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Prelims -


1st - Navasota

2nd - Cameron Yoe

3rd - Santa Rosa






1st - Hendrickson

2nd - Waller






1st - Winston Churchill

2nd - James Bowie

3rd - Brazoswood



OUTSTANDING EFFECT - Winston Churchill


Finals -

1st - 80.95 - Winston Churchill HS, TX

2nd - 78.95 - James Bowie HS, TX

3rd - 77.60 - Cypress Falls HS, TX

4th - 76.60 - Stephen F. Austin HS, TX

5th - 76.45 - Brazoswood HS, TX

6th - 75.55 - Cedar Park HS, TX

7th - 72.75 - Hendrickson HS, TX

8th - 72.45 - Klein HS, TX

9th - 71.75 - Clear Brook HS, TX

10th - 70.35 - The Colony HS, TX


Outstanding Music Performance - Winston Churchill HS, TX

Outstanding Visual Performance - Winston Churchill HS, TX

Outstanding General Effect - Winston Churchill HS, TX

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Notice that SFA won two captions in prelims and wasn't listed in the top 3.


By their Finals performance time, we know that they placed somewhere in 6-10th in prelims.


How in the world does this happen?!??!?


They must have had an EXTREMELY low GE score and only BARELY won the two captions.

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i saw sfa's prelims performance. they were great, no question about it. but to me, it didn't have the usual sfa... "zing" to it... *ahem, play LOUDer* :) looked like their closer wasn't done, which probably explains the standstill performance for about a minute. i'm sure they'll bounce back and own up at san antonio, there's a lot of potential for those kids. i still like the profanation show the best though.


as for the other bands... brazoswood was LOUD and awesome... not as loud compared to willowridge though. they sure were a treat! saw WC's marching on the dvd preview, but couldn't hear anything b/c of too many ppl talking. great drill and color guard. cypress falls sure was a surprise. as one of the smaller 3A bands, they sounded great, and looked great so early in the season. just fix those darned speakers (finals performace)!! but great repertoire... poulan, saucedo, and higginbotham. i love seeing the underdogs do well, hope to see them in finals again at san antonio. james bowie had a cool show too. their music(barber) gave me a flashback of bell a couple years back. good stuff.


would have loved to see langham creek's "scv version" of scheherazade but they weren't there.


great showing for these tx bands. gl for the rest of the season!

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Some thoughts on yesterday's Houston Regional.



*Brazoswood placing in the top three going into Finals. I had them in the bottom half of the top 10. But, I'll give credit where it is due. They were one of the cleanest bands, musically, of the day. Visually, it was the complete opposite. Nice sound as usual though. IMO, a very underrated hornline. Intonation and clarity were all there. If Brazoswood can just work more on their visual design and colorguard, they will be a powerhouse band. No doubt about it. Brazoswood 2001 was just that.


*Surprise band of the night: Hendrickson HS. I was floored. They did show about building a house with the music inspired by Pachelbel's Canon in D. Music and marching were all there..impressive show design as well. If they keep this up, they will be a band to look out for here in Texas. A definite contender for the Texas UIL 4A State Championship, for sure. Congratulations Hendrickson!


Other thoughts:


*Cedar Park: Fine performance in Prelims. Very neat onfield introduction as well. Finals run seemed off though. Which could be a factor as to why dropped to sixth place, but it's okay. You're playing Respihi here!! Wonderful brass sound. But, was it me or did anyone else have trouble hearing the woodwinds throughout the entire show. Regardless, These kids can play.


Also, I hope the flute player that fell in the closer is okay. It looked like she hit the turf pretty hard. Nice recovery though. Looking forward to seeing the show in San Antonio. Wonderful arrangements of some ridiculously hard music. Respighi is NOT easy.


*Clear Brook: I really love the direction that this band is going in. Massive improvement since I saw them in high school in 2000. They did the Star of Indiana's show from 1992. Nice, strong sound. They pulled it off very well. Percussion, holy smokes. Did Jim Casella arrange the percussion book? The drum feature sounded like the Santa Clara Vanguard's in 2004. I love it. As for the space banners, it all ties together. You're minutes from NASA. Great job guys.


