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Grand Nationals Community Performances


The L.D. Bell Blue Raider Band will be having community performances on Friday, November 6th at 8:45PM, Saturday, November 7th at 8:30PM, Monday, November 9th at 8:45PM, and Tuesday, November 10th at 8:45PM.

The Tuesday evening performance will be in full


I was there tonight. Three of my friends and I got there at 7:30 to watch some of the rehearsal as well. It was amazing. I'm so glad I got to make it out there.

Posted (edited)
  lose2506 said:
Did anyone see this?



Yes, I went to all of the community performances. Their playing and visuals have improved greatly. When they did their final run thrus, you can tell they were a bit tired of the long practices but still sounded amazing. They are playing louder now. Also, they have added to their visual design. Overall, I expect them to do an amazing job at GN this week.

Edited by dtexas4444

^ Exactly right!


You could tell that they were tired after a long rehearsal. Between that and not having a warmup after the downtime to dress the performance wasn't at the level that it will be during GN Finals. However, it was still a great performance and I'm happy to have gotten to experience the show another time. And I really like the new entrance but want it to clean up before Finals.

  whitewing09 said:
Entrance as in Pre-show????? This might sound dumb... but did they fix that trumpet imbalance they had in Kingfishers at BOA SA?


No, it isn't a pre-show, though the synthesizer is holding a drone for a while before they actually begin. There's a voice-over that has to be heard, so they're waiting until after Dan finishes his announcement. Just as a teaser, imagine the most picturesque sunrise as it peaks over the horizon. Rays of light stretch out over the landscape, illuminating and warming the morning, and the world begins to awake. For me, this is what the new opening is all about.


If you're talking about the first portion of Kingfisher, that isn't an imbalance. It took me a few run-throughs to figure out that the trumpet melody is actually written out for a few bars before returning. The result is some transitional material that isn't quite clean enough to stand on its own (at least when paired with the visual demand). For me it's the only weak point in the music design, but the next section with the world percussion influences and Indian dancing totally makes up for it!


I will say that my personal favorite portions of the past few days were their music rehearsals. I've never heard a marching band pour so much emotion into their music. The phrasing across the ensemble is just impeccable when they're standing in concert arcs. I think the indoor environment and the adrenaline of GN will make this aspect of their performances even more poignant, so I'm psyched to see them (along with the other Texas bands!).

  whitewing09 said:
I was talking more towards the middle-endish part of Kingfishers idk how to explain it


That is exactly the part he is talking about. The middle-endish part of the first round of Kingfishers (the time they play it before the world dance part).

  whitewing09 said:
it was around 5:16 It actually does sound like an exposed part


Yeah, that's where the melody re-enters. What's wrong with the balance at that point? The trumpets are forcing their sound, and they aren't matching tone or volume, but the texture otherwise seems fine to me.

  aaron067 said:
Yeah, that's where the melody re-enters. What's wrong with the balance at that point? The trumpets are forcing their sound, and they aren't matching tone or volume, but the texture otherwise seems fine to me.


I think matching tone and volume is another term for "balancing"


I haven't heard them live since september, but on the san antonio recording they are way louder than the rest of the band almost everytime they play. I think it might just be the recording. But I would call it a balance problem


parents were at the communtiy performance, said it was much improved :)

Posted (edited)

It was definitely much improved. I think whitewing was referring to ensemble balance though, not section balance, which is what my volume comment was referring to.

Edited by aaron067

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