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I realize that many of you may not care but I thought that I would inform all of you who might. I'll only list the one class that has the most BOA GN attendees. The bolded bands are the ones participating in GN this year and I'm putting the class they will be in. Some of them, we won't know for sure until this weekend at the Indy Regs. For those bands, I'll put an * next to the class we believe they will be in. The more * you see, the more we are certain that they will be in that class. Enjoy :)


Class A (Our largest school class)

1. Avon (AAA/AAAA**)

2. Lawrence Central (AAA/AAAA**)

3. Center Grove (AAA*/AAAA)

4. Homestead

5. Ben Davis (AAAA)

6. Penn

7. Columbus North (AAA)

8. Snider

9. Goshen

*10. Lake Central (AAAA)


* Lake Central's placing was the biggest surprise of the night with many people believing they should have been top 5. But hey, what can you do about some crazy judging. I think we have all been there, done that. I personally believe they will be perfectly fine in BOA.


I often forget there are Indiana bands better than Ben Davis that don't do BOA.


And hey, quit trying to turn this into the BOA forum just because their forum keeps breaking! No one here cares about any bands other than Texas bands! :angry:



Ha! Just kidding Indiana, ya'll are welcome at this here site anytime now, y'hear?




Takigan, there are plenty of bands that don't do BOA that are just as good as the BOA bands. Same thing happens in your state too after all (see Duncanville). Homestead (my alma mater), hasn't placed outside of the top 4 at State finals since 1990 but doesn't ever do BOA events (oh how I wish they would). Just look at the results from last year.


2008 ISSMA State Finals


1) Lawrence Central (Finished 3rd at GN)

2) Avon (Claimed the Eagle at GN)

3) Carmel (Finished 5th at GN)

4) Homestead (Hasn't participated in BOA since GN in 93)

5) Lake Central (Finished 13th in Semi's at GN)

6) Penn (Will participate at the BOA Indy Regional this year. Last year they participated in BOA was 05)

7) Center Grove (Finished 15th in Semi's at GN)

8) Warren Central (Last participated in BOA in 04)

9) Castle (Only have done BOA Regionals the past two years but will return to GN this year. Missed state this year)

10) Ben Davis (Finished 10th at GN)


A lot can happen in two weeks. Ben Davis made the biggest turnaround and improvement and then reached GN. Plus, don't forget (and I'm sure you haven't) how James Bowie failed to make the one BOA finals but then made GN finals. It just goes to show how great the activity can be! :)


HA! I'm sure they would.


I also just thought that I would give the show titles for each of the "main" IN bands that will be competing at GN as well. Just in case anyone cared ;)



Show Title - comm-UNIFORM-ity

Rep - Symphony No. 1 - Samuel Barber, Symphony No. 2 - Samuel Barber


Ben Davis:

Show Title - The Silk Road

Rep - Music by Philip Glass, Shigeru Umebayashi, and Tan Dun



Show Title - Twisted: The Music of Bernard Herman

Rep - Vertigo, Psycho, Twisted Nerve, Fahrenheit 451, Cape Fear


Center Grove:

Show Title - Music Box Macabre

Rep - Danse Macabre - Camille Saint-Saens, Ice Dance - Danny Elfman, Pursuit from KA - Rene Dupere, Requiem - Giuseppe Verdi


Columbus North:

Show Title - The Heist

Rep - Original Music by Keith Burton and BJ Marks


Lake Central:

Show Title - The Journey Within...

Rep - "Conflict", "Chaos", "Reflection", "Redemption"


Lawrence Central:

Show Title - To Begin Again...

Rep - (Unknown)

do you have any idea if Ben Davis is doing the "Silk Road Ensemble" or what? Ben Davis and the Woodlands might have the same music if this is true... :/


This is the full Rep for Ben Davis.


