyone out there give me am example of when a "top caliber" program split and changed directors without skipping a beat? Really it does not matter. The kids know they gave there all....I would also like to know what finalist bands were marching 32% freshman.

  just_a_texas_girl said:
Can anyone out there give me am example of when a "top caliber" program split and changed directors without skipping a beat?


Yes. Churchill split with Reagan in 1999. In 2000, Churchill had about 100 members fewer than the previous year. In the Summer of 2001, Churchill changed directors just before the beginning of band camp.


Churchill continued to perform very well after splitting with Reagan, with Reagan not taking long to become a top performer as well. The Woodlands CP was pretty good their first year too. LD Bell has had several director changes the past few years and it doesn't seem like they have lost any momentum.

  just_a_texas_girl said:
The kids know they gave there all....I would also like to know what finalist bands were marching 32% freshman.



You are right on that point. They did their best and all things considered they really did put out a great show, especially if you compare what the rest of the country is doing at the moment. I was at the State finals contest for Colorado last weekend...it was dismal at best. The caliber of bands here is nowhere near what it is in Texas, so the Reagan band definitely has nothing to be ashamed of.


And on a side note, I dont think 32% is really that many freshman. Its slightly over a quarter...my junior year we had something like 45% (maybe more) new marching members.

  Xenon said:
Also, The Woodlands and The Woodlands: College Park.


And SFA and William B Travis.


It happens all the time.


Cedar Park split with Vista Ridge in 03, they got 9th at BOA SA. The next year, after losing the head director, 2nd at state. The same thing happened again this year: Vista Ridge split with a new high school and had their most successful season thus far.


I guess in my opinion Reagan still had a great year. It is just many opinions are that they are bottom of the barrel. The fact remains that the kids gave it there all...and no matter if the general opinion is that the "program" is bad, they are the ones that live it day in and day out. I bet if you ask whoever placed 21,(and I don't know who that is...just throwing a number out there) if they would have loved to have been 14th, the answer would be yes. Reagan still has positives working for them and they will continue to build on those and continue to adjust what is not working.

  bluebellbrass07 said:
You are right on that point. They did their best and all things considered they really did put out a great show, especially if you compare what the rest of the country is doing at the moment. I was at the State finals contest for Colorado last weekend...it was dismal at best. The caliber of bands here is nowhere near what it is in Texas, so the Reagan band definitely has nothing to be ashamed of.


And on a side note, I dont think 32% is really that many freshman. Its slightly over a quarter...my junior year we had something like 45% (maybe more) new marching members.


Leander marched 69% Freshman and Sophomores this year. I don't really think that should be an excuse.



  Clarinot said:
Cedar Park split with Vista Ridge in 03, they got 9th at BOA SA. The next year, after losing the head director, 2nd at state. The same thing happened again this year: Vista Ridge split with a new high school and had their most successful season thus far.


UMM... VR took more from Leander then from CP. ANNNND When CP opened up Leander did fine for a while. Also there Rouse just opened up and took at lot from VR and they still made it to state. ANNNND next year a new high school is going to open and it is going to be a single split from CP so we will see how that goes.. I wish our district would stop growing...

  treblemaker said:
Leander marched 69% Freshman and Sophomores this year. I don't really think that should be an excuse.


First and foremost, I will never make an EXCUSE for a band program. I was just giving reasons why a program would be on down peak in the cycles that every person and program can experience. And I was speaking of freshman only. Reagan only has 15 Juniors in its program and the Senior class is only around 25. So do the math. Those are mainly Freshman and Sophomores out there too. I was simply saying that every program has growing pains at times. And as these younger kids are cultivated, it is so hard for them to stay positive when the TX Band community is being such a bunch of downers in reference to their work. I can't help believe that there is some satisfaction out there that the program is not as successful as 2005. One thing the program teaches is positive interaction with peer bands. Support who wins, support who doesn't do so great. Never say another band "irritates" you or that a band perfection gets on your nerves. Always celebrate success and give pats on the back to ones that struggle. Really...isn't that the way it should be?

