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Bus Rides


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So...come on. We ALL have to go through them. We love them. We hate them. Talk to me about your fun bus rides (or maybe not so fun...) How the heck do you get good sleep? What do you do when the trumpet player behind you won't stop blasting Sublime? What do you do when you have to watch Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers yet again? What was your longest trip? Do you have any general, unspoken "rules"?


I've taken two obscenely long trips: one in 7th grade to Charleston, South Carolina, and one in 10th grade to Phoenix, Arizona. Both were about 22 hours. My goodness. On the S.C. one, I sat 3 to a seat with my two best friends almost the whole time. We even slept like that. It was insane. You should have seen the way the bus looked...stuff everywhere. I'm surprised no one got lost.

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Well, our concert bands (only mine, symphonic, performed) went to San Antonio in May for the DC Festival thing and not even 5 minutes on the road (we were barely on I-10!), one of the three charter buses broke down! It took an hour just to get it running all the way to Sealy, I think..it was so hilarious. Everyone made the best of it though, and we had a great time. As for away games during marching season, we always do like, a band icebreaker. I'm in student council, and we do what are called icebreakers--which is basically something to break the ice and loosen people up. Well, we always get bored and I think some people in the '04 class came up with a band version of the Wigolo icebreaker in Stuco, called "Gigolo". Of course it's uh, more mature, but we have so much fun making our band director squirm with embarassment....

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Hahahaha...that's pretty awesome. I'd never have the patience for it! And yeah...for the most part...what happens on band trips does stay there. Except when you take pictures of it. In which case you have evidence that can be used to embarrass people for years to come. ;)

For instance, when people fall asleep on the bus... in the seats, anyways. They're subject to anything, and you can get proof. I always lay out in the aisleways facing down so no one can draw on my face, or if I can't get an aisle bed I'll get down inbetween the back of the seat in front of mine and my seat. Bus sleep = best sleep ever.

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For all freshmen that might be reading this... one word...



Hahahahaha....oh man, that is SO true. I learned that the hard way. And whoever said they can always sleep after the competition...it's the same for me. I think it's cuz you're nervous...and that nervousness gives you weird energy. But then after the comp. you're like "Oh wait...I've been awake for 14 hours, in a heavy band uniform, running around in the hot sun and not getting much rest." and then you can finally just...sleep. On the way back from my first Houston regional I fell asleep and the chaperone later told me that people stepped all over me. I never noticed.

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I', pretty sure my trip was no way as bad as the 22 hour trip thing or the gaurd, but . We had To travel from harlingen to San antonio in my freshman year and all the busses were taken by the football team dance team and cheerleaders, so what did we get stuck with, you guessed it the yellow dogs. and no not the nice new Air condtioner ones the old ghettofied busses it really sucked.


P.S. I wasn't blasting Sublime it was soem nice IRON MAIDEN, and one of my Band Directors told me to tone it down a bit. but still the trip did suck.

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I bring my huge binder of dci dvds, and I watch them. I bring headphone splitters so I can edcuate and amaze the people around me. I love pulling out the dvds of when the directors marched and had extreme closeups, tons of laughs. And then there's, "oh look, there's me being a total badass!" ^_^ Good times.


When we're not doing that, we're busy yelling '06 repeatedly.

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Um yeah, on the guard bus where the toilet overflowed... it wasnt really that... a certain chaperone *cough cough* decided that it would be ok to dump a massive load in the bathroom. Yeah, the A/C did go out.... and some stupid people (that werent in guard, it was the pit bus too) decided that spraying tons of Axe and Old Spice would make it smell better... LAME. One of the guard girls started hyperventilating and none of the band directors believed us that it was really that bad so we were on it for 20 minutes... dying... haha. Then the bus driver said she had something to put in the toilet to make it not smell anymore, but when she got to the back she started throwing up, so everyone ran off the bus and a lot of us threw up. After that we were all crammed onto other busses, and directors/techs cars and stuff.


But this year on my charter bus there aren't very many people so pretty much all the upperclassmen get their own seats. It's bliss. :)

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Um yeah, on the guard bus where the toilet overflowed... it wasnt really that... a certain chaperone *cough cough* decided that it would be ok to dump a massive load in the bathroom. Yeah, the A/C did go out.... and some stupid people (that werent in guard, it was the pit bus too) decided that spraying tons of Axe and Old Spice would make it smell better... LAME. One of the guard girls started hyperventilating and none of the band directors believed us that it was really that bad so we were on it for 20 minutes... dying... haha. Then the bus driver said she had something to put in the toilet to make it not smell anymore, but when she got to the back she started throwing up, so everyone ran off the bus and a lot of us threw up. After that we were all crammed onto other busses, and directors/techs cars and stuff.


But this year on my charter bus there aren't very many people so pretty much all the upperclassmen get their own seats. It's bliss. :)

Oh that guard bus...thankfully I wasn't on it. But bus rides can definitely be fun. Long bus rides are even funner. Like when we went to Indianapolis/Chicago - like a 22-24 hour drive, around hour 18-20 you're getting pretty crazy and start doing dumb things and taking weird pics but's way hard to sleep on a charter bus unless you have a seat to yourself or you're on the floor.


Oh and the movies we watch...ok so our directors for some reason only let us watch G and PG movies (wow! I hope that changes but Disney movies are definitely great when you can sing the songs). Unless you have a retarded bus leader like I did last year when the ENTIRE bus wanted to watch Tarzan and she made us watch The Fox and the Hound. :wacko: I wish I were kidding but I'm not.

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around hour 18-20 you're getting pretty crazy and start doing dumb things and taking weird pics but's way hard to sleep on a charter bus unless you have a seat to yourself or you're on the floor.


THE FLOOR IS HEAVEN ON A CHARTER BUS. Man lay down (by trustworty people) and you and your mp3 player just have a ball. HEAVEN!!!

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I always sleep on the floor on charters. I personally think it's more comfortable than even having both seats to yourself because you can completely stretch out and the noise of the engine on the floor washes out everything else.

And it's effing warm.

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