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So what do all the seniors feel about this being their last year as a high school marcher? I can't really say band because we've still got concert and some will go off to corp next summer and all that stuff. But I'm talking about the high school aspect - the football games, the contests, everything. Me...it's already starting to hit. I've realized this is my last year, my last show. It's really sad knowing that I won't go through this whole experience of marching band again. It's only going to be a couple more months and it's over. I'm trying to live it up the best I can. Get all those memories in now before college next year. Just something I was thinking about.

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I am actually really really sad! It just hit me too. I am gonna miss all the early morning practices and ESPECIALLY the football games...the rush of performing in front of thousands of people at games and contests...the people I have to leave...hopefully I will be in band in college so maybe the fun will continue...although I cant wait till May '06...its gonna be bittersweet...from being a freshman- scared, learning sets for the first time...to being a sophomore- knowing what to expect, teaching others a little...to being a junior- really knowing what to expect, teaching a lot...to being a SENIOR- knowing it will all end soon, taking every moment as it comes...Class of '06...THE BEST SENIOR CLASS EVER!!!!

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This is one of the reasons I liked being an underclassmen: you always have next year to look forward to. But now that I'm a senior I'll be leaving all the great stuff about high school band, and I'm really going to miss it (and I'm sure the BDs will miss me when it comes to organizing the percussion room :lol: ). I'm sure that when I do band in college (or drum corps, depending on how my audition for Revolution goes) I'll have even more great experiences, but none of it will be like what I'm doing right now.

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i think im ready for a big finish. i've had a great 4 years at my school and i figured, "hey... u did what u needed to do. its time for it to end." so im pretty at peace with this being my final year. yea, of course im gonna get all teary eyed at our last competition and everything but i accept that this is going to be my last year and it's a really good feeling.


this year is going to rock.

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  • 4 weeks later...

its slowly starting to set in...yesterday was my last arlington show....my last bus ride to a show....and i just thought back to all the fun i have had over the last 4 years....freshman yr-grand nationals....winning WGI nationals.. sophmore- 5 and 4th places at boa....and getting outstanding music...junior- 1st place at la joya...2nd place super regional....1st place prelims at UIL State. (wont go into details of finals...cuz im thinking about the happy times...lol :) )...percussion show with mike stevens (global impact) ..best percussion instructor ever....senior- (so far)...1st place boa houston...2nd place (kinda not to happy as a band) at arlington.....


im gona like hardcore cry at the retreat at super regionals...

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i have total mixed feelings. there are times when i am wicked happy about it, but this year we are doing so awesome and our show is doing well, and it is kinda sad. i know that my band is going to keep moving up, and it is a little sad to know that i wont be apart of it any more. i guess there really isnt anything that i can do about it tho, so im just going to enjoy the time that i have

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its slowly starting to set in...yesterday was my last arlington show....my last bus ride to a show....and i just thought back to all the fun i have had over the last 4 years....freshman yr-grand nationals....winning WGI nationals.. sophmore- 5 and 4th places at boa....and getting outstanding music...junior- 1st place at la joya...2nd place super regional....1st place prelims at UIL State. (wont go into details of finals...cuz im thinking about the happy times...lol :) )...percussion show with mike stevens (global impact) ..best percussion instructor ever....senior- (so far)...1st place boa houston...2nd place (kinda not to happy as a band) at arlington.....


im gona like hardcore cry at the retreat at super regionals...

That's the way I am...just counting down the days and remember contests and all that other stuff. It's really sad especially because if I do decide to do band in college it'll never be the same. I'm really gonna miss it.

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That's the way I am...just counting down the days and remember contests and all that other stuff.  It's really sad especially because if I do decide to do band in college it'll never be the same.  I'm really gonna miss it.

lol...yeah yesterday all the seniors were like "today is our last 4:20-6:50 reharsal....ever" and how arlington was our last out of city trip....stupid little things that dont mean anything to any1 but the seniors....*sigh* college band just wont be the same as h.s. band...lol

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