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Okay L.D. Bell has always put on a fantastic show. One show that I have listened to is "ConVergence: Five Works" by Samuel Barber. I was wondering if anyone knows what this show was about. What was the theatrical interpretation of this show. Like in The Quest it was about a journey.DUH. I would like to know what the meaning of this show and past shows that Bell has done. :blink:

Convergence didn't really have a theatrical theme like Bell's past few shows (05-08). The only real theme was the "convergence" of 5 Samuel Barber pieces.


I like that the V in ConVergence is capitalized indicating the Roman numeral for 5. It's the little finishing touches like that that make shows more than just something thrown on the field.

I like that the V in ConVergence is capitalized indicating the Roman numeral for 5. It's the little finishing touches like that that make shows more than just something thrown on the field.

So what should i do with this show


Did it by any chance have any references to V for Vendetta? Maybe the band director was a fan of the V comic books, and wanted to commemorate the movie that came out the following year.


Just an idea, I haven't seen the show.

Did it by any chance have any references to V for Vendetta? Maybe the band director was a fan of the V comic books, and wanted to commemorate the movie that came out the following year.


Just an idea, I haven't seen the show.


Lol, the show was done before that movie even came out. Theres not like some higher meaning to the show, its just 5 pieces by samuel barber converged into 1. If you look at the guard uniforms they upper half of the uniforms were the same design as the band jackets, so theres also two uniforms "converged" into 1

Lol, the show was done before that movie even came out.


I know. The comics, however came out in the 80's or 90's. And the movie makers announce the movies a few years in advance. I was thinking maybe, maybe it had something to do with the upcoming movie.

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