*Cypress Falls: Wonderful job on the recovery. Even with the electronic feedback and mic problems, it didn't stop them. They ignored the problems and focused on the playing and marching. Their music came from the best of three worlds: Key Poulan, Richard Saucedo & Mark Higginbotham. It was an interesting combination. Very cool line effect with the ribbons during the ballad. Nice GE moment. Colorguard delivered in Finals and added that extra 'umph'. Troyka must've been proud of your performance. Congratulations.


*James Bowie: Finals much much better than Prelims. To the mellophone and oboe soloists during Symphony No. 1 & 2 and Concerto for Violin, good for you! It gave me goosebumps. Whoa now, Second Essay was fantastic. The trumpets were going insane. It actually reminded me of Winston Churchill's 1998 show. Nice intonation and blend. Fine, fine, performance.


*Klein: When I saw them in Prelims, I knew this was going to the evening show. I'm a huge fan of Thomas Newman and they performed his music exceptionally well. Then again, Dick Clardy is their director. Nice drill design and pit work in the intro. I enjoyed it Klein!


*Stephen F. Austin, thank you for an emotional run in Finals. I felt it in the stands. SFA was in unfamiliar territory...performing third in Finals which meant that they placed in the bottom half of the Finalist bands in Prelims. And, they did not disappoint.


To SFA: You nailed the impact points and Medea was a lot more controlled in Finals. The music just clicked. Adagio for Strings left me on the verge of tears. It wasn't in your face loud, but it got the job done. I would like to see the band centered around the 50 during Adagio. I don't really get why they were out on the left side of the field. Anyways, if you heard the loud, "YEAH!!!" after the chord, that was yours truly. I wanted to scream some more after that, but I'm sure the whole crowd would have told me to shut up. :-) Thank you for the emotional moment.


As for the Angels, what can I say? What a classy group of ladies. The way they carry theirselves on the field is just undescribable. It's a breath of fresh air. Percussion was rockin' as usual. Holy smokes.


As the your band motto states, "Be Remembered". To me, you were remembered.


*The Colony: After years of absence from Finals, it looks like things are going in the right direction for The Colony. Not as strong as band from years past, but still a good showing. They did the music of Copland, Britten, Hindemith, Stravinky and Vivladi and blended them altogther. I liked it. To TC, keep working on the improvements and you'll be fine. Congratulations on advancing to Finals.


*Winston Churchill was ON in Prelims. Holy cow. The colorguard was ridiculous. I have never seen stuff like that in a marching band or even a drum corps show, ever. The "Just Do It" groove section with the guard feature was too cool. Too cool. The colorguard and drumline are centered on the 50-yard line with the guard doing ridiculous work, while a voiceover in the background is saying, "Do it, just do it..."


There was a huge buzz in the air after they performed. I haven't seen or heard a reaction like this for Winston Churchill in quite a while. It was great. The Finals run, not as strong as Prelims, but still worthy of a Regional title. Somewhat surprised that they swept all captions.


Musically, volume was an issue for me. I expected louder impact points and a full ensemble sound. That was a problem for me last year with WC also. The compositions are great though. It reminds me of the intensity from L.D. Bell 2000, and the eerie sound effects from Spring 2000 mixed together. Contrasting styles. It's great.

Once all is said and done, this is going to be one heck of a show. This show is HARD. No doubt about it. If they can nail it every single time, Churchill will be dangerous.


Congratulations Winston Churchill. Welcome back! You deserved the win.


On another note, Cedar Park, Brazoswood, Stephen F. Austin, James Bowie all did a 30-45 second standstill in their closers, and Churchill ended right after the ballad. They still have to put the closer on the field.


My Rankings - Actual Rankings

1. Winston Churchill HS - Winston Churchill HS

2. Stephen F. Austin HS - James Bowie HS

3. James Bowie HS - Cypress Falls HS

4. Cypress Falls HS - Stephen F. Austin HS

5. Brazoswood HS - Brazoswood HS

6. Cedar Park HS - Cedar Park HS

7. Hendrickson HS - Hendrickson HS

8. Clear Brook HS - Klein HS

9. Klein HS - Clear Brook HS

10. The Colony HS - The Colony HS






Brazoswood HS - Clute, Texas

'Icarus' by Key Poulan

Mvt. I: Daedalus

Mvt. II: With Wax and Feathers/Departure from Crete

Mvt. III: Too Close to the Sun


Cedar Park HS - Cedar Park, Texas

'From Many Comes One'

