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Prelims Results:


Class AAAA:

Music - The Woodlands H.S.

Visual - The Woodlands H.S.

General Effect - James Bowie H.S.

Class AAAA:

1st Place - James Bowie H.S.

2nd Place - Brazoswood H.S.

3rd Place - The Woodlands H.S.


Class AAA:

Music - Cedar Park H.S.

Visual - Stephen F. Austin H.S.

General Effect - Stephen F. Austin H.S.

Class AAA:

1st Place - Stephen F. Austin H.S.

2nd Place - Cedar Park H.S.

3rd Place - Friendswood H.S.


Class AA:

Music - Catholic H.S.

Visual - Catholic H.S.

General Effect - Catholic H.S.

Class AA:

1st Place - Catholic H.S.


Class A:

Music - Hidalgo H.S.

Visual - Abbeville H.S.

General Effect - Abbeville H.S.

Class A:

1st Place - Hidalgo H.S.

2nd Place - Abbeville H.S.


Regional Finalists (Random Order):

The Woodlands

Cedar Park

James Bowie




Winston Churchill

Clear Brook

Stephen F. Austin

Glenda Dawson




- James Bowie wins Class AAAA.

- Brazoswood is second in Class AAAA with zero caption awards.

- The Woodlands takes two captions in Class AAAA; Ends up third in class.

- Glenda Dawson, sister school of Stephen F. Austin, makes Finals for first time.


Finals Schedule:


7:30 - Class A Exhibition: Hidalgo H.S., TX

7:45 - Friendswood H.S., TX

8:00 - Winston Churchill H.S., TX

8:15 - Dawson H.S., TX

8:30 - Lafayette H.S., LA

8:45 - Clear Brook H.S., TX

9:00 - The Woodlands H.S., TX

9:15 - Cedar Park H.S., TX

9:30 - James Bowie H.S., TX

9:45 - Stephen F. Austin H.S., TX

10:00 - Brazoswood H.S., TX

10:15 - Class AA Exhibition: Catholic H.S., LA


The first five Finalists to perform are considered in the bottom five, but perform in a random order. The last five Finalists to perform are considered in the top five, but perform in a random order as well.


Just got off the phone with my music writing buddy who is at the Pearland Regional. Here's what I was told:


- Many programs are clearly being affected by the Swine errrrrrrrrrrrrr.....The H1N1 Virus. Lots of holes in many shows.

- James Bowie seems to have the least amount of weaknesses. Solid all the way around.

- Almost all of the closers are extremely messy. Not to toot my own horn but....beep beep.

- Cedar Park likely to take Music tonight. If not, The Woodlands could take it.

Are we going to get reviews of bands

and what they are playing on the live blog from Houston?


sorry, we forgot about show titles. There is no Internet here so were using phones and it's hard to type much. Other venues will have better luck

I don't believe I will ever understand the BOA grading system.


Like I've said before, I don't think we'll be able to figure out Prelims results on our own because of the additional class. I can't wait to dissect the recaps on this one.


I was only able to catch the last two blocks, but that consisted of 7 of the 10 finalists, so I think I got my money's worth. Just a few notes from my point of view:


-The Woodlands probably had the one of most challenging shows of the day from what I saw, and still have a ways to go as far as cleaning goes. The show has a lot of potential though, with yet another brilliant and complex idea for a show. They are definitely setting themselves up well for a great run.


-Friendswood was very clean for this time of year. They didn't quite have as big as sound as some of the other finalists, but it was definitely a refined sound


-Churchill definitely threw me a curveball. Definitely the opposite of dark shows I'm used to seeing from Churchill. After last years criticism of their insanity show as offensive, it's almost as if they're making a statement with the blunt and straightforward title of Joy. Definitely enjoyed the show though.


-Stephen F. Austin. Clean, clean, clean as always. Opening statement was stunning! No surprise that they ended up winning in the end.


-Cedar Park seemed eerily similar to last year, maybe just toning the drill down a little bit. It amazes me that Cedar Park can create so much GE just through their drill and music alone. They don't need the fancy story line or props, as they let the music speak for itself. The trumpet solo (and later duet) into the huge chord was spine tingling. Such a solid sounding brass line. Obviously they'll be fine without Spicer.