Opening from Mishima (Philip Glass), House of Flying Daggers (Umebayashi), The Forbidden Kingdom (David Buckley), Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon (Tan Dun)


As for ISSMA, they don't release scores because their philosophy is that we should focus on the hard work and achievements of the band and students instead of the placement. Think of 2003 when BOA only announced the GN Champion (cause yeah...THAT went well haha). ISSMA only releases the placements at state. The band directors can tell their students the scores if they want, but they feel that the public does not need to know them and strictly forbids it believing it will take away from the activity. Some people do still find out scores anyway though. It is a system that works though for me. That's it in a nutshell. If you had other questions, please feel free to ask them. :)


ISSMA's judging is very similar to BOA's but their are differences. ISSMA uses 6 judges. 2 for music, 2 for Visual, 2 for GE (1 Mus GE and 1 Vis GE). The two music judges each have 20 points and are added together for a combined total of 40. The same goes for the GE judges. The visual judges however, each have 20 points but those two scores are averaged together. So each Category looks something like this:


Music - 40 points (1 Ind. Mus, 1 Ens Mus)

GE - 40 points (1 Mus Ge, 1 Vis GE)

Visual - 20 points (1 Ind. Vis, 1 Ens. Vis)


So really, music is 60% of the score (40 from music and 20 from the mus GE judge) and the other 40% from visual (20 points from averaged visual judges and 20 from the visual GE judge). All you would have to do to make it just like BOA would be to add one more Mus GE judge and average the music judges.


That makes sense I guess....though wasn't 2003 the year that Westfield beat Reagan by .05? I wonder what the crowd would've been in the scores were announced o.O


What's the "advancement" like in Indiana? All I've managed to gather was it goes from District > Region(?) > Semi State > State Finals...or something along those lines, lol.

  Mellophone77 said:
That makes sense I guess....though wasn't 2003 the year that Westfield beat Reagan by .05? I wonder what the crowd would've been in the scores were announced o.O


Yeah that's the year. But that was after a .2 penalty on Westfield so techinically they won by .25. There were a lot of really close scores that year. Between 3rd, 4th and 5th with a .05 between Carmel and Kennesaw Moutain and then another .05 with LD Bell. Then their was a tie for 7th between Kiski Area and Avon plus they were only .35 ahead of the 9th place band Center Grove. Then between 10th and 11th was a spread of .35 between Marian Catholic and Lawrence Central respectively. If scores had been announced, I'm sure some type of riot would have broken out haha.


  Mellophone77 said:
What's the "advancement" like in Indiana? All I've managed to gather was it goes from District > Region(?) > Semi State > State Finals...or something along those lines, lol.


I'll try to explain this as simply as possible heh.


Indiana has 4 classes. You have to remember that Indiana is a HECK of a lot smaller than TX. You could probably fit about four Indiana's inside of you (fatty :P ). Our classes go A,B,C,D and are classified by school size (9-12) with A being the largest and D being the smallest. Every class has a state finals every year as well (none of this every other year foolishness :rolleyes: ). The ISSMA process is as follows. Districts, Regionals, Semi-State (this was the second year we have had it), and then finally State Finals.


At Districts, bands only have to reach a certain score to move onto the next level. The score varies from class to class with D being a 52, C a 54 and B and A a 60. Scoring at or above this criteria earns you a Gold Rating and advances you to Regionals while a score lower earns you a Silver, Bronze or Participation. Their are 7 district sites throughout the state in which all classes participate at.


At Regionals, the ratings are given again in the form of Gold, Silver, etc but the points they have to earn have been bumped up by 10 (so A and B bands would have to earn a 70 instead of a 60 and so on). No matter what a band scores or their rating is , the top 10 bands in each class from each regional site moves onto semi state. Their are 4 Regional locations in the state. Two in the Northern half and two in the Southern part. This is where it may get a bit confusing. At one south and one north regional, you will have two classes compete there (it is always A/C, B/D) while at the other site the other two classes compete. This is to keep the size of the contest down so it doesn't run from like 7am to 11pm. This is often where we get a debate on which half is better (North bands or South Bands). So the top 10 North bands and South bands from each Regional in each class advance onto Semi-State.


At Semi-State, the top 20 in each class compete. No ratings are given. The top 10 advance in each class onto state. Each class gets their own Semi-State site so there are four altogether and are held around the Indy area so as to try to make it equal distance for all the bands to travel.


At State Finals, it's an all out brawl for the title! This is the only contest in which placings are given.


Whew. I feel like I need a glass of water now. :) I hope you learned a little bit more. If anything wasn't really clear, just let me know and I'll try my best to clear it up. That it in a nutshell. ^_^


I get it...thanks for explaining! That's always confused me. ^_^


About 2003, I didn't know Westfield had a penalty or that just about every band was seperated by .05 o.O That's crazy...I don't think there would be a riot but a lot of people would have been dissapointed....is .05 like a few people's roll step? :lol:


I'm jealous that Indiana gets state ever year...Each class at my school only gets one shot at state xD

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