Feste Romane, Movement I-IV

Church Windows, Movement II

Saint Michael the Archangel and Belkis - Queen of Sheba, Mvt. IV

Orgiastic Dance


Clear Brook HS - Friendswood, Texas

'Summon the Heroes'

Star Spangled Overture

Amber Waves

Star Spangled Reprise


Cypress Falls - Houston, Texas

'Lines' Music by Key Poulan, Richard Sacuedo, Mark Higginbotham, and Shawn McAnear

Mvt. I: Blurring the Lines

Mvt. II: Toeing the Line

Mvt. III: Crossing the Line


Hendrickson HS - Pflugerville, Texas

'To Build A House' Music by Mark Waymire based on Pachelbel's Canon in D

Mvt. I: The Foundation

Mvt. II: Hammer and Nails

Mvt. III: Windows

Mvt. IV: Raise the Roof


James Bowie HS - Austin, Texas

'Essay' Music by Samuel Barber

Essay I: Symphony No. 1 & 2

Essay II: Concerto for Violin, Opus 14

Essay III: Second Essay for Orchestra


Klein HS - Klein, Texas

'Illusions' Music by Thomas Newman


Stephen F. Austin HS - Sugar Land, Texas

'Dance Symphony'

Grohg by Aaron Copland

Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber

Medea by Samuel Barber


The Colony HS - The Colony, Texas

'Spring: A Season of Change' Music by Britten, Copland, Hindemith, Stravinsky, Vivaldi


Winston Churchill HS - San Antonio, Texas

'E/FX - Extreme Effects' Music by Mark Higginbotham & John Pollard




I apologize if this wasn't into great detail. I tried the best I could. It was a long and hot day. The sun fried me! And, I ate way too much food. But, that's another discussion for another day. :-)

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As far as SFA goes, I heard that they were handed out a pretty hefty batch of penalties (peolple out of bounds, etc.). Don't quote me on that though.

I was told false information at the regional.


Stephen F. Austin received no penalties in Prelims & Finals.

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After looking at the recaps, I'm not really surprised by anything that I saw.


*Winston Churchill winning the General Effect caption by 2-3 points? Not surprised at all. They deserved it. GE was up the wazoo. Creativity, imagination, coordination between music and visual, continuity, and understanding the intent of the program were all there. Visual Ensemble and Music still need to be worked on, but the improvements will come along as they have success with the show. I'm looking forward to what Churchill has to offer in the coming weeks. The closer still needs to be put on to field! Extreme Effects is alive and well.


*Execution wise, Stephen F. Austin is fine. Placing first in Music & Visual in Prelims, and second in both captions in Finals. They were fine in General Effect Visual as well by placing third. General Effect Music was what hurt them. Eleventh in Prelims and eighth Place in Finals. I can see why.


At the Houston Regional, it seemed like judges were looking for shows with a complete thought. (IE: variety of effects, originality, musical staging and etc) With the commentary that they received on Saturday, there's no question that the design team will go back to the table and fix whatever problems they have. For me, the staging during the impact point of 'Adagio for Strings' needs to be fixed. There's almost a month to work on the show for the San Antonio Super Regional. That's plenty of time. Stephen F. Austin will be rockin'.

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would have loved to see langham creek's "scv version" of scheherazade but they weren't there.

I go TO langham.. and i was wondering how does people find out about our show.. when its not posted like anywhere lol.. and what school do u go to?... if you wanna see us well be in Alief in like 2 weeks at that contest

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I think prelims were pretty messed up... or something


I still dont know how SFA won 2 captions, and got 7th! 7th!!! thats like impossible in my book. Goes to show how much emphasis BOA puts on GE. I know I would be majorly TOed if won 2 captions and placed in the bottom half - but hey way to come from behind and make it all the way to top 4th


I think theres a lot more competition in the top half than there was last year


Huntsville 2004









Langham Creek


Clear Brook


alot of those bottom 5 bands were up in the top 5 this year.


Is Woodlands going to Super Regionals???

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I think theres a lot more competition in the top half than there was last year


Huntsville 2004









Langham Creek


Clear Brook


alot of those bottom 5 bands were up in the top 5 this year.


Is Woodlands going to Super Regionals???

I disagree.


I feel the competition in the top five was tougher last year. Not only did you have three Grand National Finalists in attendance, the point spread between the 2-5 spots was pretty small. 1.70 points. The spread this year surpassed that at 2.50.

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