It's been mentioned, but closers were definitely an issue today, but it did seem like most bands had the entire show on the field. The rain was off and on, but it didn't seem to phase the bands too much. It caused some fun for some of the guards though.


As for the finals results, it definitely seemed like the top 4 separated themselves for the rest of the pack, and it also seemed like all four were pretty even, no one taking more than one caption. CP didn't even take a caption and still managed 2nd. I'm curious to see the overall prelims results to see how much mixing up there was here. The new AAAA class definitely added a new point of interest, as it really kept us guessing going into finals.


The question is, can any of these four bands keep up with Bell and Marcus?


Overall, had a lot of fun today. Definitely a different experience being a spectator.





Like I've said before, I don't think we'll be able to figure out Prelims results on our own because of the additional class. I can't wait to dissect the recaps on this one.


Yeah, I'll definitely take a good look at them as well.

Posted (edited)

I was able to attend finals tonight, and I happened to miss Friendswood's show. I have to say that my two favorite shows would have to be The Woodlands and Clear Brook.


The Woodlands always has such complex shows! They have so much going on at one time, and they never seem to stop from start to finish.


My favorite show of the night has to go to Clear Brook. Very, very creative with their Repeat them. Having the announcer repeat their introduction and repeating the beginning of their show. I was distracted by their recorded intro, then realized what was going on. I'm pretty sure they had a great GE score.


It can only get better for all of the bands that performed tonight! I can't wait to see how they do in San Antonio and Grand Nationals for those that attend!!

Edited by jbroomas
Posted (edited)

I must say that Bowie has the BEST show they have ever put out, its a cool theme, and extremely hard. I believe fourth was a bit low, as was brazoswood, but oh well it all boils down to what the judges want to see


Oh and Danpod Dawson is Pearland's sister school not SFA's. SFA's is Willam B Travis

Edited by titancoaster
-Cedar Park seemed eerily similar to last year, maybe just toning the drill down a little bit. It amazes me that Cedar Park can create so much GE just through their drill and music alone. They don't need the fancy story line or props, as they let the music speak for itself. The trumpet solo (and later duet) into the huge chord was spine tingling. Such a solid sounding brass line. Obviously they'll be fine without Spicer.


I love you. Congrats to everybody who made finals!!!! It was a great day, and a great competition.

Dawson is the sister school of Pearland


Sorry about that. I guess I thought Dawson was somehow "related" to SFA since Agard left to become the Dawson director.

-Cedar Park seemed eerily similar to last year, maybe just toning the drill down a little bit. It amazes me that Cedar Park can create so much GE just through their drill and music alone. They don't need the fancy story line or props, as they let the music speak for itself. The trumpet solo (and later duet) into the huge chord was spine tingling. Such a solid sounding brass line. Obviously they'll be fine without Spicer.


I wouldn't underestimate Spicer's contribution to the program. 3/4 of the the CP ensemble are still his kids (he ran everything during marching season). Give it 2 or 3 years, and we'll see what Wessels and Chreste do with the band. It may begin to take on a totally different life all it's own.


Houston Recaps are up. Let's look at the numbers:


Prelims Top Ten:

1. Stephen F. Austin

2. James Bowie

3. Brazoswood

4. The Woodlands

5. Cedar Park

6. Friendswood

7. Lafayette

8. Winston Churchill

9. Cypress Falls

10. Clear Brook


11. Glenda Dawson

12. Pflugerville

13. Clear Lake


Interesting to note that Cypress Falls did make Finals but were unable to perform due to Homecoming on Saturday night. Therefore, each band behind them moves up and thus gives Glenda Dawson their first Regional Finals performance.


Stephen F. Austin won Prelims by 1.75 points. That is a massive margin, early season or late. However, they won Finals by only .2 points. That is somewhat unusual for a Regional in Texas.


Here is the placement differential from Prelims to Finals:


Stephen F. Austin: 0

Cedar Park: +3

The Woodlands: +1

James Bowie: -2

Clear Brook: +5

Friendswood: 0

Brazoswood: -4

Lafayette: -1

Winston Churchill: -1

Glenda Dawson: 0


I'll need to sit and ponder this for a little bit longer. I'm not really sure what to think of all the jumps and declines. Needless to say, the numbers suggest that the Houston Regional was crazier than a Mel Gibson rant. I'll be chiming on this more soon.