  just_a_texas_girl said:
First and foremost, I will never make an EXCUSE for a band program. I was just giving reasons why a program would be on down peak in the cycles that every person and program can experience. And I was speaking of freshman only. Reagan only has 15 Juniors in its program and the Senior class is only around 25. So do the math. Those are mainly Freshman and Sophomores out there too. I was simply saying that every program has growing pains at times. And as these younger kids are cultivated, it is so hard for them to stay positive when the TX Band community is being such a bunch of downers in reference to their work. I can't help believe that there is some satisfaction out there that the program is not as successful as 2005. One thing the program teaches is positive interaction with peer bands. Support who wins, support who doesn't do so great. Never say another band "irritates" you or that a band perfection gets on your nerves. Always celebrate success and give pats on the back to ones that struggle. Really...isn't that the way it should be?


I don't think anyone here is trying to be a "downer" about Reagan's performance. The vast majority of bands at BOA San Antonio were top-notch, and the fact that Reagan made finals among all those ensembles shows that they still had a fantastic performance: good show design with tons of motivation and commitment by the students and staff.


All that was being said is that your school didn't have as great of a year as it has in the past, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, considering Reagan has been one of the top ensembles in the state (and country- look at their GN placements) since the start of the school.


Reagan did have a great year, just as it has before. Just based on the judging standards, their scores were lower this year than they have in the past. I'm concerned that people are giving you the impression they are taking satisfaction at your school's lower placements and scores this year. I think if you re-read what people have written, you'll find the vast majority of people participating in this discussion have a great deal of respect for Reagan and are in no way trying to insult your program.


Please accept my apologies if anything said in the thread can be perceived otherwise: I'm sure that was not anyone's intention.


Great discussion. And to just_a_texas_girl, I did not intend to put down Reagan. I have great respect for Reagan, as well as other (personal) reasons I admire their program that I will not get into. I simply wanted to use their band as an example of what was "different" this year, and I was saddened (as were a bunch of txbands staff members) that it was a possibility that this band--one that was on the verge of winning BOA Grand Nationals only a few years ago--might not make finals at the BOA San Antonio! I DON'T think it's a secret that Reagan is not as strong as they used to be, and I don't think you can blame the kids for that. From what I could tell, the kids did the best they could with what they had and in the end it paid off. I'm really, really happy they made finals. I could not think of a more classy band to be in the top 14. Do I think they should have made finals? My opinion still stands as "no," but you have to remember that I am not a judge and nor are the other "arm chair refs" who come to the shows and think they have it all figured out.


One of my biggest hopes is that I come back to San Antonio, TX and see some improvement from ALL bands. Wouldn't it be great if Reagan and Claudia Johnson Taylor got to the level the old Reagan was at and hold their own against groups like Winston Churchill? Never say never. There are too many great programs in Texas with great kids that CAN'T be ignored, and plenty of young talent out there that can sweep these kids off their feet and make them winners on the field and in life.




Unfortunately Reagan has been sort of on a downhill slide these past couple years, there's no denying that, the evidence is right there in front of us with their scores. Merely two years ago they were a powerhouse band that many feared and aspired to be like. But ever since their change of directors, they just haven't been the same. They didn't make finals last year at Nationals, and this year, I think the split with Johnson took another hard toll on them. The kids work just as hard as they always have, I'm sure, but I think the new direction has just not lived up to the bar Chambers set. And y'know, that'll change. Things will adjust, I believe Reagan will recover to its former glory, it just takes time.

  • 2 weeks later...

I hate how arguments like these start. It should not be an argument. He or she never meant to insult anyone in the first place. Reagan is simply not as good as it once was. Fact.


Bands enter into competitions willingly. They aren't required to. Some years will be better and some years will be worse (placement-wise), but every year will be hard work. I long for the day when people realize that the payoff from a marching season is not the hollow placement they receive but rather how they are better and t he memories they have from the experience. Until then, people will argue.

  • 3 weeks later...

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