just_a_texas_girl Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 yikes.... To be a fly on the wall of that band parent meeting. I see it both ways...I really do. People with no education in music, see the mental illness slam....people with education in music, see the art. It is easy to say it is art...the majority of us on these boards have an appreciation of art. But the general public, especially the ones that vote "no" to supporting bonds that support the arts, have no earthly idea what "art" is about and see the marching band as an unfortunate interuption to the football game. With that said, I have no idea why a student in the band marched all season without saying a word. But this is what the media reported, and just because it is in the paper, does not make it true. Censorship in band is risky. I suppose the people on the hard left, could argue that Avon's show, its a horrible fusion of Church and State. Where does the line get drawn? You can say LD Bell's show last year is pagon based and has no place in public education. I appreciated all the shows for what they offered. But I love art! So I guess a show named "iCrazy" wouldn't go over too well........but the fact is I am! Quote
treblemaker Posted November 17, 2008 Posted November 17, 2008 There are always going to be shows that are not going to sit well with someone. You really can't please everyone. My friend last year felt that Churchill's memorial show was an exploitation of soldiers rather than a tribute to a fallen band member. Is she entitled to feel that? Yes. I can see where she is coming from. How could you not feel affected by that show? I'm not trying to start any arguments with saying that I'm just trying to provide an example. There's always going to be someone who finds something "offensive" in a show that is successful. But remember... This is America and we are entitled to those rights. If the people of NAMI blame it on ignorance then what more is there to do? The season is over. What's done is done. People use the term "retarded" so loosely these days why doesn't anyone do anything about that? Isn't that just as insulting? Marching band is a form of expression and it shouldn't be subjected to such censorship. This is real life and everything isn't just hearts and flowers. If it starts with this, what's next? Everything has to be happy and no one can express anything the slightest bit controversial? Why don't we all just go out in all black uniforms and everyone can march the exact same show with a theme of all things happy that way no one can be offended by anything... Quote
kdnblue142 Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 Last night's band parent meeting was like all the others, except that the principal did say a few words at the very beginning. He stated that he never got a single phone call from any student, parent or any other person in the San Antonio community during the entire marching season. Only a few calls from the Houston area after BOA Houston. He did say that when he arrived at work on Monday morning he had no calls, messages or emails on this subject either. He also said additional words about being a band member in when he was in school, how great our kids are and the band's performance was, etc. After he was finished, the meeting progressed just like any other. We moved on. All I have to say is that I really do not believe that there was truly a "Churchill" band student and her family that was upset by the band's theme. It may have been from another school. If this was the situation, then the paper should've made that clearer. This is the quote from the Express News of San Antonio: Quote
pj68 Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 Then why did they not find the Avon show offensive? The part where the guard goose stepped then turned their rifles on each other and made like they shot each other???? Quote
just_a_texas_girl Posted November 18, 2008 Posted November 18, 2008 KDN....My hats off to Churchill for withstanding this wave of negative press. It goes back to what I have always believed...the press will use their words VERY careful to weave a story they way they want it perceived. No article on Churchill for being a SA band advancing to state...Not one word on Reagan in 2005 for GN Class AAA Champs....nothing...NEVER anything positive about SA bands...only negative....I guess that is what sells. Quote
TXBandNerd07 Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 just_a_texas_girl said: KDN....My hats off to Churchill for withstanding this wave of negative press. It goes back to what I have always believed...the press will use their words VERY careful to weave a story they way they want it perceived. No article on Churchill for being a SA band advancing to state...Not one word on Reagan in 2005 for GN Class AAA Champs....nothing...NEVER anything positive about SA bands...only negative....I guess that is what sells. Reagan... i think SA bands (paricularly RR and WC) have some of the nicest band kids! i say postive things about SA bands. lol.. cuz im just that cool Quote
whitewing09 Posted November 19, 2008 Posted November 19, 2008 I personally didn't like the show, not because of the words hate or of anything to do with the content, the show just didn't appeal to me idk I still don't find the things offensive Quote
CPFrntEns Posted November 25, 2008 Posted November 25, 2008 I know this topic is a week dead, but I saw this and thought of the WC argument. Seems that someone will always be offended no matter what you do. Quote
wcmom Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 Unfortunately because Ed Dickey continued to write letters to the school about the show the colorguard director's contract was not renewed. The colorguard members are obviously extremely upset to lose their leader. Churchill has long been known to have one of the best colorguard programs in Texas and it is sad to lose Mike Sloan. Hopefully, it will not effect the competition level in the future, but I have my doubts. Quote
titancoaster Posted May 2, 2009 Posted May 2, 2009 ^wow, Im speechless, Mike Sloan is a genius and did wonderful things for the churchill band, it is sad to see him leave on such a sour note. Quote
bluebellbrass07 Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 To me seeing a marching show about mentally ill people is no different than seeing a movie about one...though I have a feeling NAMI probably hasn't done much to contact any big name film producers about similar issues. Oh well, sad to see such great talent leave from Churchill Quote
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