Vista Ridge and John Marshall placed surprisingly low at this competition (especially Vista, who came off of a very successful 2008 season) while Dekaney did surprisingly well (for a band that was making Div 2s and 3s until very recently) as well as Pflugerville (who came very close to making finals for their first time in BOA).


There's some more stuff I'd like to point out. It's actually pretty amazing how close these 2 judges can be who are judging the same caption from the same viewpoint (Music General Effect) when you look at the prelims recaps from a top down perspective:


Music GE Judge 1 ranking

(Music GE Judge 2)


(7) 1. Cedar Park

(8) 2. The Woodlands

(2) 3. SFA

(5) 4. Lafayette

(1) 5. James Bowie

(4) 6. Winston Churchill

(3) 7. Brazoswood

(6) 8. Cypress Falls

(9) 9. Friendswood

(14) 10. Pflugerville

(10) 11. Glenda Dawson

(13) 12. Clear Brook

(19) 13. Georgetown

(16) 14. Pearland

(17) 15. Edinburg

(11) 16. CTJ

(18) 17. Vista Ridge

(21) 18. John Marshall

(20) 19. Catholic

(12) 20. Clear Lake

(22) 21. Elkins

(15) 22. Dekaney

(26) 23. Hightower

(25) 24. Victoria Memorial

(24) 25. Hidalgo

(23) 26. Abbeville


There are a few large disparities (8 places for Clear Lake, 7 places for Dekaney and 6 places for Cedar Park, The Woodlands and Georgetown) but for the most part it's pretty consistent (Mean Judge Disparity: 2.92 places). It's far and away more consistent than UIL's system for same caption judges.


Even for judges judging similar captions from 2 different vantage points it's still pretty consistent:


Music Ensemble Performance ranking

(Music Individual Performance)


(2) 1. Cedar Park

(8) 2. Brazoswood

(6) 3. Winston Churchill

(3) 4. The Woodlands

(5) 5. SFA

(4) 6. James Bowie

(11) 7. Georgetown

(12) 8. Lafayette

(1) 9. Friendswood

(7) 10. Cypress Falls

(13) 11. Dawson

(10) 12. Pearland

(17) 13. Pflugerville

(13) 14. Clear Brook

(20) 15. Edinburg

(25) 16. Victoria Memorial

(21) 17. Hidalgo

(18) 18. Vista Ridge

(22) 19. John Marshall

(24) 20. Catholic

(15) 21. Elkins

(16) 22. Clear Lake

(23) 23. Hightower

(9) 24. Johnson

(19) 25. Dekaney 11.7

(26) 26. Abbeville 10.4


Average Judge Disparity: 3.81 places


The disparity is greater in this case (15 places for Johnson, 9 for Victoria Memorial, 8 for Friendswood and 6 for Brazoswood, Dekaney, Clear Lake and Elkins) but when you consider that the caption characteristics differ slightly and the judges are judging from 2 different places, it's understandable. Still, it's quite consistent.

Posted (edited)
Vista Ridge and John Marshall placed surprisingly low at this competition (especially Vista, who came off of a very successful 2008 season) while Dekaney did surprisingly well (for a band that was making Div 2s and 3s until very recently) as well as Pflugerville (who came very close to making finals for their first time in BOA).


This isn't Pflugerville's first time attending a BOA regional. They made finals at the Houston Regional in 1998 and if I'm not mistaken, they attended the 2000 Houston Regional and the 2004 San Antonio Super Regional.

Edited by Salas
Vista Ridge and John Marshall placed surprisingly low at this competition (especially Vista, who came off of a very successful 2008 season) while Dekaney did surprisingly well (for a band that was making Div 2s and 3s until very recently) as well as Pflugerville (who came very close to making finals for their first time in BOA).


I was surprised by John Marshall's placement too. I asked a few members how they thought they did a couple hours after they performed, and they felt they did pretty good. They are also having issues with people not passing. Sadly I can probably name the ones who aren't.

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